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[Jan 6,2011 6:27pm - the_reverend ""]
Anyone watch this? Hilarious.
[Jan 6,2011 6:31pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ya its pretty much the exact opposite of my job while being exactly the same as my job.
[Jan 6,2011 6:33pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
show SUCKS...are you kidding?
[Jan 6,2011 6:55pm - dreadkill ""]
This show looks horrible so I haven't watched it
[Jan 6,2011 7:05pm - the_reverend ""]
The guy from drew carey in the best thing about this. He is amazingly funny.
[Jan 6,2011 7:39pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
truly awful show is awful
[Jan 6,2011 7:54pm - Pires ""]
I don't really care for it, although i watch it every week because Rebecca Hazelwood is smoking hot.
[Jan 7,2011 12:10am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
if you worked in a call center you would think its hilarious. most of my members are indian too...so its wierd to see it the other way around. if not?... well ya show sucks.
[Jan 7,2011 7:19am - markworkingrichards  ""]

Pires said:I don't really care for it, although i watch it every week because Rebecca Hazelwood is smoking hot.

I feel this is the only reason I like the show.
[May 13,2011 7:15pm - Pires ""]
Outsourced Cancelled...Bye, bye sweet, sweet Asha.

[May 14,2011 10:54am - ridddeersssofdoooomm  ""]
girl is hotter with more clothing on.

Show is awesome, sad that it is canceled now, who would have guessed that an american show that references indian culture for humor would have been canceled

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