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[reaked]Radiohead - The King of Limbs (2011)

[Feb 23,2011 1:57pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
go nuts

The King of Limbs is the eighth studio album by English alternative rock band Radiohead, produced by Nigel Godrich. It was released on 18 February 2011 as a download in MP3 and WAV formats. It will be followed by a physical CD release in the UK on 28 March and a special "newspaper" edition on 9 May 2011.

The "newspaper" edition will contain two 10-inch vinyl records in a special record sleeve, many large sheets of artwork, 625 tiny pieces of artwork, a compact disc, and a colour piece of oxo-degradable plastic package. The album will be released by Ticker Tape in the United States, XL in the United Kingdom and Hostess Entertainment in Japan.

The album was announced on Radiohead's website on 14 February 2011, five days before release. The name of the album possibly refers to an oak tree in Wiltshire's Savernake Forest, thought to be 1,000 years old. The tree is a pollarded oak, referring to an ancient technique for harvesting timber for fencing and firewood. Though it does not feature on maps, the tree is said to be 3 miles (4.8 km) from Tottenham Court House, where Radiohead recorded part of their previous album In Rainbows. On 18 February, Radiohead's official blog published the first song from the album, "Lotus Flower", with an accompanying music video, followed by a post announcing the album was released. - Wikipedia

02."Morning Mr. Magpie"
03."Little By Little"
05."Lotus Flower"
07."Give up the Ghost"
[Feb 23,2011 2:07pm - reimroc ""]
theres a secret 9th track on the vinyl
[Feb 23,2011 2:12pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
There is a secret band sucks not interested
[Feb 23,2011 2:37pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
first impression, it's short, laid back even for radiohead, sounds amazing, and it's radiohead. it's like listening to radiohead in a dream.
[Feb 23,2011 2:53pm - Slag NLI  ""]

bobnomaamrooney said:There is a secret band sucks not interested

Cool story bro
[Feb 23,2011 2:53pm - BSV  ""]
[Feb 23,2011 5:20pm - arilliusbm ""]
Only pre ok compooter is rael
[Feb 23,2011 5:23pm - Slag NLI  ""]
Pablo Honey sucka da balls.
[Feb 23,2011 7:27pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
nothing is real about this band
[Feb 23,2011 10:02pm - fred williamson  ""]
I'll ask myself... I'll ask myself
[Feb 24,2011 5:37am - RustyPS ""]
link was removed
[Feb 24,2011 7:33am - Yeti ""]
Thom Yorke: They were old people's sunglasses.

Moltar: Really?

Thom Yorke: Yeah, you can buy them, you can buy them in Dallas airport.

Moltar: Cool.

Thom Yorke: Yeah, and you put them over normal sunglasses.

(Space Ghost enters the control room, holding a CD)

Space Ghost: Moltar, can you make me a hundred copies of this?

Moltar: What is it?

Space Ghost: It's the new Radiohead CD.

Thom Yorke: (stares at Space Ghost from Moltar's monitor)

Space Ghost: (to Moltar) That the guy from Radiohead?

Moltar: Yes.

Thom Yorke: Hello.

Space Ghost: Hey, how's it goin'?

Thom Yorke: (gives SG a "thumbs up" sign)

Space Ghost: Good. Moltar, we'll talk about it later. Hey! What's that? (walks over to a fancy projector-looking machine in the control room)

Moltar: Oh, that's a, uh... what is that? (Loud noise off camera) What!

(Space Ghost is holding Moltar in a head lock)

Space Ghost: (talking quietly to Moltar) Now you listen to me. I could go to jail in Mexico if Thom were to hear that I'm copying his CD. (glances over at Thom, who is watching them) Don't look at me! We're talkin' about dragons. (to Moltar) So you take Thom out to the set while I burn and verify these... (to Thom) these... dragons. (another loud noise as he releases Moltar)

Moltar: You don't know how to work it.

Space Ghost: Moltar, I have a giant brain, that is able to reduce any complex machine into a simple yes or no answer.

Moltar: Okay, but that's not the CD burner...

Space Ghost: (interrupting) Moltar... Yes.

Moltar: (pause) Alright. (walks away)

Thom Yorke: Thank you very very much, Space Ghost, for having me on your show.

Space Ghost: Sure, sure... wanna, wanna see how this works? (he presses a button, the projector machine fires a brief ray, then falls over, explodes and catches fire.)

Thom Yorke: (watches, slack-jawed)

Space Ghost: Twenty. Yes.

(On the set, Moltar walks up to Space Ghost's desk, talking in a lively DJ voice, with funky background music)

Moltar: Oh, yeah! Welcome to the Moltar Show!

Thom Yorke: Thank you very much, Moltar.

Moltar: Thank you very much, Thom Yorke, for sitting next to the man! Of the century! Oh yeah!

Thom Yorke: You're very self-assured, you're very much a 90's man.

Space Ghost: (off screen) Come on! (off screen explosion; music stops; )

(Cut to control room. Projector is still burning, flames are engulfing Space Ghost)

Space Ghost: No! No!

(Cut back to set)

Space Ghost: (off camera) No!

Moltar: That is fascinating! (music starts again) Thom Yorke, you are very very interesting, and very very perceptive!

Thom Yorke: Really..

Moltar: So interesting and so perceptive that I think we will now fight with knives. (a large medieval looking knife pops into his hand; the music changes to a hard rock electric guitar beat)

Zorak: (off camera) Yeah! To the death!

(The flaming projector flies by Space Ghost's desk, and crashes into Zorak's keyboard pod)

Space Ghost: (flies onto set) That thing wasn't a CD burner to begin with. (staring at Moltar holding a knife) What are you doing?

Moltar: (still doing DJ voice) I'm hosting the show!

Space Ghost: With that knife.

Moltar: (in normal voice) Uh... yes.

Space Ghost: Oh really.

Moltar: (clears his throat; knife is now gone. He resumes his DJ voice) Well hey, Thom asked me if he could see my knife, and Thom's doing a song about a knife, and he wanted to see what one looked like. Isn't that right, Thom? (knife reappears in his hand, followed by two guitar notes).

Space Ghost: (to Thom) Is that right?

Thom Yorke: No.

Space Ghost: 'Cause it sounds like a good idea. So do it.

Thom Yorke: (shaking his head) No. (laughs)

Space Ghost: Then I'll do it. (sings in low voice) I'm a kni-i-i-fe. Knifin' aro-o-o-und. Cut-cut-cut-cut-cut-cut-cut-cut-cut-cut... (walks back and forth on stage, making "cut" sounds)

Thom Yorke: Do you take those, those (motions with his hand)... intelligence drugs?

Space Ghost: (stops) I don't need intelligent drugs, Thom. Because I don't know what they are. Okay, Thom?

Thom Yorke: Yeah.

Space Ghost: But I will put anything into my mouth that is given to me. Whether it's supposed to go there or not. (sits down at his desk) Because... I'm different.

Thom Yorke: (stifles laughter)

Space Ghost: Is that clear with everyone?

Thom Yorke: Very.

Space Ghost: Just different.

Thom Yorke: That's because you're weird. (laughs)

Zorak: (off camera) Whatch y'all doin'?

Thom Yorke: (laughs)

Space Ghost: "Y'all"?

Zorak: Yeah.

Space Ghost: Where'd you learn to talk like that?

Zorak: Hattiesburg.

Space Ghost: What were you doing in Hattiesburg?

Zorak: Kickin' it.

Space Ghost: Oh really.

Zorak: Yep.

Space Ghost: Well, that's interesting.

Zorak: It is interesting.

Space Ghost: Thom, is that interesting?

Thom Yorke: No.

Space Ghost: See, Zorak? We're not interested.

Moltar: (from control room, in his DJ voice, with funky background music) Well, I happen to think that it's very very interesting!

Space Ghost: Moltar... it's over.

Moltar: (make lip buzz sound) Really?

Space Ghost: Yeah.

Moltar: Okay, oh, and your wife's on the phone.

Zorak: Your wife?! (laughs)

Space Ghost: I don't have a wife.

Moltar: She says she's your wife.

Space Ghost: Look, just tell this woman that she's crazy. Just because I'm famous and sexy doesn't mean that someone can just go and marry me the second I leave the room.

Zorak: What room?

Space Ghost: Look, listen everybody... (stands up) please? Listen to me. I have a hit song about a knife... and yes, I'm married. And that is why I want you to hang up right now.
[Feb 24,2011 9:38am - arkquimanthorn  ""]
hahahh...that episode has bjork on it too. best episode.
[Feb 24,2011 2:32pm - Kadooger  ""]
Thank god for Jawshy and Brad and No Maam Jannsen whatsyername. TRIPE, I SAY! TRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPE!
[Mar 6,2011 12:15am - Alx_Casket ""]
Poor Radiohead.

[Mar 6,2011 12:56am - LPCustom  ""]
I need to get this. Was gonna wait 'til the physical release but curiosity might get the best of me.
[Mar 6,2011 8:00pm - brian_dc ""]
You can pre-order the physical release, which comes with a download, or just get the download here:


Hasn't caught me like In Rainbows, did. Feels sort of like a transitional record. But there are definitely some standout tracks. "Little By Little", "Codex", and "Separator" in particular, for me.

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