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live double pedal question

[Feb 26,2011 8:51am - jocko123  ""]
Have any of you had this issue? When I play my double pedal blast beats and everything in practice I am flawless and sound perfect with no timing errors or lag, but, when I play live all of a sudden there lag, and gallop and timing fuck ups and it throws you off to the point that you hate playing live simply because you know your double pedal technique will be off. It makes no sense. I practice 3 times a week for 8 years and the same 30 or so songs yet when we play live its a completely different story regardless of the layout of the room and stage. WTF...
[Feb 26,2011 8:58am - Alexecutioner ""]
What pedals are you using?
[Feb 26,2011 9:00am - jocko123  ""]
eliminators, pearl. They feel real comfortable and I have used them for about 5 years now. Never changed springs or anything...
[Feb 26,2011 9:01am - hurty  ""]
Sounds like stage fright. You're hopeless...retire immediately and post said foot pedals for sale on RTTP
[Feb 26,2011 9:09am - jocko123  ""]
This has always been an issue. Even years ago. Its like I am used to the sound and size of the room I am in and then all of a sudden I play somewhere else and the drums sound like shit. I am completely not frightful of the stage, lol. In-fact I am probably the only one in the band that isnt. The other guys arent either but sometimes slightly I can tell. It normal though. But my point is why does this happen.
[Feb 26,2011 9:17am - josh_hates_you ""]

jocko123 said:Have any of you had this issue?
no. When I play my double pedal blast beats
single foot blasts or you are a pussy and everything in practice I am flawless and sound perfect with no timing errors or lag,
shut the fuck up but, when I play live all of a sudden there lag, and gallop and timing fuck ups and it throws you off to the point that you hate playing live simply because you know your double pedal technique will be off.
clearly you are doing it wrong It makes no sense.
sure it does I practice 3 times a week for 8 years
that's a lot of practice dood and the same 30 or so songs
write a song about it yet when we play live its a completely different story regardless of the layout of the room and stage. WTF...
it's not the layout or the room or stage, it's you. it's all in your head. record yourself at practice and live. i hated those pearl pedals when i tried them. iron cobra gets the job done for me.
[Feb 26,2011 9:26am - Alexecutioner ""]
I'm not a big fan of chain drive pedals, that will definitely cause lag. But it sounds like its either stage fright or too much adrenaline causing you to lose focus
[Feb 26,2011 9:35am - josh_hates_you ""]
i only expirience lag on pedals with loose springs regardless of it being direct drive or chain drive. then again i have used the same iron cobra for like 10 years now and only have "guitar center expirience" with the axis pedals. tighten your springs all the way. it will cause the beater the snap back faster allowing you to step on it faster thus reducing lag.
[Feb 26,2011 9:35am - jocko123  ""]
I hate when throughout the day you listen to music knowing you have a show later that night and you keep getting minor adrenaline rushes and then when it comes time to play your body is tired like that weird feeling before a fight where you get overwhelmed and weak...Weird...
[Feb 26,2011 9:40am - josh_hates_you ""]

jocko123 said:I hate when throughout the day you listen to music knowing you have a show later that night and you keep getting minor adrenaline rushes and then when it comes time to play your body is tired like that weird feeling before a fight where you get overwhelmed and weak...Weird...

this sounds like your problem right here. relax. dont hype yourself up. get a massage and take a long bubble bath and smoke mad weed. a show is just like practice. only on stage with a pa and lights in front of people who paid to see you not fuck up.
[Feb 26,2011 10:22am - Alexecutioner ""]
Yea, definitely relax, go get laid, rob a bank, or get into a Mexican knife fight with a cock fighter named Julio. By the time you're done you'll forget all about playing shows.

Seriously tho, just calm down, and focus. Keep track of what you are doing and what areas of technique are off, make sure you don't get lazy
[Feb 26,2011 10:23am - Alexecutioner ""]
Smoking mad weed is definitely the way to go tho
[Feb 26,2011 10:25am - Mark_R ""]
Relax advice seconded.

Also, before you play on stage, do you warm up? Do you stretch your leg/calf muscles? If not I recommend it.

Overthinking might also play into it. When you're practicing and there's no pressure, you're not worried. When you're in front of people, especially strangers, you can't help but worry and think about every little thing. I think doing some warm ups will help quell the negative effect.
[Feb 26,2011 11:46am - aaron_michael ""]

josh_hates_you said:
jocko123 said:Have any of you had this issue?
no. When I play my double pedal blast beats

single foot blasts or you are a pussy and everything in practice I am flawless and sound perfect with no timing errors or lag,
shut the fuck up but, when I play live all of a sudden there lag, and gallop and timing fuck ups and it throws you off to the point that you hate playing live simply because you know your double pedal technique will be off.
clearly you are doing it wrong It makes no sense.
sure it does I practice 3 times a week for 8 years
that's a lot of practice dood and the same 30 or so songs
write a song about it yet when we play live its a completely different story regardless of the layout of the room and stage. WTF...
it's not the layout or the room or stage, it's you. it's all in your head. record yourself at practice and live. i hated those pearl pedals when i tried them. iron cobra gets the job done for me.

[Feb 26,2011 12:02pm - aaron_michael ""]

aaron_michael said:here's what you need to do to fix this problem:
Strap pedals to table.
Hit with hammer.

[Feb 26,2011 12:18pm - tramplethweak ""]

Alexecutioner said:Smoking mad weed is definitely the way to go tho
[Feb 26,2011 12:33pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
All of what josh said except that the double foot blast is the Grey Poupon of blasts.
[Feb 26,2011 12:34pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
If you can do it, that is.
[Feb 26,2011 12:36pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Also try drinking a pot of coffee and not eating first, that should help.
[Feb 26,2011 12:53pm - sinistas ""]
Sounds like you need some anti-anxiety meds.
[Feb 26,2011 3:28pm - blue ""]

tramplethweak said:
Alexecutioner said:Smoking mad weed is definitely the way to go tho

[Feb 26,2011 4:41pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Also try drinking a pot of coffee and not eating first, that should help.

[Feb 26,2011 7:04pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:
DestroyYouAlot said:Also try drinking a pot of coffee and not eating first, that should help.




[Feb 27,2011 4:21am - slar you morbid  ""]

Alexecutioner said:Smoking mad weed is definitely the way to go tho

First off; :point: this.

Secondly, sack up and get two bass drums if you cant deal with lag time, seriously. My two mismatched old and abused to fuck dw 5000s STILL feel a million times more balanced than the best double pedals ive ever played. Simply put, you can CNC the shit out of yer aircraft aluminum and whatnot but as long as you're kicking a huge drive shaft thru two universal joints with your left foot its not gonna feel the same. FACTBOMB
[Feb 27,2011 1:01pm - ouchdrummer ""]
ill tell ya what's really going on, you DONT actually play that way at practice. I'm not flat out saying that you're lying about what u can do, i think that when you practice that maybe u can't hear your kick enough, and that u convince yourself that ur doing it right because u can't hear that you're not doing it right. Stop trying to find excuses, there's nothing that changes live that would cause this, if it were stage fright then it would effect your playing as a whole, not just ur feet.

What u need to do is to practice the same speed double bass with a metranome, but not while ur doing the hand portion of the beat. That way you can focus on the strength and control of each individual foot. If your DB isnt tight live (Or any other time.) and u DONT do this, then you're just another metal drummer who thinks they can play above their abilities......... and they ruin bands.

don't be sensitive, don't get mad and defensive....b honest with urself and become a better drummer.

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