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Looking for a singer

[Jan 21,2003 11:46pm - v1olenc3 ""]
We're called Invocation of Nehek, we're from Hartford, CT. we are looking for a singer, we are in mid recording for our cd/demo (basically all we have left to do is the vocals) if you're in the area or up for driving contact me at: invocationofnehek@v1olenc3.net

[Jan 22,2003 12:31am - xmikex ""]
i'm a singer. i'm looking for a band. i rule. it's a known fact.
[Jan 22,2003 1:09am - v1olenc3 ""]
you down for driving down here for practices???
[Jan 22,2003 11:10am - xmikex ""]
aim me XihatebreathingX, we'll talk.
[Jan 22,2003 4:05pm - RustedAngel ""]
in the same position i was in now mike? hahaha

distance sucks.

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