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Xfinity app (iPhone/iPad)

[Nov 26,2010 8:59pm - the_reverend ""]
anyone used this? If you have comcast, you can download it.
It rules. you can use it as a large ass remote for your TV.
[Nov 26,2010 9:50pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
go away 'batin

it's coming soon, the lazification of mankind has begun
[Nov 26,2010 10:08pm - the_reverend ""]
it rules.
[Nov 26,2010 11:03pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
it does sound cool
[Nov 26,2010 11:04pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
i wish to live at that comfort level.
[Nov 26,2010 11:07pm - the_reverend ""]
it fixes 3 issues
1) "oh fuck where is the remote" while puking, I guess I put my remote in my shorts pocket... then I was at carinas and the channel wouldn't change. I realized that my remote was in my pocket and must have fallen out on her chair

2) you can look at a huge schedule and just click on what you want to watch or record and the box does it. This is awesome cause the DVR menus blow dicks.

3) you are away from home and realized that you forgot to record the newest episode of dora the explorer.
[Nov 26,2010 11:11pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
alright. I take back my previous post. that rules
[Nov 27,2010 11:25am - swampthing  ""]
android phone and verizon fios tv app is bomb
[Nov 27,2010 11:53am - RustyPS ""]
they need the Comcast app for Android
[Nov 27,2010 11:58am - the_reverend ""]
I was thinking the same thing. With all the android tabs and phones, I'm sure it will come.

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