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Taco Bell breakfast.

[Jan 11,2011 12:38am - Boozegood ""]


ITT: You're not worthy.

[Jan 11,2011 12:41am - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 11,2011 12:42am - Boozegood ""]
Buckets. Came them.
[Jan 11,2011 7:27am - Yeti ""]
the idea of fast food breakfast is an atrocity to the majesty of breakfast.
[Jan 11,2011 7:30am - timma ""]

Yeti said:the idea of fast food breakfast is an atrocity to the majesty of breakfast.


Fast food breakfast is sacrilege.
[Jan 11,2011 8:35am - the_reverend ""]
omg.. I need it.
[Jan 11,2011 9:21am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
I was just thinking of making bacon, egg, and ground bison burritos this morning
[Jan 11,2011 10:26am - aaron_michael ""]

Yeti said:the idea of fast food breakfast is an atrocity to the majesty of breakfast.

seriously, breakfast should be well thought out and prepared! pre-cooked shit just will not pass.
[Jan 11,2011 12:01pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
i get breakfast pitas a fro Pita Pit sometimes. Shits bangin.
[Jan 11,2011 12:03pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
only eggs cooked in bacon grease is real.
[Jan 11,2011 1:42pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

aaron_michael said:
Yeti said:the idea of fast food breakfast is an atrocity to the majesty of breakfast.

seriously, breakfast should be well thought out and prepared! pre-cooked shit just will not pass.


homemade breakfast burritos or fail

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