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Arguing with Juggalos

[Dec 16,2010 2:32pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
[Dec 16,2010 3:16pm - immortal13 ""]
Dude ICP are great musicians, you didn't know that?
[Dec 16,2010 3:24pm - Yeti ""]
talking to a juggalo should warrant immediate incineration.
[Dec 16,2010 3:30pm - Archaeon ""]
I lol'd. I still have yet to actually interact with a juggalo. Sometimes I doubt their existence.
[Dec 16,2010 3:31pm - Yeti ""]
drive next to the Palladium tomorrow night. there will be so many of them they will alter the composition of the air around Main St.
[Dec 16,2010 3:51pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Will join in on the facebook post as soon as they accept my friend request.
[Dec 16,2010 4:03pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Mike, I think we're friends on there right?
[Dec 16,2010 4:36pm - Lamp ""]
I remember when I was 13 some juggalo used to message me all the time on AIM. There was one time he had taken some drugs (acid maybe? I don't remember what) and he was telling me when he was in school everyone's clothes melted off. Then his fingers melted off and he could only type to me with his thumbs. I'm seriously hoping that guy is dead by now.
[Dec 16,2010 4:40pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

MillenialKingdom said:Mike, I think we're friends on there right?

[Dec 16,2010 4:53pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i see aaron has called Holladaddy into battle. HEED THE CALL!!
[Dec 16,2010 5:48pm - immortal13 ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Will join in on the facebook post as soon as they accept my friend request.

That's exactly what I'm waiting for.

Juggalo's have less souls than gingers. There I said it.
[Dec 16,2010 5:49pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
can one of you please post the Dead ICP babby pic?
[Dec 16,2010 5:50pm - immortal13 ""]
I'm sure someone will get to it. For some reason none of the image hosting sites have been working for me lately.
[Dec 17,2010 1:01am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Dec 17,2010 11:47am - kilgore ""]
check out that assclown's profile
"I marketed myself,to sell knives. I manage and protected the knives.To bad I had to leave because of transportation issues."
[Dec 18,2010 11:39am - immortal13 ""]
Still haven't accepted my friend request so it's still not letting me throw in my two cents. FAHK
[Dec 18,2010 3:36pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Yup same here. Bunch of lazy fucks at the Palladium. I had a bunch of prepared lines to throw at them too :(
[Dec 18,2010 10:45pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:[img]

[Dec 18,2010 11:44pm - xgodzillax ""]

courtesy of:
[Dec 19,2010 11:56am - NO REMORSE  ""]
the 8th circle of Hell...


[Dec 19,2010 12:17pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Humanity is doomed.
[Dec 19,2010 1:10pm - Kadooga-booga  ""]
please post your choicest quotes in here. i got no more facebook.
[Dec 19,2010 6:29pm - immortal13 ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Yup same here. Bunch of lazy fucks at the Palladium. I had a bunch of prepared lines to throw at them too :(

I actually studied for this. Did my research. I thoroughly prepared myself for this battle, and I still have yet to see a friend confirmation.
[Dec 19,2010 6:53pm - reimroc ""]
woah i can finally connect to this site. RIGHTEOUS!
[Dec 19,2010 6:58pm - NOT THE DEA  ""]
you supply the oxies, i'll supply the internet
[Dec 20,2010 9:17am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Woah!_Shut_It_Down! said:
DestroyYouAlot said:[img]


[Dec 20,2010 9:19am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Long story short: all /b/tards are actually dapper black guys with suits and prize-winning Afros. And the pool is closed.
[Dec 20,2010 9:40am - Christ_  ""]

MillenialKingdom said:Humanity is doomed.

I think we need to talk...
[Dec 20,2010 9:41am - pillory  ""]
"No lifeguard at the gene pool."
[Sep 27,2011 9:42pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Sep 28,2011 1:59pm - Mutis ""]
Crystal-clear logic: ICP are musicians because the don't use auto-tuning.
[Sep 28,2011 2:14pm - Mark_R ""]
I've known a handful of juggalos, but none since college. I don't remember hating any of them, although I would not have loaned 50 bucks to any of them. There was one girl who was pretty cool.
[Sep 29,2011 9:43am - immortalNLI  ""]


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