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Yep he's CIA

[Feb 22,2011 9:52am - hauptpflucker ""]
Who didn't see this coming? Honestly, if you didn't you deserve to be shot. I mean the initial story read like a fucking spy movie...

[Feb 22,2011 9:55am - reimroc ""]
black ops is a dirty job but someones gotta do it
[Feb 22,2011 10:02am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
lol he's fucked
[Feb 22,2011 10:32am - Yeti ""]
[Feb 22,2011 10:45am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
fuck....well look forward to some sort of nuclear war in the next year if this goes bad. I bet we'll pay a huge sum to keep this quiet though
[Feb 22,2011 10:46am - arkquimanthorn  ""]
The CIA use the same people to infiltrate Muslim community groups IN THE U.S. to incite violent activism and sniff out would-be terrorists. Problem is it never works and your Homeland Security budget is wasted.

[Feb 22,2011 11:02am - arilliusbm ""]
^^^ love that graphic. I always rant about how that's not fair at all
[Feb 22,2011 11:03am - arilliusbm ""]
another CIA agent:

anderson cooper
[Feb 22,2011 11:07am - TheRidersofDoom ""]

they used it to destroy the black panther, and many communist groups.

Hell just look up the hay market affair, a long time before the cia but there are theories it was planned by the government to make anarchists look evil
[Feb 22,2011 11:09am - arilliusbm ""]
all that graphic does is prove that the military industrial complex is indeed real.
[Feb 22,2011 11:09am - BSV  ""]
HHS = Health and Human Services??
[Feb 22,2011 11:14am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:coolintel,bro
[Feb 22,2011 11:17am - arkquimanthorn  ""]
yep, that includes the center for disease control, the FDA, child support services, etc.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States...rtment_of_Health_and_Human_Services
[Feb 22,2011 11:18am - arkquimanthorn  ""]
my campaign platform in 2012 is switching defense with education, NASA, NSF and giving more love to energy and DOT.
[Feb 22,2011 11:34am - TheRidersofDoom ""]

arkquimanthorn said:my campaign platform in 2012 is switching defense with education, NASA, NSF and giving more love to energy and DOT.

sounds like socialism...commie!

but really, education is easily the best investment...in the long run...which is why all the old fucks in the house and senate don't give a fuck about it because they want a quick turn of the buck from their corporate backers.

The anarchist in me hates to say this but our country needs to walk the way of Norway, sweden, and other "socialized" democracies in giving full funding to kids who want to go to school.
[Feb 22,2011 11:45am - arilliusbm ""]
FDA is a fucking joke.

i'm voting for Ark 2012
[Feb 22,2011 11:54am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
An ARK/ARILLIUS Tyranical Dictatorship is in order at this time.
[Feb 22,2011 12:51pm - Yeti ""]
absolutely death to the FDA. there will never be any support for teachers and education, educated children won't grow up to be mindless consumers. oh wait...
[Feb 22,2011 12:52pm - Yeti ""]

arkquimanthorn said:my campaign platform in 2012 is switching defense with education, NASA, NSF and giving more love to energy and DOT.

definitely space exploration, though NASA is a fucking joke.
[Feb 22,2011 1:09pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
space exploration should be global, get all the weird scientists of the world on board...oh wait they already do that.
[Feb 22,2011 1:11pm - arilliusbm ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:space exploration should be global, get all the weird scientists of the world on board...oh wait they already do that.

NASA was all German scientists. We stole all of Hitler's top scientists lulz
[Feb 22,2011 1:18pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
The sad thing is that under capitalism space exploration will never be fully realized, too many rich dudes interested in raping the solar system of resources or setting up new nations.

Could you imagine if there was actually something to sell down in Antarctica, it would be a global war over the rights to it.
[Feb 22,2011 1:20pm - Boozegood ""]
[Feb 22,2011 1:22pm - Yeti ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:Could you imagine if there was actually something to sell down in Antarctica, it would be a global war over the rights to it.


[Feb 22,2011 1:53pm - lebarkski  ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:
arkquimanthorn said:my campaign platform in 2012 is switching defense with education, NASA, NSF and giving more love to energy and DOT.

sounds like socialism...commie!

but really, education is easily the best investment...in the long run...which is why all the old fucks in the house and senate don't give a fuck about it because they want a quick turn of the buck from their corporate backers.

The anarchist in me hates to say this but our country needs to walk the way of Norway, sweden, and other "socialized" democracies in giving full funding to kids who want to go to school.

socialism is an economic term, not political, and we live in a socialist democracy. the scandinavian method would work in some states but most people in this country just don't want to pay taxes, so there will never be a federal education mandate. but most americans owe everything to the progressives of the past hundred years. you know because you're a libertarian. i don't get libertarians, their utopia would be swallowed by a corporatocracy first.

a healthy, long-living, educated society is a government's best long-term investment, no shit. governments never do what's best in the long term. fuck, we're seeing reaganomics all over again now that the gop controls the house. expect to see this over the next economic cycle - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starve_the_beast
[Feb 22,2011 2:30pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]

lebarkski said:
TheRidersofDoom said:

socialism is an economic term, not political, and we live in a socialist democracy. the scandinavian method would work in some states but most people in this country just don't want to pay taxes, so there will never be a federal education mandate. but most americans owe everything to the progressives of the past hundred years. you know because you're a libertarian. i don't get libertarians, their utopia would be swallowed by a corporatocracy first.

a healthy, long-living, educated society is a government's best long-term investment, no shit. governments never do what's best in the long term. fuck, we're seeing reaganomics all over again now that the gop controls the house. expect to see this over the next economic cycle - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starve_the_beast

I said the libertarian in me, I am def not a real libertarian because I understand what an unregulated economy would be like and I understand the the gold standard is ridiculously outdated and would cause massive panic in the markets. I try to consider myself apolitical but I guess I fit in the box of Scientific Socialists (definitely not a Stalinist though) And we do not owe as much to the progressives as you think, it was more or less the labor movement, the unions, the strikes, and groups like the IWW, AFL, KofL, the alliance, etc. The Progressives just passed the legislation these groups championed, and the Progs were pretty fucked up too and did most of their shit under paternalistic urges rather than for the welfare of mankind. The progs were also very pro-corporate, as well as Teddy Roosevelt, who believe it or not never busted a single trust even though he bears the nickname.

I also agree that we live in a socialized democracy in that we have publicly funded social programs, but the fact is they don't go far enough and the money is often eaten up in bureaucratic paychecks rather than anything useful.

And Fuck Reagan, perfect example of why you don't let a movie actor run a government.

link will be bookmarked and checked later though i have a good idea what it is.

[Feb 22,2011 3:17pm - Yeti ""]
[Feb 22,2011 9:02pm - hauptpflucker ""]
ahh the onion and their endless humor
[Feb 23,2011 2:37am - douchebag_patrol ""]

[Feb 23,2011 4:38am - Boozegood ""]

Yeti said:
arkquimanthorn said:my campaign platform in 2012 is switching defense with education, NASA, NSF and giving more love to energy and DOT.

though NASA is a fucking joke.

Explain please.

NASA is more important for STEM publicity/promotion in America (and even around the world) than any other organization.
[Feb 23,2011 8:09am - hauptpflucker ""]
NASA was most important when they were well funded and doing high profile innovative things. Now they fascilitate the same low orbit taxi/glorified tech support and people are bored. Now that program is ending and no one sees anything within our technical grasp worth doing and I see little hope for Nasa getting the huge funding they need to do anything as gripping as a moon walk. Instead I think private sector companies will control the (at least immediate) future or american spaceflight. It will likely be a touristy thing and or the company may send simple ore haulers to their doom in search of hungry aliens with acid blood.
[Feb 23,2011 9:52am - SkinSandwich ""]
Manchurian Vagina
[Feb 23,2011 1:15pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
Vote Spoony for president so there can be Snark for all!
[Feb 23,2011 1:31pm - reimroc ""]

Woah!_Shut_It_Down! said:Vote Spoony for president so there can be Snark for all!

jesus you watch spoony too?

[Feb 23,2011 3:30pm - Boozegood ""]

hauptpflucker said:NASA was most important when they were well funded and doing high profile innovative things. Now they fascilitate the same low orbit taxi/glorified tech support and people are bored. Now that program is ending and no one sees anything within our technical grasp worth doing and I see little hope for Nasa getting the huge funding they need to do anything as gripping as a moon walk. Instead I think private sector companies will control the (at least immediate) future or american spaceflight. It will likely be a touristy thing and or the company may send simple ore haulers to their doom in search of hungry aliens with acid blood.

I agree, but in a different direction. The commercial take-over of low-orbit tourism, or even eventually lunar tourism, will free NASA to continue on scientific and exploratory endeavors. They will not have to waste resources on sending rich people into low-orbit and instead can concentrate on continuing the efforts for Mars. Also of course their research will be able to continue full force, in all aspects of science and engineering.
With the research going on across the world in places such as the LHC, if NASA was able to stretch it's arms and get funded to join up with all of these projects, wild wild shit would go down.
Alternatively, NASA could be used as a public figurehead to spark the imagination of this coming generation to instead of saying 'UGH I FUCKING HATE MATH AND SCIENCE WHEN AM I EVER GONNA USE IT!' they would start dreaming of working in those fields, along with engineering, like children during the space-race. Behind the scenes the NSF and NIH can slay some research as well, while NASA sparks peoples imaginations and makes them dream.

Well fuck, just let a much more cool and much more intelligent man say it much better than I:

[Feb 23,2011 3:37pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
wow, your enthusiasm is inspiring, but the ONLY reason the apollo missions existed and there was such popular support and budgetary support was the COLD WAR, and the economy was soaring because of the benefits the US reaped in WWII. NASA should be more engaged in world research projects (that's the only way to move forward) but the realities of the American capital machine and specifically the broken government is why education (especially STEM) has a backseat, why my high school couldn't afford paper and pencils, and why corporations looking for resources will be the first to colonize space, and not for scientific reasons.

if any government is going to colonize anything within the next 50 years, it will be a world coalition with China at the head.
[Feb 23,2011 3:38pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
not to say people like Tyson don't kick major ass.
[Feb 23,2011 3:41pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
as it is, NASA is engaged in hundreds of projects http://www.nasa.gov/missions/index.html
[Feb 23,2011 3:46pm - Boozegood ""]

arkquimanthorn said:wow, your enthusiasm is inspiring, but the ONLY reason the apollo missions existed and there was such popular support and budgetary support was the COLD WAR, and the economy was soaring because of the benefits the US reaped in WWII. NASA should be more engaged in world research projects (that's the only way to move forward) but the realities of the American capital machine and specifically the broken government is why education (especially STEM) has a backseat, why my high school couldn't afford paper and pencils, and why corporations looking for resources will be the first to colonize space, and not for scientific reasons.

if any government is going to colonize anything within the next 50 years, it will be a world coalition with China at the head.

This is very true, it is much more difficult now to get people behind projects, as the spirit of competition is not there (as it was during the cold war).
One of the big problems right now is that NASA is doing so much incredible shit right now, but no one promotes it. Understandably, as it is not very shock-and-awe cool, like a space race. The last highly-publicized thing I believe was the arsenic-based life a few months ago. And that started as 'NASA FIENDZ ALIUMZMMZ!' and gradually ended up confusing most people as to exactly what was found (or even if it was created), etc. etc.
Like Tyson said in the above video, choosing a succinct (and exciting goal) such as Mars, and going for it full-bore, is what NASA needs to do. It is such a huge project that (as is already happening) so many breakthroughs happen along the way that even naysayers can be placated with practical application of said advancements 'down here'.

This nigga is trying to get an internship at Goddard next summer.

[Feb 23,2011 3:52pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
awesome, good luck with that.

but yeah you're right, the arsenic-based lifeforms is one of the most important (exo)biological finds in the past 20 years, except most people don't really understand how it's significant, which leads back to the root issue - education $$$$$$$$$$$.
[Feb 23,2011 3:53pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
in b4 aril - NASA and USG need to release their extraterrestrial logs.
[Feb 23,2011 3:56pm - Boozegood ""]

arkquimanthorn said:awesome, good luck with that.

but yeah you're right, the arsenic-based lifeforms is one of the most important (exo)biological finds in the past 20 years, except most people don't really understand how it's significant, which leads back to the root issue - education $$$$$$$$$$$.

Yup, I don't mean to say education should take a backseat to anything. It's the most important thing ever in my opinion.
[Feb 23,2011 9:57pm - fred williamson  ""]
If you think about it all of those programs on the pie chart are government funded.
[Feb 23,2011 11:09pm - ark  ""]

fred%20williamson said:If you think about it all of those programs on the pie chart are government funded.

since it's a pie chart showing the government budget, yeah. good job.
[Feb 24,2011 6:03am - Boozegood ""]
To be fair, a gigantic chunk of that 'VA' pie-slice should overlap with the 'education' slice.
[Feb 24,2011 7:21am - Yeti ""]

Boozegood said:
Yeti said:
arkquimanthorn said:my campaign platform in 2012 is switching defense with education, NASA, NSF and giving more love to energy and DOT.

though NASA is a fucking joke.

Explain please.

NASA is more important for STEM publicity/promotion in America (and even around the world) than any other organization.

any point i could have made has already been said by your later posts, and that's what i was aiming at. what the organization has become, not the idea of it.
[Feb 24,2011 6:58pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
Well, to get this threat back on topic


he was giving out nuclear fissile material to da tali ban


‎"Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) is warning that the situation on the sub-continent has turned "grave" as it appears that open warfare is about to break out between Pakistan and the United States, The European Union Times reports."

I just got the chills
[Feb 24,2011 7:13pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
and the two "robbers" were ISI, paki secret service agents.
[Feb 24,2011 7:21pm - hauptpflucker ""]
seems to me the source of the article seems questionable... scary none-the-less... going to wait for some further info before totally freaking out though...
[Feb 24,2011 7:27pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]

hauptpflucker said:seems to me the source of the article seems questionable... scary none-the-less... going to wait for some further info before totally freaking out though...

all news sources are questionable

at least it's not a link from above top secret....which sometimes they scarily get news before the mainstream does.
[Feb 24,2011 9:50pm - Headbanging Man  ""]
Here's another story that expands on the brief Yahoo piece:


I don't know what to think, not having insider ISI/CIA perspective... If both these pieces are true, I see 3 possibilities:

- The past 10 years of US allegations of ISI/"Al Qaeda"-Taliban cooperation have been a smokescreen for the CIA's own AQ-T ops. Actual ISI officials involved were strictly working for CIA, not their own country/establishment.

- Musharraf, Zardari and the military leadership have successfully rooted out the entrenched elements of the ISI that were actually working with terrorists; of course, this would clash with the popular US myth that the ISI is uncontrollable by the political and military establishment.

- Those elements of ISI willing to play both sides and attack civilians have always existed, but the CIA/Wall St/State Dept have decided that this pawn has outlived its usefulness, and are now more concerned about controlling Paki nukes.

My guess would be something close to the 3rd option, of course providing this news isn't bullshit. After all, Daniel Pearl was killed whilst investigating connections between ISI and "Al Qaeda" before the CIA had really organized an operational presence in the area, and this story was NOT picked up by the MSM, which presented it as a strictly Judophobic act. Likewise, the Company and the Bush administration (including its "Congressional" 9/11 Commission) did all they could to cover for ISI after 9/11; that could be explained as part of the need to keep the story simple, but that wouldn't explain the billions in military aid simultaneously tossed Pakistan's way. Basically, it seems that US officials have been willing to criticize ISI for its methods and associations, except as applies to operations that have overlapped with CIA, in which case, these same officials bust out a double-dose of whitewash. It's bizarre to try to fathom what the real deeper relationship is, but obviously it wouldn't be the first time that a useful ally of the CIA turned into a target after a few decades of cooperation...
[Mar 17,2011 9:13am - hauptpflucker ""]
And he's acquitted after money changes hands!

[Mar 17,2011 9:47pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]

hauptpflucker said:And he's acquitted after money changes hands!


and the little bit about him being black ops disappears completely


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