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Reverend, I found your doppleganger

[Nov 25,2010 10:25pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

[Nov 25,2010 10:37pm - the_reverend ""]
I don't have a camo bandanna. I don't have a bolt thrower shirt. I don't have a shoulder bag.
I guess we are both white so that is close enough.
[Nov 25,2010 10:51pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
rev reminds me of a turtle with a bandana
[Nov 25,2010 11:15pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
I said DOPPLEGANGER, not clone fuckface

[Nov 25,2010 11:27pm - RichHorror ""]
Only the guy from Gronibard is real.
[Nov 26,2010 11:30am - sxealex ""]
the naked hippy is better
[Nov 26,2010 11:57am - Slag ""]
[Nov 26,2010 12:01pm - BlackoutRick ""]
British Rev or bizzaro Rev.
[Nov 26,2010 12:05pm - Slag ""]
[Nov 26,2010 12:07pm - BlackoutRick ""]

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