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The Thing('82) appreciation

[Feb 5,2011 10:41am - aaron_michael ""]
A remake put out a year before I was born that was WAY ahead of it's time when it came to design, and animatronics.
By far one of my all-time top three movies ever.

and now hollywood is doing what they usually (shouldn't) do. prequel. ugh.

[Feb 5,2011 10:47am - mattvc ""]
Favorite Carpenter flick, hands down (despite being in band named after another one).
[Feb 5,2011 10:47am - BrianDBB ""]
This came out in 1957?
[Feb 5,2011 10:56am - SkinSandwich ""]
Superior movie. Anyone have windows acid?
[Feb 5,2011 11:31am - T.S. ""]
greatest horror/sci-fi movie ever!!
[Feb 5,2011 1:39pm -  ""]
In my top 10 period !
[Feb 5,2011 3:09pm - nekronautnli  ""]
This is how much I appreciate this movie. R.J. MacReady portrait FTW



[Feb 5,2011 3:10pm - nekronautnli  ""]
[Feb 5,2011 3:31pm -  ""]

nekronautnli said:This is how much I appreciate this movie. R.J. MacReady portrait FTW




wow now that is dedication !!
I'm not into tattoos , but those are among the coolest I've ever seen .

[Feb 5,2011 3:47pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Seriously, this is like the 20th Thing thread. Oh well. Top 5 for me as well.
[Feb 5,2011 11:36pm - scmfck  ""]
to me this is just one of the creepiest movies ever made.
[Feb 6,2011 12:33am - Randy_Marsh ""]
great flick. special effects are classic but that's an obvious cool story.
[Feb 6,2011 9:21am - Dankill  ""]
Easily one of my favorite movies EVER
[Feb 6,2011 9:38am - T.S. ""]

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