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[Feb 1,2011 3:00pm - KALIMah  ""]
Show this week? Unlikely. Snow/Ice issues. Next week will be ON LISTEN IN.
[Feb 1,2011 3:14pm - Shiva  ""]
That is such a bummer Kali Mah, I always look forward to your show. You need to develop more of a DJ personality tho, murmuring into the mic doesn't cut it.
[Feb 1,2011 3:17pm - kali_mah ""]
Thanx man, you are a great archetypal consort.
[Feb 1,2011 3:36pm - nekronaut ""]
I agree with Shiva, show rules but I couldn't hear you during the breaks.. Maybe it was due to the fact that I was streaming it on my phone but the Girl's Scout commercials were way more audible- DO NOT WANT
[Feb 1,2011 3:40pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Robotic surgery is fascinating
[Feb 1,2011 4:10pm - kali_mah ""]
Thanx dudes, I'll try to talk louder. You guys don't like the public service announcements? I'll do my own PSAs from now on. One of the other DJs loves to do PSAs about steroid abuse using a Sylvester Stallone voice.

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