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[BEER] Same Adams - Revolutionary Rye Ale

[Jan 25,2011 4:49pm - BSV  ""]
Two thumbs UP!
Only way you can get it I think is in the American Originals 12 packs sampler.
[Jan 25,2011 4:50pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i could go for a 12 pack right now
[Jan 25,2011 4:52pm - W3 nli  ""]
haven't tried whats it like
[Jan 25,2011 4:56pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
Boston Beer Co (makers of Sam Adams) is the largest American-owned brewery in America, and a lot of it is brewed in PA. Wachusett, Berkshire BC, Cisco, Opa-Opa are local, Sam Adams ain't local!!
[Jan 25,2011 4:58pm - BSV  ""]
[Jan 25,2011 4:59pm - W3 nli  ""]

arkquimanthorn said:Opa-Opa

we sell that at whole foods.
[Jan 25,2011 5:00pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
the jugs? the jugs rule and so does the $2 deposit on em.
[Jan 25,2011 5:02pm - W3 nli  ""]
we had the jugs this past summer, right now i wanna say we got bottles in. in the summer when we did tastings those doods would always be there.
[Jan 25,2011 5:03pm - BSV  ""]
okay so local owned brewers then....btw anyone tried Sherwood Forest yet? Outta Marlbourough...not too shabby.
[Jan 25,2011 5:04pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
yeah sherwood rules. last i checked they only had a couple brews but they're cheap and delicious.
[Jan 25,2011 5:08pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
[Jan 25,2011 5:12pm - Elihhcb  ""]
Berkshire brewing. Lefty's.
[Jan 25,2011 5:15pm - Brad Illinois Enema  ""]
hell yeah GUY that 12 pack is the shit, all winners IMO
[Jan 25,2011 5:23pm - Slag ""]
Name sounds gay, beer tastes great.

Their "Beer of the Gods" rules.

If you've never had an Allagash, you obviously don't like good beer.

Had good luck with their "Gestalt"

There are plenty more.
[Jan 25,2011 5:25pm - Slag ""]
Forgot these dudes.... local guys making some really rad beers...
[Jan 25,2011 5:26pm - Slag ""]
And +1 for OPA Jugs. Those things got us through many a party.
[Jan 25,2011 5:27pm - W3 nli  ""]
lol Slag we sell all of those at WF, woo 20% discount.
[Jan 25,2011 5:29pm - Creepy - O‘s  ""]
Don't forget Southern Tier, not quite as local since they are in NY, but damned good.
[Jan 25,2011 5:29pm - Slag ""]
I wish we had a WF around here. The WF in Framingham has stuff from this guy http://www.drgonzos.com/ ... if you like good condiments, buy his shit.
[Jan 25,2011 5:30pm - Slag ""]
Southern Tier makes the most OVER THE TOP beers around. Cannot beat the flavor.
[Jan 25,2011 5:34pm - Brad Illinois Enema  ""]
do you guys have anything from New Belgium Brewery out there yet? AWESOME shit from Colorado http://www.newbelgium.com/LegalPurchasingA...2f%2fwww.newbelgium.com%2fhome.aspx
[Jan 25,2011 5:37pm - nekronaut ""]

Slag said:Southern Tier makes the most OVER THE TOP beers around. Cannot beat the flavor.

[Jan 25,2011 5:45pm - Slag ""]
[Jan 25,2011 5:53pm - reimroc ""]
i had some arrogant bastard ale for the first time the other day. i enjoyed it.
[Jan 25,2011 6:08pm - W3 nli  ""]

reimroc said:i had some arrogant bastard ale for the first time the other day. i enjoyed it.

do not like.

Brad%20Illinois%20Enema said:do you guys have anything from New Belgium Brewery out there yet? AWESOME shit from Colorado http://www.newbelgium.com/LegalPurchasingA...2f%2fwww.newbelgium.com%2fhome.aspx

tried fat tire at a pub once didn't mind it but they only had shit like that so I tried the one I heard about. not bad but not my first choice.

Slag said:I wish we had a WF around here. The WF in Framingham has stuff from this guy http://www.drgonzos.com/ ... if you like good condiments, buy his shit.

idk man, bone sucking sauce is where it's at when it comes to condiments.

also Southern Tier, some of the best around.
[Jan 25,2011 6:09pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
One of my favorites is the Black Lager.

Revolutionary Rye Ale is definitely a gem.
[Jan 25,2011 7:25pm - Elihhcb  ""]
Arrogant is better on tap imo. Smoother
[Jan 25,2011 7:33pm - The Hard Throbbing Veiny Truth  ""]

W3%20nli said:
arkquimanthorn said:Opa-Opa

they sell that across the street from the space.

[Jan 25,2011 7:35pm - Blessed Offal  ""]
fuck I suck at quoting shit.
[Jan 25,2011 7:41pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
fat tire is meh, you gotta try the Abbey, Ranger, 1554 or the other one that I can't think of. ABBEY is the shit though, VERY tasty
[Jan 25,2011 7:56pm - W3 nli  ""]
I wanna say we sell that too, I gotta check tomorrow.
[Jan 25,2011 7:59pm - arilliusbm ""]
i wanna try this Same Adams Revolition Rye. Sounds good.

Even though Same Adams is america's largest brewer right now, I still love a number of their products. After all, it is them and Sierra Nevada that are responsible for the microbrew craze taking over the country
[Jan 25,2011 8:28pm - arktouros ""]
[Jan 25,2011 8:35pm - Elihhcb  ""]
black IPAs are where I'm at latley. Hoppy yet malty and portery and smooth. Otter creek alpine ipa. Stones self rightious.
[Jan 25,2011 9:18pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Southern Tier rules. Huge Dogfish Head fan as well. Recently had Stone "Ruination" and I think it may be the best beer I've ever had. I'd like to put it up against Allagash "Confluence" for a Sarduvian Tasteoff.
[Jan 25,2011 9:34pm - nekronaut ""]
Sexy results no matter the outcome.
[Jan 25,2011 10:02pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Nakedlady furniture for goddamn
[Jan 27,2011 11:34am - timtirpation  ""]
had it last night, shit tastes like perfume. I have come to the conclusuion that most SA sucks
[Feb 12,2011 3:16pm - Pires ""]

had this last night. quite delish.
[Feb 12,2011 3:33pm - BSV  ""]
i got hammered off allagash at deathchick's wedding in maine. fucking supreme beer.
[Feb 12,2011 4:10pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
I forget which Allagash i used to drink, it was good shit though
I miss the Saranac Black and Tan too
[Feb 12,2011 4:17pm - arilliusbm ""]
Never been disappointed in any Allagash I've had.
Fun Fact possibility: Local specialty beer store guy/older metalhead said one of the higher up employees at Allagash drummed in an 80s/90s Christian metal band. Forgot the name he told me. Oh well..
[Feb 12,2011 10:11pm - watchmaker  ""]
i believe the drummer you refer to is the former/currant? drummer in Trouble......
[Feb 12,2011 10:47pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
watchmaker, still lurking around these parts?
[Feb 13,2011 1:28am - Alx_Casket ""]
Best local brew I've had was Studly Monk from Manchester Brewery, which I am sad to find out, is no longer alive.

[Feb 13,2011 7:24am - w3 trollz  ""]
I'm eager to tell you what we have at my grocery store. Look at me, an adult working at a gocery store owned by jew bag hipsters who give low lifes like me a chance to make money, as long as I look like the allston minions. See you at Model for a drink..after grasshopper of course.
[Feb 13,2011 10:29am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
White Mountain Brewery is local, NH bitches.
[Feb 13,2011 12:12pm - immortal13 ""]
Smuttynose is a local NH brewery that is so full of win.

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