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Baby preacher gets translated

[Dec 10,2010 11:50pm - nekronaut ""]
in b4 "old news" and "internet repost"


[Dec 11,2010 12:10am - Analnomous  ""]
That is one of the greatest videos I have ever watched.
[Dec 11,2010 12:13am - nekronaut ""]
[Dec 11,2010 12:59am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Kanon Tipton Preaching - World's Youngest Preacher. This is the young grandson of Rev. David Tipton.
The following was written by his brother Devon ---This is awesome. We had a powerful move of God in worship service, and Pastor Tipton was debating whether or not to preach. He said something about Kanon, so Kanon made his way to the platform to his poppy (Pastor). Dad just on a whim gave him the mic, and he started preaching. I was on the organ backin' him up. It was really amazing because he was so sincere, and the whole church was on their feet clapping and backing his preaching up! While it was somewhat entertaining, it was also moving. Kind of reminds me of something I heard someone say one time..oh, what was it...something about train up a child in the way he should go..... I believe in that. What happened to the days when becoming a preacher was the most awesome and respected things in the world? I hope it's coming back. Hope you enjoy!
[Dec 11,2010 10:09am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
looks like one of them white versions of nigger-church
[Dec 11,2010 1:49pm - Kadooga-booga  ""]
I haven't laughed that hard in forever. Thank you.
[Dec 11,2010 3:16pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Sounds like Cadaveria vocals...

[Dec 11,2010 5:13pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

Kadooga-booga said:I haven't laughed that hard in forever. Thank you.

back'd. I turned red and choked I was laughing so hard.
[Dec 11,2010 5:29pm - nekronaut ""]
Friend of mine posted it on Facebook, knew a few of you guys would find it as lulzy as I did.

As funny as it is, it's also pretty sad how some two year old kid has been to church so much that he can do that so well.. Obviously, brain washed. Myatt would NEVER allow such things.

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