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Motorhead on Conan O'Brian tonight, lulz....

[Jan 26,2011 7:58pm - SkinSandwich ""]
This should be fun. :nuke:
[Jan 26,2011 8:05pm - Headbanging Man  ""]
Good for Cone-head! Wasn't Motorhead on Letterman back when he was on at 12:30??
[Jan 26,2011 8:08pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Don't remember. Never really watch Letterman.
[Jan 26,2011 8:26pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Glad I'm home for this tonight.
[Jan 26,2011 8:29pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Jan 26,2011 9:10pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
my prediction:

it sounds like garbage, all drums and vocals or all guitar and vocals
Live TV engineers are still deaf, it's like they're all from the 1950's and use one mic for all the instruments
[Jan 27,2011 12:26pm - Blessed Offal  ""]
how was it?
[Jan 27,2011 12:31pm - reimroc ""]
conan better plug lemmy's cameo in the new toxie movie
[Jan 27,2011 12:35pm - Blessed Offal  ""]
his mole becomes self-aware and forces him to kill so that it can feed to make itself grow or chinatown.
[Jan 27,2011 4:04pm - eddnli  ""]

Blessed%20Offal said:his mole becomes self-aware and forces him to kill so that it can feed to make itself grow or chinatown.

He had his moles removed sometime ago.
[Jan 27,2011 8:40pm - Blessed Offal  ""]
it outgrew him.
[Jan 27,2011 8:44pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
i thought conan did a ritual?
[Jan 27,2011 8:50pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
it sounded ok, typical Motorhead song. Lemmy the Movie comes out soon on DVD/BluRay
[Jan 28,2011 11:27am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

[Jan 28,2011 1:12pm - Jonahathome  ""]
sounds like fucking motorhead!
[Jan 28,2011 1:31pm - Blessed Offal  ""]
if I may go slightly off topic for a moment, Motorhead on the Young Ones was one of the greatest moments in TV evar.
[Jan 28,2011 1:38pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
this may be off topic but SHUTUP, STUPID
[Jan 28,2011 2:12pm - Blessed Offal  ""]
Im in the space right now playing your guitar.
[Jan 28,2011 2:12pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
are not. Cuz i am
[Jan 28,2011 2:38pm - Blessed Offal  ""]
look at the times on yours and my last posts. Elite coincidence? I think not.
[Jan 28,2011 3:16pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
hahah holy shit. Also: Seth puke!
[Jan 28,2011 3:32pm - thirdknuckle ""]
on Jimmy Kimmel March 2nd
[Jan 30,2011 6:00pm - Josh Cunt  ""]
re: Phil's guitar,
Man, I miss my Destroyer
[Jan 30,2011 6:02pm - nekronaut ""]

AndrewBastard said:hahah holy shit. Also: Seth puke!

Hahaha that was so gross.
[Jan 30,2011 6:05pm - NuclearWinter ""]

AndrewBastard said:hahah holy shit. Also: Seth puke!

Totally sat in that Friday. Doesn't help that I never wash my pants.
[Jan 30,2011 6:06pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Now might be a good time to start.

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