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Naked Girls Reading: Love Stinks @ The Coolidge

[Jan 10,2011 2:40pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Sat, Feb 12 @fter midnite!

$15 with $12 advance tickets for Coolidge Corner Theatre Members.

Celebrate Anti-Valentine's Day with a Naked Girl or five. Sponsored by Harper Perennial Books, "Love Stinks" is readings of crushing misery, romantic disasters, and heartbreak, hosted by Miss Mina of The Boston Babydolls, the Boston Phoenix's "Best Dance Troupe (Sexy)" of 2010. Bundle up and come on out. It's better than suicide and you could win a copy of Great Philosophers Who Failed at Love by Andrew Shaffer.

Although nearly everyone "fails at love" at some point, few have failed as spectacularly as the great philosophers. We revere the wisdom of these storied figures, but history is littered with their poor romantic choices. If only they had taken their own advice! Great Philosophers Who Failed at Love paints brief but entertaining portraits of great thinkers whose words we repeat – but whose decisions we should avoid at all costs.

[Jan 10,2011 2:46pm - the_reverend ""]
wait, so completely nude girls are going to sitting there reading trash?
[Jan 10,2011 2:55pm - posbleak ""]
IIRC Boston Babydolls never actually get nude, you might get lucky and see a pasty or two.
[Jan 10,2011 2:57pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

the_reverend said:wait, so completely nude girls are going to sitting there reading trash?

I get this at home.
[Jan 10,2011 4:03pm - xmikex ""]
in b4 trenchcoat boners. this looks like something people who don't/have never had sex will only enjoy.
[Jan 10,2011 4:18pm - posbleak ""]
The Phoenix has some pictures from the last one.
[Jan 10,2011 4:27pm - W3 nli  ""]

must burn eyes out noooooooooooow
[Jan 10,2011 4:44pm - the_reverend ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
the_reverend said:wait, so completely nude girls are going to sitting there reading trash?

I used to get this at home.

[Jan 10,2011 4:44pm - the_reverend ""]
even book they are reading is about their daddy issues?
[Jan 10,2011 6:36pm - noremorse  ""]
[Jan 10,2011 6:47pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Yeah scratch my earlier post, I don't get THAT at home. Thank fuck.
[Jan 10,2011 7:31pm - the_reverend ""]
it is as I suspected.
[Jan 10,2011 7:39pm - the_reverend ""]
where is david caruso saying that it isn't love that stinks?
[Jan 10,2011 10:20pm - demondave ""]
Wasn't she in Hoarders? Didn't she pick out the pumpkin seeds?
[Jan 10,2011 10:55pm - tom nli  ""]
every single one of those women looks like a toilet with tits.
[Jan 10,2011 10:55pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

demondave said:Wasn't she in Hoarders? Didn't she pick out the pumpkin seeds?

BAHAHAHAA!!! nice one dude!
[Jan 15,2011 3:41am - douchebag_patrol ""]

W3%20nli said:[img]

must burn eyes out noooooooooooow

[Feb 10,2011 1:55am - boblovesmusic ""]
Well... this will be interesting
[Feb 10,2011 9:04am - goatcatalyst ""]
There's a reason they're not doing anything for Valentine's Day

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