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The Boston Globe's List of the Top 50 Scariest Horror Movies of All Time...

[Jan 28,2011 9:08pm - arilliusbm ""]


top 10:

10.) Audition (1999)
9.) Halloween (1978)
8.) Evil Dead 2 (1987)
7.) Dawn of the Dead (1978)
6.) Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
5.) Alien (1979)
4.) The Ring (2002)
3.) Rec (2007)
2.) Ju-on (2000)
1.) The Thing (1982)

Good to see Rec recognized... but top 10?
[Jan 28,2011 9:23pm - nekronaut ""]

arilliusbm said:

1.) The Thing (1982)

Yeah, boi!
[Jan 28,2011 9:39pm - narkybark ""]
I could see arguments for maybe half of those, Alien and Thing would def be on my list. I'm not even sure what I would say my Top 5 "scariest" movies were...
[Jan 28,2011 9:40pm - reimroc ""]
Half those movies aren't scary at all. Want to see a really scary movie? Go watch Brazilian Star Wars.
[Jan 28,2011 9:52pm - JDDomination ""]
For their times, Psycho and The Exorcist are probably the 2 scariest I can think of. People use to puke in the eisles when her head spun around.
[Jan 28,2011 9:59pm - reimroc ""]
Yea that was back then. Don't get me wrong though The Exorcist is still a very good and fairly disturbing movie. I've been so desensitized by the internet and viewings of bad Italian sequelsploitation movies that the only movie that really still urks me is Salo aka 180 Days of Sodom.
[Jan 28,2011 10:24pm - dreadkill ""]
Evil dead 2 is funny, not scary
[Jan 28,2011 10:40pm - late_rising ""]
"of all time" and the oldest top 10 movie is from 1978 ... and 3 of the top 10 are from 1978??
[Jan 28,2011 10:52pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Audition wasn't scary, it was just weird
[Jan 28,2011 11:00pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
I can't take this list seriously without The Exorcist being absent from the top ten.
[Jan 28,2011 11:48pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Seriously? Evil Dead 2?!?! No Shining?!?! I think Blair Witch should be there.
[Jan 29,2011 8:45am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
where's Monsters vs. Aliens?
[Jan 29,2011 8:58am - RustyPS ""]

the_taste_of_cigarettes said:Audition wasn't scary, it was just weird
[Jan 29,2011 9:04am - RustyPS ""]

MillenialKingdom said:I can't take this list seriously with the Blair Witch 2 on it at all (its #48).
[Jan 29,2011 9:10am - SkinSandwich ""]
[Jan 29,2011 9:15am - RustyPS ""]
for those that are curious and didn't click the link, The Shining is #11 and The Exorcist is #14
[Jan 29,2011 10:43am - aaron_michael ""]

arilliusbm said:4.) The Ring (2002)

[Jan 29,2011 10:58am - eyehatehippies ""]
List = fail
[Jan 29,2011 12:18pm - Yeti ""]
The Ring was fucking stupid, Ju-On was meh, and Audition wasn't scary. dopes.
[Jan 29,2011 3:34pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
i thought the ring was awesome
[Jan 29,2011 3:35pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
and Halloween is in my top 5 ...maybe top 3
[Jan 29,2011 6:47pm - noremorse  ""]
dude...how the fuck is the exorcist NOT in the top 3?
[Jan 29,2011 8:10pm - Blessed Offal  ""]
this list is as useless as an american in a non-english speaking country.
[Jan 29,2011 8:53pm - Alexecutioner ""]

fuck you boston globe, that movie sucked, no where near number two on that list. fuck!
[Jan 29,2011 9:48pm - Dankill  ""]
Meh, at least their #1 I can live with as a personal all-time favorite.
[Jan 31,2011 10:24am - aaron_michael ""]

AndrewBastard said:i thought the ring was awesome

I thought it was well done but no where near appropriate for a number 4 on anyones scary movie list.
It just might be my distaste for "boo factor" horror movies.
[Jan 31,2011 10:39am - Yeti ""]
whoa whoa wait....Blair Witch 2 is number 48? did they even watch it? that is one of the worst pieces of shit that i've ever seen. So unbelievably stupid and bad that i actually like it.
[Jan 31,2011 10:54am - goatcatalyst ""]
They probably gave "The Rite" a good review. Some people just love the taste of shit.

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