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Wed 2/16 - Waranimal, The Proselyte, Falls of Rauros - UFF, Portland Me

[show listing]  ___________________________________
[Feb 14,2011 1:16pm - nickreddy ""]
The Urban Farm Fermentory
200 Anderson St
Portland, Me 04103

http://www.myspace.com/waranimalsux - Wyld Stallyns on motorhead

The Proselyte

http://www.myspace.com/theproselyte - loud, awesome, beards, long hair, sweet vocal harmonies and all sorts of cool shit. You will be stoked.

Falls of Rauros
- from a land so dark not even light could escape. Black metal. Post rock. Folk.

There will be a cider bar in effect so you can try some of Eli's delicious cider ( it'll get you drunk!!)
Tip the man well.
party hard
Party again but harder
PLAY AIR GUITAR THE HARDEST ( headbanging too)

Urban Farm Fermentory
http://www.urbanfarmfermentory.com http://

[Feb 14,2011 1:30pm - Seanblitzkrieg ""]
looks like a kool show...can't go wrong with hard cider.

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