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To All Who Saw the Nick Berg Beheading...

[May 18,2004 1:35pm - RustedAngel ""]
check this out:


[May 18,2004 1:43pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[May 18,2004 1:44pm - morkul ""]
Kinda makes you think when you read it and start to analyze some things a little bit.
[May 18,2004 1:59pm - norwellbob ""]

Now that I've seen that, all this stuff must have happened on my back porch without my knowing, because I have FOUR of those chairs there!!!

Other similarities:
Both buildings have walls.
The Newtonian Principles of Gravity are effective on both tapes.

Well, the evidence is certainly piling up.

Conspiracy theories are gay.

"Our government is so inherently evil and power-crazed that they will go to enormous lengths, including murder, for PR purposes, but they're so stupid that the average dickbag sitting behind a keyboard all day can dissect their master plans." Please.
[May 18,2004 2:19pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:[img]

[May 18,2004 3:40pm - boobtoucher ""]
[May 18,2004 4:35pm - Dissector ""]
"It's really sad that we've become a people that think we know all the answers and second guess everyone. Leave the Armed Forces alone and let them do their job. My son's over there and I wish all you people with nothing else to do would get behind our government instead making our Nation look bad with all your bitching. It'd be pretty darn hard for anyone to fight for freedom knowing the people the're fighting for are so completely stupid and uncaring. Do something good or shut the hell up!"

Fuckin' right.
[May 18,2004 4:48pm - the_reverend ""]
the video looked disturbing, but fake.
[May 18,2004 4:54pm - tbone_r ""]
i found that article to be quite interesting
[May 18,2004 5:01pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
the_reverend said:the video looked disturbing, but fake.

I thought it was blurry and boring. So I didn't add it to my little collection.
[May 18,2004 5:03pm - morkul ""]
Dissector said:"It's really sad that we've become a people that think we know all the answers and second guess everyone. Leave the Armed Forces alone and let them do their job. My son's over there and I wish all you people with nothing else to do would get behind our government instead making our Nation look bad with all your bitching. It'd be pretty darn hard for anyone to fight for freedom knowing the people the're fighting for are so completely stupid and uncaring. Do something good or shut the hell up!"

Fuckin' right.

I am with you.
[May 18,2004 5:12pm - the_reverend ""]
my other thought was that if the CIA wanted to make some propaganda, they would have dropped some mustard gas or some other WMDs over there.
[May 18,2004 10:18pm - silky ""]
the lack of wmd's isn't even an issue anymore. we all know ther isn't any, and nothing has changed. I find the lack of blood in the video a little odd.
[May 19,2004 3:57am - whatweaponsbringwarjp ""]
Well i hope you realize that its not the people bitching about this that is making our nation look bad but its our goverment. If they didnt lie in the first place they wouldnt have to keep lying to cover the lies in the past and therefore would keep getting caught on their lies. I am a full supporter of our troups. I just dont believe in the goverments position on any of this shit.
[May 19,2004 4:04am - Pat Meebles  ""]
Berg was probably already dead when they cut his head off. First of all, He didn't struggle, or flinch, ever. Second, when cutting his head, no blood squirted anywhere. Something's fishy.
[May 19,2004 8:08am - succubus ""]
[May 19,2004 8:47am - the_reverend ""]
I liked the fact that the militants there keep touching and adjusting their masks.
[May 19,2004 8:51am - RustedAngel ""]
Pat Meebles said:Berg was probably already dead when they cut his head off. First of all, He didn't struggle, or flinch, ever. Second, when cutting his head, no blood squirted anywhere. Something's fishy.

yes, you hear screaming before the guys even done reading, and it doesn't sound like a very 'manly' scream... almost sounds like a teenager. at the same time if you look at bergs mouth, it doesn't open as he's supposivly screaming.
[May 19,2004 9:33am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
i just assumed the audio was out of sync with the video. like 90% of everything on the net. I saw 1 copy that was queued up right but it was still too blurry to be interesting.
[May 20,2004 4:31pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm getting spam about it now...

Terrorist mastermind Zarqawi has announced his name but hidden his face. The CIA has said it is indeed Zarqawi, but he appears to be reading his own speech from a paper.

The person holding the knife -- allegedly Zarqawi -- has a Black hood at the video's beginning, but there is an edit (the camera time signatures change) and the knifeholder is then wearing a WHITE hood (and no bulletproof vest).

You'll also find the following oddities in the heavily edited video, which was heavily edited, presumably in a lab or on a pc:

WM-----|-----Video Clock-----|-----Screen Shot
0:00 ---|--- nothing ---|-------Arabic letters
0:05 ---|--- 13:26:24 ---|--- Nick Berg speaking
0:09 ---|---- 2:18:33 ---|--- Nick Berg sitting
0:20 ---|---- 2:40:33 ---|--- Speech in Arabic
4:36 ---|---- 2:44:56 ---|--- Speaker pushes Berg over
4:38 ---|--- 13:45:48 ---|--- Decapitation begins
4:43 ---|--- 13:45:52 ---|--- Picture lost
4:44 ---|--- 13:45:59 ---|--- Picture returns, decapitation continues

So, if we are to assume the timestamps of the two (?) cameras are accurate, this means Berg was beheaded at 13:47:49 (1:47) but at 2:44, nearly an hour later, he is sitting with his head intact.

Zarqawi has also been reported to have an artificial leg; this is definitely not apparent in the video. Nor is his Jordanian accent, according to experts. Also note the gold ring on the "sinister" (toilet-using) hand -- a definite no-no for muslims.

Then there's US consulate Beth A. Payne's emails to Berg's family saying their son was in "US military custody" for 13 days:

April 1, 1:26 a.m. (To Michael Berg, Berg's father)
I have confirmed that your son, Nick, is being detained by the U.S. military in Mosul. He is safe. He was picked up approximately one week ago. We will try to obtain additional information regarding his detention and a contact person you can communicate with directly.

April 1, 5:23 a.m. (To Suzanne Berg, Berg's mother)
I have been able to confirm that your son is being detained by the U.S. military. I am attempting to identify a person with the U.S. military or FBI here in Iraq who you can contact directly with your questions.

And, according to CNN, Berg himself had contacted a friend -- Chilean reporter Hugo Infante -- saying he was in US custody:

The US Administration denies this, saying he was in Mosul Iraqi police custody, BUT "...police chief Maj. Gen. Mohammed Khair al-Barhawi in Mosul insisted his department had never arrested Berg and said he had no knowledge of the case. ''The Iraqi police never arrested the slain American,'' al-Barhawi told reporters. ''Take it from me ... that such reports are baseless.''

And of course there are the American orange prisoner jumpsuit and white plastic chair and yellow walls which appear in the video -- exactly as they do at Abu Ghraib, the now-notorious site of the American torture of Iraqi POWs:

Next, the hosting website was reported to be in Malaysia, but was discovered to actually located in London:

Says Jackblood.com, which ran a trace:
"...www.al-asnar.net and www.al-asnar.biz have apparently been disabled by 'authorities.' ...the publishers for these sites are located in London, England and Nurnberg, Denmark.

"The addresses began to disappear from the internet listings as we reported this development on The Power Hour Radio Show. Apparently, "Big Brother"; had been listening to the show and didn't like the news at all. The location of the publishers for al-ansar.net appears to be at an Arab Press Building, which appears to be shared by different Arab newspublications. The name of the organization is the Arab Press House. Thebuilding is apparently the headquarters for news magazines such as, AlJamilla, Sayidaty, and Al Majallah among others.

The London address is the following:
Arab Press House
Abdel Rahman al-Rashed
184 High Holborn, WCIV78P, London
tel. 020 78318181

The other address is located in Nurnberg, Denmark. It apparently belongs to a man named Omar AbuOmar. His email address is:alansar_alansar@hotmail.com .

The complete mailing address is the following:
Omar AbuOmar
New Dream St. 33
Nurnberg, Denmark, 42114
Phone: +965.15441211
Email: alansar_alansar@hotmail.com

...these same websites (www.al-asnar.net and www.al-asnar.biz) were the ones that posted the latest Bin Laden audio recording, weeks ago. Despite knowing the website addresses, and potentially the addresses of their respective publishers, the CIA, the FBI, and the Department of Homeland Security did not make any apparent efforts to monitor the websites for uploaded files or internet traffic. Therefore, no arrests were made."

Next, the AK-47 carried by one of the men is a "Gilal" -- an Israeli weapon that improves on the AK- 47. Feyadeen and other insurgents almost universally use AK-47s. The man in the left of the video is standing in the American military stance known as "parade rest", and several of the apparent terrorists are wearing white tennis shoes ad bulletproof vests.

At frame 13:46:27, there is an edit and a person with a white ear and a green cap is seen entering from the right. Then the video is re-edited.

Matt Drudge reports that "The statement in the video was signed off with Zarqawi's name and dated 11 May" , but Berg's body was reported found on May 10th -- the day before the video was apparently made!

Pay attention. This one is definitely a setup.
[May 20,2004 4:56pm - intricateprocess ""]
hmmmm, all this crap is crazy

note to the people about the blood.......when i watched it i CLEARLY saw a pool of blood on the ground at bergs head during the sawing......why no one else saw that....i dunno

second.........berg was in iraq for a while.........so the reason he could possibly be screaming before they start decapitating him is because he may have picked up on some of the words they were saying

im not jumping to conclusions on weather this is real or fake, just thought id ad some points

oh, and the whole "white plastic chair,and yellow walls". come on.......like there isnt ONE other place in iraq,afghanistan....or where ever else this was filmed that didnt have the walls painted yellow or have a plastic chair..........but it is interesting some one picked up on that
[May 20,2004 5:06pm - JellyFish ""]
The video I saw was rather clear and you could see the blood but he was not moving whatsoever. I dont know how to feel about this. Its fucked either way
[May 20,2004 5:16pm - morkul ""]
Berg did in-fact speak some Arabic. Poorly though, he could speak it. He went there looking for work so he had to of known atleast enough for his job as well as what he may have picked up while he was there. So I think it is safe to say that if all of this comes out to be true or whatever, that it's likely he did understand what was about to happen to him.
[May 20,2004 6:37pm - BornSoVile ""]
this thread is pissah!
[May 21,2004 10:43am - the_reverend ""]
they're arresting people...

so it must be true.
[May 21,2004 1:39pm - Thee Mighty 1  ""]
Yo Fuck that shit niggaz we gotta take them niggaz out! I got mad USA pride, thats why MY band covers Rage Against The Machine! I seen them with the US flag before and I knew we had ta cover that shit! So lets rock out at the next MASTAMINDZ show for my niggaz in the Marines and Coast Guard and shit. Fuck The Mighty One was in the National Guard so yall know Im down!
Support the USA and MY band at www.MASTAMINDZ.com
[May 21,2004 3:58pm - retzam ""]
I didn't see the video, cause frankly, I'm not big on snuff films *snicker*, but all this is very intriguing, and people have to stop denying that a US setup is possible, because it really is. However, I also wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be Arabs flawing their speech and making purposeful mistakes so people would pick up on it so this would happen.

But right now, what with the fat white dudes in the video and all, it is certainly looking bad for the US. Another thing that crossed my mind while reading all this is that it might not be something that the government as a unit choose to do; it might instead just be 5 people acting independently.
[May 21,2004 4:27pm - RustedAngel ""]
when there was screaming, HIS MOUTH DIDN'T MOVE.
[May 21,2004 5:45pm - retzam ""]
I doubt he was alive at any point in the tape, but that is all I am sure about so far.

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