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RIP Matt Davis (Faces of Bayon drummer)

[Jan 26,2011 12:44am - ronofthedead ""]
Our drummer and good friend Matt Davis died Sunday. Matt S and I miss him greatly and hope that he finally found the peace he was looking for.

[Jan 26,2011 12:45am - arilliusbm ""]
Really??? RIP
[Jan 26,2011 12:45am - ronofthedead ""]
Yeah, we just found out tonight.
[Jan 26,2011 12:46am - arilliusbm ""]
I'm sorry man. Tragic..
[Jan 26,2011 12:47am - ronofthedead ""]
Thanks, I don't think it's really hit me yet.
[Jan 26,2011 12:51am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
WTF what happened? Or is it too personal?
[Jan 26,2011 12:52am - nekronaut ""]
Sorry to hear, stay strong. RIP
[Jan 26,2011 12:53am - boblovesmusic ""]
I'm completely speechless... I'm so sorry
[Jan 26,2011 12:59am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Yeah, I neglected to say it cause I'm so taken aback, but of course my sincerest condolences. You have my sympathies and respect.
[Jan 26,2011 1:06am - Boozegood ""]
I never knew him, so it's hard to know what to say. Rest well.
[Jan 26,2011 1:13am - the_reverend ""]
HOLY COW... that is terrible.
I always though he looks like Zorg from 5th element aka gary oldman
[Jan 26,2011 1:16am - ronofthedead ""]
Thanks, everyone, really fucked up situation. Matt S and I were waiting at practice for him to show up tonight. Thought it was odd that he didn't return voicemails...
[Jan 26,2011 1:28am - hlrie ""]
I am still in shock and don't know what to say. Love to my pals Ron and Matt. Matt will truly be missed. The pics I took at that last show were the best I had ever gotten of him and he kept leering at the camera, which he never does. It's just surreal.
[Jan 26,2011 1:51am - BSV  ""]
I can't believe this...RIP.
[Jan 26,2011 2:07am - Samantha ""]
I'm so shocked to hear this. Many of us just saw Matt play with Faces of Bayon at Ralph's last week. He was a fine drummer, and he will most definitely be missed.
[Jan 26,2011 2:47am - Fuck_logging_in  ""]
Sorry to hear.
[Jan 26,2011 3:40am - josh_hates_you ""]

I was devastated when I saw this on FB earlier. No fun at all.

R.I.P. condolences to all his friends and family.
[Jan 26,2011 6:31am - RustyPS ""]
oh my god, that's terrible

my sincerest condolences
[Jan 26,2011 6:58am - Davemonic at home  ""]
Wow my condolonces to all the guys in faces of bayon R.I.P Matt
[Jan 26,2011 7:44am - goatcatalyst ""]
RIP. So sorry to hear this. You guys were fantastic last Sunday. Sincere condolences.
[Jan 26,2011 8:14am - ValkyrieScreams ""]
I know the right thing to say is "sorry for your loss" but it honestly doesn't even feel like enough. Wish I could say (or do) more....
[Jan 26,2011 8:18am - ouchdrummer ""]
I'm real sorry to hear this. I didn't know him, but he was super nice to me the couple times i met him, and he could really groove.

Maybe we should all chip in a couple bucks for flowers for his mom/family?
[Jan 26,2011 8:55am - griz  ""]
Rotten news. Excellent set last Sunday at Ralphs.
[Jan 26,2011 8:59am - Clay ""]
Thoughts to all Matt's family & friends.
[Jan 26,2011 9:15am - arkquimanthorn  ""]

the_reverend said:I always though he looks like Zorg from 5th element aka gary oldman
that's a great compliment. i regret never seeing him play. RIP.
[Jan 26,2011 9:21am - Mark_R ""]
Awful news. Didn't know him but best wishes to the family and band members.
[Jan 26,2011 9:23am - Sauriel  ""]
This is shitty news. sorry for that big loss. It was great playing with you guys back in NOV.
[Jan 26,2011 9:28am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
what the fuck?! this is very very not good. what the hell happened?
[Jan 26,2011 9:44am - dreadkill ""]
i didn't know him and haven't seen the band play, but i've had friends die and know how awful it feels, so my thoughts are with you guys. sorry for your loss. RIP
[Jan 26,2011 10:32am - ETHICS POLICE  ""]

the_taste_of_cigarettes said:WTF what happened? Or is it too personal?

You are a retard. You never ask that question to the people close to the deceased. You're arrested.
[Jan 26,2011 10:34am - boxxy ""]
you can't blame him for asking, when you make a thread about something like this, people are going to want to know... that's not to say that anyone needs to answer.
[Jan 26,2011 10:37am - ETHICS POLICE  ""]
Once a retard, always a retard.
[Jan 26,2011 10:39am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

ETHICS%20POLICE said:Once a retard, always a retard.

I would have to say your behavior at this point would be considered much more disrepectful to the band then someone asking how one of their members passed on. IMHO.
[Jan 26,2011 10:43am - ETHICS POLICE  ""]
I'm standing up for ethics out of respect for his friends and family. RIP Matt.
[Jan 26,2011 10:43am - MetalThursday ""]
Awful news. I'm sure there will be many tributes and many glasses raised to Matt at Ralph's tomorrow night.
[Jan 26,2011 10:56am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'm gonna do my best to make it out to ralph's tomorrow.
[Jan 26,2011 11:08am - Beorht-Dana ""]
Never saw him play with FOB but he used to be in Twelfth of Never, right? I'm pretty sure I saw him play with them at least a couple times. Either way, my condolences to his family and friends.
[Jan 26,2011 11:28am - Davemonic at work  ""]
Faces of Bayon was supposed to play at champions on saturday night we will be there raising glasses up in the air in his honor
[Jan 26,2011 11:38am - AndrewBastard  ""]
guize....reely wut happined 2 him?
[Jan 26,2011 11:56am - dreadkill ""]

Beorht-Dana said:Never saw him play with FOB but he used to be in Twelfth of Never, right?
now i know why he looked familiar.
[Jan 26,2011 1:50pm - obstaclecorpse ""]
R.I.P. Matt
[Jan 26,2011 3:58pm - escape_artist ""]
Wow.. That super sucks... R.I.P. Matt.. My best to his family and friends..
[Jan 26,2011 4:50pm - Alexecutioner ""]
very sorry to hear about this, they played a great set at Ralphs last Nov, missed their last one tho, was looking forward to playing with Faces again in March.

[Jan 26,2011 10:39pm - facesofbayon ""]
It is a great tragedy that our friend and bandmate has left us so soon! Matt was an essential building block to Faces of Bayon and the band literally would not have existed had he not been involved. He even came up with the name of the band itself. He will be sorely missed. Rest in peace friend! \m/
[Jan 27,2011 12:47am - cool story bro  ""]
cool story bro
[Jan 27,2011 1:11pm - Yeti ""]
fuck, i missed the last time Faces played at Ralph's. unreal how things work like that. i didn't know you well, but i love Faces of Bayon, and no matter what you were someone's brother, son, and friend. the halls of Valhalla await. RIP to an unnecessary loss.

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