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Your wicked fuckin GAY New Years Resolution

[Dec 30,2010 9:48pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
less cock
more rock
[Dec 30,2010 10:36pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Resolutions are for pussies.
[Dec 30,2010 11:21pm - immortal13 ""]

MillenialKingdom said:Resolutions are for over achievers.
[Dec 31,2010 9:13am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
not a new year's resolution, but I sure could go for a BJ tonight, hoping on finding a gal at the bar or calling up a lady friend
[Dec 31,2010 9:47am - the_reverend ""]
Please bump the thread about it
[Dec 31,2010 9:54am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
join and quit more bands
[Dec 31,2010 10:10am - RustyPS should be working  ""]
alienate more drummers and bassists
[Dec 31,2010 10:47am - josh_hates_you ""]
attend more shows than wren.
[Dec 31,2010 11:29am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
1) taste great
2) less filling
[Dec 31,2010 11:32am - dreadkill ""]
Replace lame fake friends with real friends
[Dec 31,2010 12:28pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
1)Find Joe Christianni IRL
2)Find tank
3)Document Joe Christianni and I sharing a Fruit2O toast atop said tank for all of /r/ to see.
[Dec 31,2010 1:22pm - BSV  ""]

bobnomaamrooney said:1)Find Joe Christianni IRL
2)Find tank
3)Document Joe Christianni and I sharing a Fruit2O toast atop said tank for all of /r/ to see.

you know he is real and was at ralph's sometime ago. there's a pic of him in a randomshot somewhere....
[Dec 31,2010 1:25pm - GUYnli  ""]
Eat drink and be merry
[Dec 31,2010 1:26pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]

BSV said:
bobnomaamrooney said:1)Find Joe Christianni IRL
2)Find tank
3)Document Joe Christianni and I sharing a Fruit2O toast atop said tank for all of /r/ to see.

you know he is real and was at ralph's sometime ago. there's a pic of him in a randomshot somewhere....

The trail is hot, my resolution will soon come to fruition.
[Dec 31,2010 1:29pm - aril NLI  ""]
lose 180 lbs, become sXe, get new job
[Dec 31,2010 3:05pm - dreadkill ""]
I've met Joe christianni a couple times. He was wearing a digimortal shirt and his breath reeked of Walpole high football team kiss.
[Dec 31,2010 4:55pm - tramplethweak ""]

RustyPS%20should%20be%20working said:alienate more drummers and bassists
i lold
[Dec 31,2010 4:58pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
get a job that has nothing to do with photocopiers
[Dec 31,2010 5:20pm - Alexecutioner ""]
Get a job that's not in fucking retail
[Dec 31,2010 8:53pm - Goatrider ""]
Start dating dudes who can tolerate metal and whatnot.
[Dec 31,2010 8:55pm - Slag ""]
Kill every single last one of you self righteous pricks.
[Dec 31,2010 8:58pm - Nekronutnli  ""]

Alexecutioner said:Get a job that's not in fucking retail

Angela is lucky as all hell to get out and have her dream job fall right into her lap. I wish you the same luck d00d.
[Dec 31,2010 10:20pm - NiggerKillingMachine  ""]
Continue denying the Holocaust ever happened
[Dec 31,2010 11:54pm - Lamp ""]
Get a job that I can actually stomach, mine's not cutting it anymore. Read a lot more. Generally stop settling for less in my life. Learn a trade.
[Jan 1,2011 12:15am - Alexecutioner ""]

Nekronutnli said:
Alexecutioner said:Get a job that's not in fucking retail

Angela is lucky as all hell to get out and have her dream job fall right into her lap. I wish you the same luck d00d.

What's she doin now? Last I heard she was looking into some pretty awesome internships. Glad to hear it tho. I have been looking into a few opportunities, just trying to get something more consistent, one step at a time. Just as long as I can focus more on music, fuck working till midnight
[Jan 1,2011 2:45am - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
Flying kick "hardcore" dancers like Guy Fucking Sensei.
[Jan 1,2011 8:43am - conservationist ""]
moar sodomy
[Jan 1,2011 10:04am - immortal13 ""]

immortal13 said:
MillenialKingdom said:Resolutions are for over achievers.

[Jan 1,2011 12:00pm - the_reverend ""]

conservationist said:moar sodomy
[Jan 1,2011 1:03pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Break up both my bands and launch a prosperous and critically-acclaimed career in electronic musics.
[Jan 1,2011 2:25pm - arilliusbm ""]
from hereon out, I will no longer troll.
[Jan 1,2011 3:11pm - martins highwind  ""]
Resolution failed.
[Jan 1,2011 5:08pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
to rebuild my brain.:tmnt1:
[Jan 2,2011 7:29pm - pam ""]
I already fucked mine up. Back to being a goalless miscreant.
[Jan 2,2011 8:24pm - mutis ""]
[Jan 2,2011 8:32pm - reimroc ""]

arilliusbm said:from hereon out, I will no longer troll.

[Jan 2,2011 10:03pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
My resolution is to not give a shit about people's feelings anymore and say whatever the fuck comes to mind.
[Jan 2,2011 10:49pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]

MillenialKingdom said:My resolution is to not give a shit about people's feelings anymore and say whatever the fuck comes to mind.

uh uh uh, didn't jesus say turn the other cheek?
[Jan 3,2011 12:02am - MillenialKingdom ""]
Shut your condescending fucking face.
[Jan 3,2011 12:20am - aril NLI (sXe)  ""]
[Jan 3,2011 7:47am - SkinSandwich ""]
Mine is to derp, and know when to derp and not to derp, and then keep on derping.
[Jan 3,2011 9:27am - timma ""]
Stop using the letter "L" all together.

EDIT: Stop using the retter "R" all together.
[Jan 3,2011 9:38am - Alx_Casket ""]
rebuild Randy Marsh's brain
[Jan 3,2011 10:36am - Yeti ""]
to kill the whole lot of you, and burn your town to cinders.
[Jan 3,2011 10:55am - timma ""]
Oh Yeti, you sure know how to tug on a guy's heartstrings...
[Jan 3,2011 10:59am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
is that what they call it these days?
[Jan 3,2011 11:07am - largefreakatzero ""]

Yeti said:to kill the whole lot of you, and burn your town to cinders.

You would only be doing me a great favor.
[Jan 3,2011 12:09pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
dropping another 10-20 lbs BACK at gym. Been waiting for my Planet Fitness membership to lapse so I can cancel with out paying the fee and join a new gym in my new hood.
[Jan 3,2011 12:09pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

AndrewBastard said:dropping another 10-20 lbs BACK at gym. .

same. ideally 25 lbs...but realisticly 10-15.
[Jan 3,2011 12:14pm - xmikex ""]
finally get around to doing that ritual about it.
[Jan 3,2011 12:30pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Try to move on with my life seperated from my wife. :(
[Jan 3,2011 3:12pm - largefreakatzero ""]

AndrewBastard said:dropping another 10-20 lbs BACK at gym. Been waiting for my Planet Fitness membership to lapse so I can cancel with out paying the fee and join a new gym in my new hood.

Just make sure it's not another PF. That place gives me the douche-chills.
[Jan 3,2011 3:53pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
i dont hate PF. for $10 I can put up with just about anything...i get too distracted working out at home and dont get shit done. I had crazy results from Jan-July of 2010 when my res last year was to go to the gym 3 days a week for 6 months hahah...

I just put headphones on, hood up and keep my eyes on the floor. and clean the SHIT out of every machine I use before and after
[Jan 3,2011 3:58pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Lose 50 more lbs this year, get some amazing photos of me sacrificing my girlfriend at Chichen Itza.
[Jan 3,2011 4:09pm - xmikex ""]

AndrewBastard said:I just put headphones on, hood up and keep my eyes on the floor. and clean the SHIT out of every machine I use before and after

I think this goes for any and every gym.
[Jan 3,2011 4:11pm - aril NLI (sXe)  ""]
can't wait to get back into the gym and turn into arillius circa 2001. need to dunk a basketball again
[Jan 3,2011 5:49pm - immortal13 ""]
I lift at my house. I hate gyms. I have anxiety, and hate when I feel like people are watching me, especially when I'm working or working out. I just plug in my Ipod and go at it, and get the same results without the anxiety. Plus, it's a lot less equipment to clean and a much less risk of ringworm, etc.
[Jan 3,2011 5:50pm - immortal13 ""]
Plus I'm about to start training at Gracie Barra in Nashua and they have plenty of workout equipment.
[Jan 3,2011 6:53pm - Lamp ""]

MillenialKingdom said:My resolution is to not give a shit about people's feelings anymore and say whatever the fuck comes to mind.

De-evolution in progress.
[Jan 3,2011 8:03pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
I have an interview at a computer place Thursday. I'll keep EVERYONE posted cuz i know you all give a shit
[Jan 3,2011 8:04pm - aril NLI (sXe)  ""]
Congrats duder. Jealous. Good luck.
[Jan 4,2011 9:30am - largefreakatzero ""]

xmikex said:
AndrewBastard said:I just put headphones on, hood up and keep my eyes on the floor. and clean the SHIT out of every machine I use before and after

I think this goes for any and every gym.

Not mine -- we all know each other for the most part, and spend the time making fun of each other. Small privately-owned gyms > soulless corporate franchises. You just have to find the right place for you.
[Jan 4,2011 10:25am - posbleak ""]

AndrewBastard said:i dont hate PF. for $10 I can put up with just about anything...

MG in Medford/Wakefield has a $10/mo. deal, the Meffa location has two floors of freeweights and nobody will even look you in the eye if you're heading toward the squat cage.

Of course as of this week every single cardio machine has a crying fatty going on the lowest setting.
[Jan 4,2011 10:43am - largefreakatzero ""]

posbleak said:
Of course as of this week every single cardio machine has a crying fatty going on the lowest setting.

This made me lol.
[Jan 4,2011 12:45pm - immortal13 ""]

largefreakatzero said:
posbleak said:
Of course as of this week every single cardio machine has a crying fatty going on the lowest setting.

This made me lol.

Seconded hahaha

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