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What are you doing for Thanksgiving?

[Nov 24,2010 11:02pm - the_reverend ""]
hopefully I get to see my grandmother like every single over t-day of my entire life. Hopefully not shitting and puking non-stop.
[Nov 24,2010 11:08pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Eating food and drinking beer. What do you think?
[Nov 24,2010 11:35pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
food with my family then going to work at 6 til close! Time and a half is a wonderful thing
[Nov 25,2010 1:29am - LPCustom  ""]
Drinking. I won't eat cause it'll cut down on my beer intake. Naw. Just joking. Eating and drinking tons of food and beer.
[Nov 25,2010 1:30am - Slag ""]
I took a dump.
[Nov 25,2010 1:38am - LPCustom  ""]
You say that as if you only do it on Thanksgiving. In which case you must've been in a real hell of a mess in there.
[Nov 25,2010 1:51am - the_reverend ""]
he's trying to beat bono.
[Nov 25,2010 1:51am - Slag ""]
[Nov 25,2010 2:51am - c.Dead  ""]
[Nov 25,2010 2:55am - sir coughsalot  ""]

the_reverend said:hopefully I get to see my grandmother like every single over t-day of my entire life. Hopefully not shitting and puking non-stop.

your grandmother shits and pukes nonstop?
[Nov 25,2010 3:40am - Pires ""]
Working. Like every other holiday.
[Nov 25,2010 7:10am - the_reverend ""]
As of 6:45am, it looks like I will be spending the day shitting, puking, and shit-puking.
[Nov 25,2010 7:11am - the_reverend ""]

Pires said:Working. Like every other holiday.
the world don't move to the beat of just one drum.
[Nov 25,2010 8:19am - Samantha ""]
I bet I'm the only person on RTTP working a double shift today.
[Nov 25,2010 8:56am - markworkingonthanksgivingrichards  ""]
I too am working. Waking up at 5 am on holidays fucking blows, but these trains ain't gonna move themselves. Luckily I get out in time to gorge myself and regret it for the next 3 days.
[Nov 25,2010 9:03am - Lamp nli  ""]

MillenialKingdom said:Eating food and drinking beer. What do you think?

A Napoleon Dynamite Thanksgiving?

I'll be seeing both sides of the family at some point over the course of the day, gorging myself and making small talk... should be an okay day.
[Nov 25,2010 9:06am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
cooking, eating, drinking, sleeping, repeat minus the cooking
[Nov 25,2010 10:30am - RustyPS ""]
eatin' and batin'

not necessarily in that order
[Nov 25,2010 10:34am - Slag ""]
Cooking and eating.
[Nov 25,2010 11:36am - Mutis ""]
seitanic rituals
[Nov 25,2010 11:39am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Praying for death.
[Nov 25,2010 11:43am - markworkingonthanksgivingrichards  ""]

Mutis said:seitanic rituals

I see what you did there.
[Nov 25,2010 12:42pm - i_am_not_me ""]
Working. Other than that, not a goddamn thing.
[Nov 25,2010 6:54pm - t2daeek ""]
ate/drank moderate amounts. saw sister's marching band at the annual football game halftime show in dartmouth. argued with my bat shit grandmother for an hour or so. all in all, same old fuggin thanksgiving. no better way to celebrate the anniversary of an apology for raping the land and women of the native americans.
here, have some of your corn red man!
[Nov 25,2010 7:16pm - escape_artist ""]
[Nov 25,2010 7:34pm - the_reverend ""]
Carina was all better from the stomach bug and took Ostelio to thanksgiving at my grandmother's nursing home. Both my mom and carina said he was the hit of the part. Would have love to have been there, but I'm glad they were at least able to go.
[Nov 25,2010 10:12pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

the_reverend said:Carina was all better from the stomach bug and took Ostelio to thanksgiving at my grandmother's nursing home. Both my mom and carina said he was the hit of the part. Would have love to have been there, but I'm glad they were at least able to go.


you have them
[Nov 25,2010 10:51pm - the_reverend ""]
*cries during Babe*
[Nov 25,2010 10:52pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
cry during Babe or faggot
[Nov 25,2010 11:19pm - the_reverend ""]
that'll do pig. that'll do.
[Nov 25,2010 11:25pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

the_reverend said:that'll do pig. that'll do.

[Nov 26,2010 12:14pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Started drinking at noon, went out to eat, drank more, in bed early.
[Nov 27,2010 12:50pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
my thanksgiving was awesome despite driving all over the state meeting my gfs relatives. went as follows

Wake n bake
Shooting Guns
Awesome Sex
Thanksgiving sandwiches
Moar Scotch
Pass the fuck out.

[Nov 27,2010 12:57pm - pam ""]
I got made fun of for not eating meat and listened to my dad call my brother a fag about 30x. I love my family.
[Nov 27,2010 1:05pm - AndrewBastard  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
Thanksgiving sandwiches

this is always my fav part
[Nov 27,2010 1:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

AndrewBastard said:
FuckIsMySignature said:
Thanksgiving sandwiches

this is always my fav part

i drove an hour out of the way back to my friends house for this specific purpose. also made sure to make a doggie back for further sandwich consumption the following day.
[Nov 27,2010 1:10pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
I made some incredible turkey soup last night, going to the in-laws for Thanksgiving(slight return) today cuz some relatives couldn't make it on the actual turkey day. FUCK YES

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