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[Feb 10,2011 7:44am - Yeti ""]

[Feb 10,2011 7:55am - largefreakatzero ""]
Gee that's a shame. Stupid game, learn to play a real instrument.
[Feb 10,2011 8:22am - arilliusbm ""]
That's my same response, Largefreakatzero.
I've only played it once or twice and thought it was pretty lame
[Feb 10,2011 10:04am - arkquimanthorn  ""]
that image reminds me of one of my fav paintings, Tsar Ivan III killing his son. also good riddance to diddle hero.

[Feb 10,2011 10:08am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this may explain why a certain person i know was laid off from harmonix.
[Feb 10,2011 10:10am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i still maintain that guitar hero is a useful tool if approached correctly. it helped me with my hand-eye coordination so i can learn songs much easier by watching others play them on on real guitar. also hopefully it caused more kids to want to get into playing music rather than just video games.
[Feb 10,2011 10:11am - RustyPS should be working  ""]
I enjoyed playing it....oh well
[Feb 10,2011 10:26am - arkquimanthorn  ""]
yeah it did turn kids born in the 90's on to rock....but i still maintain that kids born in the 90's DON'T EXIST.
[Feb 10,2011 10:41am - Yeti ""]
kids born in the 90's are good for one thing. cannon fodder.
[Feb 10,2011 10:47am - i_am_not_me ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:this may explain why a certain person i know was laid off from harmonix.

Not really, Guitar Hero has had nothing to do with Harmonix since Rocks the 80's.
[Feb 10,2011 10:48am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ah i was not aware of that. which is why i was speculating
[Feb 10,2011 10:49am - i_am_not_me ""]
Why do you think Rock Band exists? Wouldn't make sense for the same company to have two competing franchises.
[Feb 10,2011 10:50am - Burnsy ""]
I am terrible at this game. At a friend's house once some kid was convinced that he could play guitar better than me even though he didn't play guitar. "Dude, it's the same thing."
[Feb 10,2011 10:53am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 10,2011 11:22am - pizza faced thrasher  ""]
hey now guitar hero lets me play out my fantasy of playing guitar in slayer via simon like interface. thats much easier than learning to play an actual guitar.
[Feb 10,2011 12:15pm - dreadkill ""]
they should've released guitar hero: spinny5. that would've been a hotter seller than metallica and van halen.

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