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Shane McGowan sells out, fixes teeth

[Dec 9,2010 11:53am - DestroyYouAlot ""]


looks SO WEIRD
[Dec 9,2010 11:53am - RichHorror ""]
My life is falling apart before my very eyes.
[Dec 9,2010 11:53am - arilliusbm ""]
This thread is teethist
[Dec 9,2010 11:55am - RichHorror ""]
First there's no Easter Bunny, NOW THIS.
[Dec 9,2010 11:58am - ark  ""]
he IS the easter bunny. you have to find the potatoes he hid everywhere.
[Dec 9,2010 11:59am - RichHorror ""]
And now this thread is racist. : (
[Dec 9,2010 12:07pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i give those chompers 2 years before they fall out for any various number of reasons.
[Dec 9,2010 12:12pm - Kevord ""]
When I saw the Pogues a few years ago Shane had a guy who's only job was to make sure his glass of whiskey was full. My hero.
[Dec 9,2010 12:39pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Shane is a man amongst men. A drunk amongst drunks. I suffered the mournful cultural misfortune of leaving Dublin the very night that Shane was performing at our very favorite pub, the Gypsy Rose. It was "Arthur's Day" - imagine a combination of our 4th of July and St Patty's day festivities amplified tenfold, where everyone gets a free pint of Guiness at 17:59 to toast "To Arthur!" and pints are 2 Euros all goddamn day (they're usually 5 Euros... US equivalent $8. NOT PHAT).

God truly hates me.
[Dec 9,2010 12:43pm - Doomkid ""]
I like that his teeth are just as ugly when they're straight as when they were all askew.
[Dec 9,2010 12:43pm - DreadKill ""]
i heard he was thinking about doing this a couple years ago. he doesn't look right but he does look younger.
[Dec 9,2010 1:13pm - Yeti ""]
dude the pictures of him just before he got them fixed are stomach-turning.
[Dec 9,2010 3:20pm - ark  ""]

goatcatalyst said:Shane is a man amongst men. A drunk amongst drunks. I suffered the mournful cultural misfortune of leaving Dublin the very night that Shane was performing at our very favorite pub, the Gypsy Rose. It was "Arthur's Day" - imagine a combination of our 4th of July and St Patty's day festivities amplified tenfold, where everyone gets a free pint of Guiness at 17:59 to toast "To Arthur!" and pints are 2 Euros all goddamn day (they're usually 5 Euros... US equivalent $8. NOT PHAT).

God truly hates me.

cool story, chum. really. :duffbeer:
[Dec 10,2010 12:10am - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
The only thing that sucks worse than the Pogues are people who like (or pretend to like) the Pogues. I'd rather hang out with a nigger all day than listen to this shit for 20 minutes.
Shane's teeth or lack thereof was always worth a laugh, which is why I was disappointed to see that he had these new chompers in, which was at least 5 years ago.
[Dec 10,2010 1:31am - SpookySean ""]
I like to think that Shane had a short conversation with someone behind the camera, which consisted of "like your new teeth", to which Shane promptly replied "I have new teeth? When tha fook did that happan?"
[Dec 10,2010 12:56pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
"Doctor, I'd like a mouth full of the straightest, gold-colored teeth money can buy."
[Dec 10,2010 1:02pm - oscarct ""]
who is this dude
[Dec 10,2010 1:04pm - largefreakatzero ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:"Doctor, I'd like a mouth full of the straightest, gold-colored teeth money can buy."

Yeah, you figure he might at least get them whitened as long as they are straightening them.
[Dec 10,2010 1:07pm - ark  ""]

oscarct said:who is this dude

[Dec 10,2010 1:21pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

largefreakatzero said:
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:"Doctor, I'd like a mouth full of the straightest, gold-colored teeth money can buy."

Yeah, you figure he might at least get them whitened as long as they are straightening them.

I'm guessing they're all fake. I assume he got implants put in and then a full denture that snaps on.

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