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It's a stretch, but I'll give it a shot: A Rally for my friend Chris who was murdered last year

[Feb 10,2011 11:25pm - immortal13 ""]
I doubt most of you would be willing to do this, but I figured I'd give it a shot anyway.

Some of you may remember a few days after Halloween of 2009 when I posted that a friend of mine had been murdered over an Ipod. Chris Vydfol, the victim, was trying to play peacemaker while a group of kids were confronting Corey Furgal, the murderer, when Furgal pulled out a knife, stabbed him in the chest, and fled the scene. Chris died a few hours later in the hospital (I've been friends with his older brother Steve for something like 8 years now). Witnesses, evidence, and everything have proved over and over that it was not self defense, he just allegedly pulled out the knife and went for the person standing closest to him, trying to hold true to his "tough guy" attitude.

There's a large group of Furgal's friends who are trying to hold a rally on Saturday from around 10-4 (like it's going to help anything anyway on a Saturday) to try to help him out and get a re-trial even though he's already been proved guilty and faces life in prison because these ignorant fucks won't admit that their friend is a scumbag piece of shit who deserves to rot in a cage for the rest of his pathetic life. So a few friends and I plan on showing up and crashing the party, and we're trying to get as many people as possible to show up in support of Chris and his family. If anyone on this forum is interested, please let me know on here, on facebook, whatever, and I'll give you the details as soon as I can.

In b4 cool story bro, etc.
[Feb 10,2011 11:29pm - Headbanging Man  ""]
[Feb 11,2011 8:19am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
a retrial for someone that was convicted?
[Feb 11,2011 8:56am - shut the fuck up  ""]
Cool story, bro.
[Feb 11,2011 9:18am - burnsy ""]
I believe it's called an appeal and while I sympathize for the loss of your friend, it is well within the defendant's rights to appeal, especially when he faces life in prison. Source: the long hard dick of the law.
[Feb 11,2011 9:39am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
I know steve, worked with him, shit sucks what happened.
[Feb 11,2011 10:34am - Yeti ""]
Dad, why does America have the best government in the world?

because of our endless appeal system.
[Feb 11,2011 1:02pm - immortal13 ""]
Sad but true I suppose.
[Mar 2,2011 8:45pm - TruthHurtz  ""]
There are a number of people responsible for chris vydfols death. Robbie brackett..."bat boy", the vydfol brothers, george bigwood just to name a few. If chris wasnt so fucked up that night (bac 2.2) maybe he wouldnt have been "holding" corey at the end of the driveway while a bunch of the other fucksticks could get numerous weapons. You guys wanna blame someone...blame yourselves.
[Mar 2,2011 9:52pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
oh snap
[Mar 2,2011 10:35pm - gay homo erotic  ""]
This thread is worthless and no one care about you or your stupid dead friend. By the way, COOL STORY BRO. Go fuck yourself and have some good gay sex with the murderer in prison, you can visit him for that. Now, anyone that post under me better post gay pictures of hot men having sex.
[Mar 3,2011 12:39am - Alx_Casket ""]
like this?

[Mar 3,2011 7:40am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]

TruthHurtz said:There are a number of people responsible for chris vydfols death. Robbie brackett..."bat boy", the vydfol brothers, george bigwood just to name a few. If chris wasnt so fucked up that night (bac 2.2) maybe he wouldnt have been "holding" corey at the end of the driveway while a bunch of the other fucksticks could get numerous weapons. You guys wanna blame someone...blame yourselves.

Do a testimony about it, witness.

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