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Midvinterblót motherfuckers

[Dec 25,2010 6:43pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Got a yule log of 100-year-old lightning-struck oak and a classy offering to burn with; fine Islay Scotch for the blót. Gonna pour one out so Thor will get off his ass and bring the sun back. Hammers high, heathen motherfuckers. May your enemies fall before you in the coming year.

tl;dr: doin a ritual about it
[Dec 25,2010 6:44pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Dec 25,2010 6:53pm - Santalx_Clausket  ""]
^totally looks like gaahl
[Dec 25,2010 8:03pm - Valkyriescreams ""]
Ask him to speed up time... just for tonight. I wanna be somewhere not at work.
[Dec 25,2010 9:49pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
In Sweden and many surrounding parts of Europe, polytheistic tribes celebrated a Midvinterblot or mid-winter-sacrifice, featuring both animal and human sacrifice. The blót was performed by gođi, or priests, at certain cult sites, most of which have churches built upon them now. Midvinterblot paid tribute to the local gods, appealing to them to let go winter's grip. The folk tradition was finally abandoned by 1200, due to missionary persistence.

[Dec 26,2010 11:09am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
apparently by "kill" we meant "kill two bottles of Scotch and smear paint EVERYWHERE"
[Dec 26,2010 12:27pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

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