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An Idiot Abroad

[Feb 14,2011 1:39pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
My new favorite show this year. Ricky Gervais sends his mentally challenged colleague around the world to intermingle with their culture as an elaborate practical joke.


Currently OnDemand for the Science channel.
[Feb 14,2011 2:02pm - ancient master  ""]
shits funny as hell...havent seen the 3rd one yet
[Feb 14,2011 2:04pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
"Why do they call this the great wall anyways? Its more like the Alright Wall of China"

[Feb 14,2011 2:05pm - the_reverend ""]
I don't really get it.
[Feb 14,2011 2:05pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

the_reverend said:I don't really get it.

did you watch the show or do you just not understand the premise?
[Feb 14,2011 2:28pm - the_reverend ""]
I put it on and it was just some guy being disgusted by things and then he calls gervais who just cackles unintelligibly on the phone.
[Feb 14,2011 2:29pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
you have to watch it from the beginning of the episode or else it doesnt make sense really. although you're probably better off just not bothering.
[Feb 14,2011 5:10pm - substitutecreature ""]
This show is hilarious
[Feb 14,2011 5:13pm - substitutecreature ""]
When they are eating the toads and he tries to distract them by yelling THE BABY'S CHOKING!
[Feb 14,2011 5:14pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i love when he tries breaking the sword over his head like the Kung Fu master and finally gives up after like 8 attempts.
[Feb 14,2011 6:37pm - Garth Algar  ""]
When that monk or whatever hurls the needle through the glass then Karl tries and nails the cameraman was so fucking hilarious. The monk shit was the best. "I don't know my own strength. I might really hurt this guy."
[Feb 14,2011 7:07pm - substitutecreature ""]
Also when the guys eating the fetus and the chicks eating the scorpions. Shit was disgusting
[Feb 14,2011 11:30pm - bitch_please ""]
Best show on tv right now. Karl Pilkington is fucking hilarious.
[Feb 14,2011 11:38pm - Jon Svc  ""]
[Feb 15,2011 12:00am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
watching the ricky gervais show and getting more of a background on Karl is making this show that much more amazing. wow.
[Feb 15,2011 12:16am - substitutecreature ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:watching the ricky gervais show and getting more of a background on Karl is making this show that much more amazing. wow.

Agreed. I love karl's diary on the ricky gervais show. Also, there's a new episode on demand where he goes to mexico. Definitely the best one yet.
[Feb 15,2011 12:29am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

substitutecreature said:
FuckIsMySignature said:watching the ricky gervais show and getting more of a background on Karl is making this show that much more amazing. wow.

Agreed. I love karl's diary on the ricky gervais show. Also, there's a new episode on demand where he goes to mexico. Definitely the best one yet.

you mean the episode where he spends his entire time in that country seriously looking for mexican jumping beans?
[Feb 15,2011 12:44am - substitutecreature ""]
Hahaha yea and he eats the tequila worm. And also when hes being chased by the fireworks
[Feb 29,2012 3:39pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Season 2 is a "Bucket List." They force Karl this time to choose from a list of 100 things other people want to do before they die. Further hilarity ensues.
[Feb 29,2012 3:48pm - dreadkill ""]
i enjoy this show as well as life's too short. gervais is good at making shows, although i could never get into the uk version of the office. british humor is hit or miss with me.

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