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Nazi / WWII movie enthusiasts

[Jan 3,2011 6:39pm - ValkyrieScreams ""]
Anyone seen Flame & Citron? Its about Danish resistence fighters in WWII. I saw the preview on a dvd I watched at work and it looks pretty good. I'm kinda in movie mode right now. Just wondering if anyone can recommend it.

[Jan 3,2011 6:42pm - aril NLI (sXe)  ""]
looks pretty interesting.

paging mikeovdecrpitvde
[Jan 3,2011 6:47pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Not as phat as The Lost Boys. No care.
[Jan 3,2011 6:57pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Only Swing Kids is real
[Jan 3,2011 9:09pm - DomesticTerror ""]

[Jan 3,2011 9:30pm - reimroc ""]
[Jan 4,2011 11:38am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I wuv WWII garbage. I should check it out.
[Jan 4,2011 11:41am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
last good one i saw was Defiance. that was a great flick. will have to check this out too
[Jan 4,2011 12:25pm - The_Rooster ""]
Great great film.

Would see again for sure.
[Jan 4,2011 12:35pm - boxxy ""]
I'm really looking foward to watching this, i've heard great things.
[Jan 4,2011 1:59pm - xmikex ""]
I thought the guy with the glasses in the flame & citron trailer was Jimmy Smitts for a second. I almost gorilla pressed my monitor.
[Jan 4,2011 2:12pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
remember in old (maybe the original press) of Reign in Blood at pic of the crucifix with the boards nailed to it to make it look like a swastika? where can I find a picture of that? I sold my CD version of this once I finally got it on vinyl and of course my CD was the OP and my LP is far from it...
[Jan 4,2011 2:20pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 4,2011 2:21pm - arilliusbm ""]

[Jan 4,2011 2:29pm - goatcatalyst ""]
No shit, right? How did they get away with that?
[Jan 4,2011 3:45pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
swastikas make good level design for brighter future now
[Jan 4,2011 4:50pm - sigh  ""]
I'm sure you've all seen band of brothers and saving private ryan, but if you've never bothered to watch these you should make the time. Well worth it in my opinion.



[Jan 4,2011 4:55pm - arilliusbm ""]
mike, do you have these?
[Jan 4,2011 5:10pm - Doomkid ""]
In addition to those check out:


and this is just one episode of 'The Last Days of WWII'

[Jan 4,2011 6:14pm - ValkyrieScreams ""]
We actually have Das Boot at my house. I just haven't watched it. Yet.
[Jan 4,2011 6:59pm - BSV  ""]
Flame and Citron is on Netflix, currently ready to go in my queue.
[Jan 4,2011 8:31pm - reimroc ""]

reimroc said:http://www.youtube.com/user/WW2GermanNewsreels
[Jan 4,2011 10:06pm - dertoxia ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:last good one i saw was Defiance. that was a great flick. will have to check this out too

Defiance was suggested to me on netflix and i watched it one night not expecting much. was pleasantly surprised that it was actually a really good movie.
[Jan 4,2011 11:24pm - sigh  ""]

arilliusbm said:mike, do you have these?

I think I have a dvd copy of das boot somewhere. Borrowed The War from a guy at work and just gave it back. PBS still broadcasts it now and then though. That one takes some time to get through. It's a lot to digest and can be slow at parts. You can get downfall through netflix I think.
[Jan 4,2011 11:30pm - sigh  ""]

ValkyrieScreams said:We actually have Das Boot at my house. I just haven't watched it. Yet.

love that movie, watch it subtitled instead of the dubbed version if given the option. It's really good at getting you to root for the Germans the whole film.
[Jan 4,2011 11:37pm - sigh  ""]
History channel also had a pretty good series. The color footage almost makes it feel like your watching footage from vietnam instead of wwII.

[Jan 5,2011 2:31am - Doomkid ""]

dertoxia said:
FuckIsMySignature said:last good one i saw was Defiance. that was a great flick. will have to check this out too

Defiance was suggested to me on netflix and i watched it one night not expecting much. was pleasantly surprised that it was actually a really good movie.

Netflix keeps telling me to watch it too, with these endorsements I now will.
[Jan 5,2011 10:43am - ValkyrieScreams ""]

Doomkid said:
dertoxia said:
FuckIsMySignature said:last good one i saw was Defiance. that was a great flick. will have to check this out too

Defiance was suggested to me on netflix and i watched it one night not expecting much. was pleasantly surprised that it was actually a really good movie.

Netflix keeps telling me to watch it too, with these endorsements I now will.

same here
[Jan 5,2011 11:58am - The_Rooster ""]

ValkyrieScreams said:
Doomkid said:
dertoxia said:
FuckIsMySignature said:last good one i saw was Defiance. that was a great flick. will have to check this out too

Defiance was suggested to me on netflix and i watched it one night not expecting much. was pleasantly surprised that it was actually a really good movie.

Netflix keeps telling me to watch it too, with these endorsements I now will.

same here

Pretty solid flick. A bit mellow dramatic towards the end, but I enjoyed it.

Not even in the same league as Flame & Citron though.... Movie is so good.

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