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impending new guitar day

[Jan 11,2011 8:00pm - brian_dc ""]

G&L USA ASAT Classic Bluesboy

I will inevitably post a picture of me licking this.
[Jan 11,2011 8:10pm - blue ""]
[Jan 11,2011 8:33pm - sinislazy  ""]
Holy yowza. That's a hell of a looker...I'll take a maple-boarded one, please.
[Jan 11,2011 9:22pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
i had a tele that had a pickup config like that. I couldn't get used to the way it hung though, plus I hate Fender necks.
oh derp, that's a G&L. Ok then, I bet it's the fucking balls, congrats!!oh derp
[Jan 11,2011 9:45pm - the_reverend ""]
You still play music?
[Jan 12,2011 7:48am - largefreakatzero ""]
[Jan 12,2011 9:42am - timma ""]
Not a fan of tele-style guitars, but that thing is sexy.
[Jan 12,2011 11:03am - brian_dc ""]

the_reverend said:You still play music?

that's the rumor.

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