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anyone going to Watain in NYC tonight?

[Dec 2,2010 1:22pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Lookin to carpool and not spend $40 on gas. Looking to leave central CT around 4 or 4:30
[Dec 2,2010 1:28pm - Yeti ""]
[Dec 2,2010 1:39pm - Night Cricket  ""]

[Dec 2,2010 1:52pm - Phrozenspite ""]
I will be there
[Dec 2,2010 1:56pm - goatcatalyst ""]
How u gettin there? Wanna carpool?
[Dec 2,2010 2:13pm - Phrozenspite ""]
I'm actually in NYC these days for grad school... otherwise I'd be down.
[Dec 2,2010 2:19pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Dig it. I'll be the dude with the best hair in the place. Say hi. We'll party.
[Dec 2,2010 2:52pm - marsh nli  ""]
i was going to, i was. then i realized i had to go to bass practice (not the fish)
[Dec 2,2010 2:55pm - marsh nli  ""]
really want to see this band live though.
[Dec 2,2010 3:09pm - goatcatalyst ""]
It's only four strings, brah... they're not goin anywhere. Come party.
[Dec 2,2010 3:28pm - marsh nli  ""]
rock band practice, bro
[Dec 3,2010 1:47am - Phrozenspite ""]
where'd you endup standing? i was up front, was the first person to get kicked by one of the guitarists haha...
was a fun subway ride home, the combination of burning corpse smell and my being covered with blood helped ensure that nobody annoying sat near me
[Dec 3,2010 3:15am - goatcatalyst ""]
Was videotaping from the back weird area that was a couple steps up then worked my way right up front. Way better than the last time they played Boston, but still not as good as the first. Super fancy stage set-up and there was dead shit but in smelled more like the humane society I did my community service at than an unkempt morgue. Selim from The Devil's Blood was on lead guitar. It was phat. You buttdarts missed out.
[Dec 3,2010 3:45am - Night Cricket  ""]

Night%20Cricket said:

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