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Need help finding a video

[Feb 14,2011 10:23pm - dertoxia ""]
There was a video a couple years ago that I'm pretty sure was posted here and I can't fucking find it.

It was from someones guitar instructional video. But it was overdubbed with hilarious shit talking about playing a billion notes a minute and knobs that kill half the planet. I can't remember who the guy was so I can't figure out a way to find the video.

I wanna say it was Joe Satriani but that's probably wrong.

There was also a video of him explaining his guitar rig which was also hilarious.

I just randomly though of these videos and wanted to show somebody but google doesn't fucking work if you cant remember anything about it to search for.

Help me RTTP, you're my only hope......
[Feb 14,2011 10:31pm - nekronaut ""]

[Feb 14,2011 10:32pm - nekronaut ""]
[Feb 14,2011 10:37pm - dertoxia ""]
Hah, not it but still fucking awesome
[Feb 14,2011 10:38pm - dertoxia ""]
If i remember correctly, i think in the video i'm talking about the guy has a very low pitch voice, possibly pitch shifted.

I'm probably gonna kick myself for not being able to find it once it gets figured out.
[Feb 14,2011 10:41pm - blue ""]
john petrucci psycho exercises, search that on youtube and youll find it
[Feb 14,2011 10:42pm - Mark_R ""]
The one where he talks about Malmsteen being his guitar tech is a sidesplitter
[Feb 14,2011 10:59pm - dertoxia ""]


"My guitars we're all painted by Michelangelo, I don't mean that guitar noob, i mean that guy who painted Jesus on that ceiling and stuff..."

Hahaha these are it, thx blue!
[Feb 14,2011 11:37pm - Jon Svc  ""]

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