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somone sell me their OCD Full Tone

[Feb 24,2011 9:12am - AndrewBastard ""]
[Feb 24,2011 10:16am - BradsauceNLI  ""]
I could build you a clone of it you're interested....
[Feb 24,2011 10:18am - AndrewBastard ""]
really? would it be DEAD ON? i used one the other day and LOVED IT.

Im going on tour in the UK in April and dont want to bring my head so I was hunting for a killer pedal that would allow me to sound halfway decent no matter what piece of shit head I get stuck using on any given show...
[Feb 24,2011 10:25am - BradsauceNLI  ""]
They're great sounding boxes! And it'd be dead on, I know there's at least 4 "versions" that have minor differences, but I'm guessing the one you played was a V3 or V4. Only real difference would be the box it's in and the color of the knobs and shit. Just cosmetic crap.
[Feb 24,2011 10:46am - AndrewBastard ""]
thats totally fine! i'd almost rather have a custom box!

how much?

if you can make it ballsy, but nice and fluidy and high gain (I normally use an original 80's 5150 and want that nice saturated, tight, ballsy high gain sound)...

i'm psyched now!

[Feb 24,2011 11:31am - BradsauceNLI  ""]
Lemme get a price when I'm home later on. We might even be able to mod the circuit a bit to get it even closer to the sound you's lookin for.
[Feb 24,2011 11:42am - AndrewBastard ""]
that would be unbelieveable, Brad. I've had a secrect cash stash set aside for a few months now while I felt out pedals for this tour...but now I'm super psyched.

I really appreciate it!

We leave for tour on the 8th of April so I'd like to have it at least a few weeks in advance so I can tool around with it and feel it out and then I have to ship it to myself over there so it needs time to arrive.

[Feb 24,2011 8:27pm - AndrewBastard ""]
bump for brad
[Feb 24,2011 8:28pm - brian_dc ""]
love this pedal

excellent choice
[Feb 24,2011 8:45pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

AndrewBastard said: I've had a secrect cash stash set aside for a few months now

you enjoy being snowblind and have a secret cash stash? what are you Superman?
[Feb 24,2011 9:40pm - AndrewBastard ""]
[Feb 24,2011 9:41pm - Bradsauce ""]
Sorry dude, too much dinner. I can do it for $90 (as long as that's kosher), and I'm putting in an order for parts tomorrow, so you'll definitely have if way before you head out. Cool?
[Feb 25,2011 8:04am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

AndrewBastard said:YES. YES I AM.
mucho respectidado
[Feb 25,2011 9:35am - thesacnli  ""]
would something like this make it so that I could play guitar better?
[Feb 25,2011 10:28am - Randy_Marsh ""]
someone get this guy a feckin ocd pedal for da lova god [img]
[Feb 25,2011 10:58am - AndrewBastard ""]
bradsauce....ORDER AWAY. I got the dough in my stash. 90 s fine so long as youre not full of shit and itll be as good if not better than the real thing...i was gonna spend that on a used one anyway...keep me updated! And thank you...
[Feb 25,2011 10:59am - AndrewBastard ""]
i should have you mod my TS9 while youre at it hahah
[Feb 25,2011 11:33am - Bradsauce ""]
I am totally full of shit, but not about distortion boxes. Dude, I'll keep tweaking away on any box I build until my clients are happy. It's the only way to keep 'em coming back! I'd be pumped to mod that TS9. I've got a modded version I call the Doom Screamer that I've got really good responses about. You get my PM with my number and shit?
[Feb 25,2011 11:39am - markworkingrichards  ""]
Brad, do you have any videos or sound clips of mods you've done on TS9s? I've got a Maxon OD9 which I guess is the exact same thing as a TS9 that I wouldn't mind modded if it sounds suitable for my rig.
[Feb 25,2011 11:45am - AndrewBastard ""]
took me an hour to figure out how to check my PMs

but I just texted you...do you receive texts?
[Feb 25,2011 12:11pm - AndrewBastard ""]
yay...we are officially phone buddies
[Feb 25,2011 1:58pm - Bradsauce ""]
Phone buddies for life, khed.

Mark, I don't have anything recorded right now. Most of the time when I do mods, it's cuz someone's feeling kinda meh about the pedal in the first place. If the OD9 is doing something you like, I wouldn't bother spending the cash on a mod. If it's lacking in some way, like too compressed, not enough low end, etc. I can totally fix it up so you like it better.
[Feb 25,2011 2:44pm - markworkingrichards  ""]
Brad, some low end would definitely do the pedal some good. That's the only thing I don't like about it. How much would that run me?
[Feb 25,2011 2:47pm - Bradsauce ""]
$15. It'll take about an hour.
[Feb 25,2011 4:13pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Ha, deal. Let me know when you're free to do it.
[Feb 25,2011 4:15pm - AndrewBastard ""]
[Feb 25,2011 4:21pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
[Feb 25,2011 4:30pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
brad, this is probably a question for its own thread, but what other pedals do you make?
[Feb 25,2011 4:53pm - Bradsauce ""]
Hey Drew. I'll do anything analog (no reverbs or super complex delays), but dirt boxes are my favorite. Plus, custom boxes just plain look cool.
[Mar 28,2011 10:24am - AndrewBastard ""]
I wanted to give this dude Brad some props

The pedal he made me fucking KILLS IT. great, pro quality craftsmanship / killer tone, and just a great dude to work with. Totally down to earth, friendly and fair!

Getting my TS 9 modded when we get back from tour and I think he's building KPanzer a new DOD OD250

[Mar 28,2011 10:32am - The_Rooster ""]

AndrewBastard said:I wanted to give this dude Brad some props

The pedal he made me fucking KILLS IT. great, pro quality craftsmanship / killer tone, and just a great dude to work with. Totally down to earth, friendly and fair!

Getting my TS 9 modded when we get back from tour and I think he's building KPanzer a new DOD OD250



Hey, if you get a chance, post some pics of the pedal/guts. Love to check it out.
[Mar 28,2011 10:34am - The_Rooster ""]
Also... question for Bradsauce....

What's your take on running distortion pedals at 18v vs. 9v?

Been wondering if running my OCD at 18v would make it have less of a tonal footprint on my amp. I basically use it as a dirty boost, with the volume just over unity and the drive at around 9 o'clock, or less.
[Mar 28,2011 10:40am - Alexecutioner ""]
The pedal looked fucking killer, kind of made me wish i played guitar so i could have fancy gadgets like that haha.
[Mar 28,2011 10:41am - brian_dc ""]
I've used the 18v, 9v, and most recently 12v. I actually like the 12v best. 18v has an enormous harmonic range, but it was almost overkill for me...but this was after I got used to the 9v.

I used mine pretty much the same, though. High volume, almost no drive.
[Mar 28,2011 10:49am - AndrewBastard ""]
shitty pic from a cell phone....the schematics of the casing is to the right, obviously

[Mar 28,2011 10:50am - AndrewBastard ""]
High Pass / Low Pass switch on the top and a Buffer switch on the side...both make pretty big changes to the overall tone... I played with it for like an hour the other day before practice and totally love it.
[Mar 28,2011 11:16am - Bradsauce ""]
Lifetime warranty on the that bitch, too! @ The Rooster, I'd say it depends on the box. For bass, I like drive boxes at 18v. For guitar, usually I got for 9v. Like Brian said, the dynamic range goes WAY up at 18v, so your picking plays a much greater role in the depth of the distortion. Great for blues and rock, might not be the best for metal. Either way, give it a shot, see if you dig it. You just might want to check to make sure the device can handle the increased voltage. Some manufactures only use 16v caps, so you could blow up the box. And if you do, drop me a line, we'll fix it right up!
[Apr 10,2011 10:32pm - Martins ""]
Bradsauce, you think you could share the OCD schematic you used? Thinking I might build one of my own.
[Apr 11,2011 10:21am - Bradsauce ""]
Hell yes dude. Emaileded. You might want to try it out with the buffer, makes a smashing difference.
[Apr 11,2011 10:45am - The_Rooster ""]

are there any mods that you know of (to the Fulltone v4), that makes the HP mode a bit smoother, or slightly less of a treble boost?

I like the way it cuts, but with my JMP being an already bright and piercing amp, I find it's just too damn much.... If I could dial it back a hair, it'd be sweet.

Also... what's the deal with the buffer switch? How does that effect the character?
[Apr 11,2011 11:32am - Bradsauce ""]
Yeah, we can totally change that peak. The HP/LP switch just changes the corner frequency of the filter. We can change it to anything you like! As far as the buffer switch, it really depends on the amp. I added it to Andrew's so the pedal would respond the same way with whatever amp he used it with. In the end, with his 5150, it brought out the highs in a nice way and made the lows a bit fuller. But, more importantly, it'll always feel the same. PM me and well talk about it more if you like.
[Apr 11,2011 3:13pm - Martins ""]

Bradsauce said:Hell yes dude. Emaileded. You might want to try it out with the buffer, makes a smashing difference.

Was planning on the buffer anyway! Fuck true bypass

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