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What do you buttdarts know about the ancient cult?

[Nov 23,2010 7:17pm - goatcatalyst ""]


so ritual. so filthy.

definitely in my top five for the year. now i just need the new negative plane to drop.
[Nov 23,2010 7:25pm - mike29 ""]
Just ordered this off of Hell's Headbangers. The song on their comp. is fucking great. They're playing MDF next year as well.
[Nov 23,2010 7:29pm - demondave ""]


Hell's Headbangers are so dedicated to the metal scene. Their packaging for this one is great. I'm a total fan of that label.

[Nov 23,2010 7:34pm - nekronaut ""]
Good God does that look fucking amazing!
[Nov 23,2010 8:01pm - the_reverend ""]
Judge book by cover
[Nov 23,2010 8:18pm - nekronaut ""]
Clearly you are a buttdart that knows nothing about the ancient cult. It's a new Inquisition album, no cover needed to judge, this nilla needs a bj so snap to it.
[Nov 23,2010 8:43pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Fucking love Inquisition
[Nov 23,2010 8:48pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
NWN does a great job with die hards too
[Nov 24,2010 12:33am - goatcatabisk  ""]
that's fucking gorgeous, demondave. i really dig hell's headbangers. their job with the profanatica box was like woah


nwn does some great shit but their/his vibe kinda puts me off. it's like, "yeah... i like blasphemy too, chief"

kinda glad i don't have a turntable or i'd be FUUUUUCKED
[Nov 24,2010 3:39am - the_reverend ""]
butt darted.
[Nov 24,2010 5:10pm - amorok666 ""]
I just bought this

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