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The Troll Hunter

[Feb 6,2011 12:29am - Randy_Marsh ""]
This movie looks retarded but I'm going to watch it anyways.:moe:

[Feb 6,2011 1:38am - nekronaut ""]
Old news.
[Feb 6,2011 1:51am - the_reverend ""]
I think it looks awesome. Where the wild things attack.
[Jun 14,2011 8:34am - Alx_Casket ""]
Just saw this last night, cool movie. It was like "where the wild things are" mixed with "the blair witch." Trolls sniff out those with christian blood!!
[Jun 14,2011 8:47am - Mark R  ""]
Where playing?
[Jun 14,2011 9:04am - Alx_Casket ""]
My bedroom, last night only.
[Jun 14,2011 10:18am - notorious_d.u.g. ""]
this movie was great. finally getting released in US on dvd. watch it before the remake comes out.
[Jun 14,2011 5:43pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
good movie

cloverfield mixed with blair witch
[Jun 14,2011 9:05pm - ridahsofdizoom  ""]
coming to the salem mass movie theater sometime soon
[Aug 24,2011 10:32am - aaron_michael ""]
This comes out today, I may go pick it up when I get out of work.
Seems like there are a bunch of positive reviews already.

Those who've seen it, would you say it's worth buying without watching first?

[Aug 24,2011 10:34am - Alx_Casket ""]
I don't buy movies, my opinion is invalid.
[Aug 24,2011 10:36am - posbleak ""]
I'm thinking about getting the Blu-ray, movie's great.
[Aug 24,2011 11:09am - the_reverend ""]
movie looks so good.
[Aug 24,2011 12:19pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
it is.
[Aug 24,2011 12:20pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
idk why i thought this movie looked retarded as stated in previous poast. might have thought it would have been one of those big letdowns but ended up being really entertaining.
[Aug 24,2011 12:52pm - grizloch ""]
did they release a non-subtitled english language version,
the one I saw was in czech or hungarian or some other unibrow language.
Obviously, I can read, so my brain didn't melt or anything, just curious as to how that would have worked.
I imagine that they had Chuck and Martin Sheen overdub all the characters in their interpretations of
various disney characters' voices, ad libbing the majority of the script until the audio degenerated into
Chuck trying to perform an intervention on his pop, who he thinks has spent his life living a lie and is actually a troll disguised as a canvas bag full of potatoes.

please confirm/deny.
[Aug 24,2011 1:09pm - Alx_Casket ""]
The one I saw was overdubbed in Gaelic and it was about MOACs (Myatt-Obsessed Anonymous Cowards) hunting down renegade Liturgy members in Norway.
[Aug 24,2011 1:11pm - the_reverend ""]
I planned on turning the sound off and syncing good luck chuck with it.
[Aug 24,2011 2:49pm - The_Rooster ""]
good movie.
[Aug 24,2011 11:12pm - the_reverend ""]
watching now... got the sound working finally.
[Aug 24,2011 11:15pm - the_reverend ""]
1) he forgot his ax when h left in the night.
[Sep 17,2011 11:47pm - demondave ""]

Just watched this. Enjoyed immensely. Now I want to blare darkthrone at Purgatory chasm while Peter Beste takes photos

[Sep 17,2011 11:58pm - the_reverend ""]
Mix the 2 seamlessly or fails.
[Sep 18,2011 12:00am - frankovhell  ""]

grizloch said:did they release a non-subtitled english language version,
the one I saw was in czech or hungarian or some other unibrow language.
Obviously, I can read, so my brain didn't melt or anything, just curious as to how that would have worked.
I imagine that they had Chuck and Martin Sheen overdub all the characters in their interpretations of
various disney characters' voices, ad libbing the majority of the script until the audio degenerated into
Chuck trying to perform an intervention on his pop, who he thinks has spent his life living a lie and is actually a troll disguised as a canvas bag full of potatoes.

please confirm/deny.

Is it really that fucking difficult for your ignorant American ass to read subtitles? also its Norwegian, not Hungarian retard.
[Sep 19,2011 5:44pm - goatcatalyst ""]
readings for fags not americans
[Sep 19,2011 7:09pm - Grizlochnli  ""]

frankovhell said:
grizloch said:did they release a non-subtitled english language version,
the one I saw was in czech or hungarian or some other unibrow language.
Obviously, I can read, so my brain didn't melt or anything, just curious as to how that would have worked.
I imagine that they had Chuck and Martin Sheen overdub all the characters in their interpretations of
various disney characters' voices, ad libbing the majority of the script until the audio degenerated into
Chuck trying to perform an intervention on his pop, who he thinks has spent his life living a lie and is actually a troll disguised as a canvas bag full of potatoes.

please confirm/deny.

Is it really that fucking difficult for your ignorant American ass to read subtitles? also its Norwegian, not Hungarian retard.

[Sep 20,2011 5:53am - FAIL TROLL  ""]
[Sep 20,2011 10:19am - aaron_michael ""]
MST3K'd this movie last night and it was still awesome.
[Sep 25,2011 2:43pm - Doomkid ""]
This is on Netflix now!
[Oct 18,2011 10:50pm - nekronaut ""]
Watched the first half on Netflix last night.. Paused to see how much was left and it got pissed.

Movie is sooooo slow. I am not in any rush to finish it.
[Oct 18,2011 11:14pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
It gets better later on in the movie.
[Oct 19,2011 1:19pm - alexc nli  ""]
I thought this movie was highly entertaining. Definitely moves slowly until "TROLLLLLLLL!"
[Oct 19,2011 1:39pm - nekronautloggedin  ""]

alexc%20nli said:I thought this movie was highly entertaining. Definitely moves slowly until "TROLLLLLLLL!"

I laughed at that part.
[Nov 2,2011 2:10pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
watching this now. has potential.

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