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man dies after being stabbed by a cock

[Feb 8,2011 7:27am - Yeti ""]

[Feb 8,2011 7:45am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
[Feb 8,2011 7:55am - Yeti ""]
i don't know what the hell happened to the link.
[Feb 8,2011 7:56am - Yeti ""]
oh. fixed.
[Feb 8,2011 10:08am - dreadkill ""]
cock a doodle die
[Feb 8,2011 10:08am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

dreadkill said:cock a doodle die

new composted song?
[Feb 8,2011 10:13am - immortal13 ""]
Only getting stabbed by your own cock is real.
[Feb 8,2011 10:40am - largefreakatzero ""]
Only landing on a cock is real.
[Feb 8,2011 10:41am - Alexecutioner ""]
"stabbed with a cock"

sounds like a Cannibal Corpse song
[Feb 8,2011 10:44am - Yeti ""]
i don't condone animal fighting, but i would start a cockfighting league. chickens/roosters have one use. food. might as well give them another reason to live.
[Feb 8,2011 10:46am - sixstringcarnage ""]
Sounds like a bunch of bromos creating a new song.
[Feb 8,2011 12:06pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
stabbed on a cock
stabbed on a cock
stabbed on a cock
murder cock

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