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Show May 28th at the Underground in Dover.

[May 15,2004 12:40am - MamySlave  ""]
People should go. My band Masamune is playing and we're definitely a lot tighter now and have a few new songs to showcase. We're going to slay demons and crucify virgins and shit, so show up and have a fun time.

I think Forever Carved is playing their last show so show up for that too. Another Perfect Ending is playing as well and some other band... Wormsomethingoranother.

http://www.hxcmp3.com/Masamune check out the mp3s
[May 15,2004 12:52am - RustedAngel ""]
saw another perfect ending and forever carved tonight... ugh...
[May 15,2004 12:54am - the_reverend ""]
and missed the_network?
you're sexuality is in question.
[May 15,2004 9:41am - birthrites ""]
another perfect ending? isn't that like the sundae they have at friendlys or something?
[May 15,2004 10:12am - Wee...Bink! ""]
RustedAngel said:saw another perfect ending and forever carved tonight... ugh...


The worst was the trombones and saxophones.... or the kids dancing. that was just stupid. and i paid 5 bucks to see a fight.

[May 15,2004 11:09am - RustedAngel ""]
Wee...Bink! said:

that was just stupid. and i paid 5 bucks to see a fight.

me too.

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