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Grooveshark (fuck Pandora and their Ads)

[Jan 31,2011 10:33pm - dertoxia ""]

Can't remember where I found out about this site, but I searched for it and didn't see a thread about it here. Amazing site. Worlds better than Pandora. You can actually search for a band and get their entire discography (well maybe not entire, but most of it). You can make and save playlists also. I especially like how the radio function shows you the next song it's gonna play so you can skip it and it'll pull a new song until u get one you actually want to hear.

Oh the best part, no audio ads. It just has a banner ad down the right side. Lately I've noticed they've gotten some annoying full page ads a.la. myspace on the search page, but once you search for something the ad goes away.

If you've been frustrated with Pandora lately definitely check this out. They have a mobile app too but it's 10 bucks a month which is reasonable but a little much for me to bother with it.

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