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Metal Vocalist, looking for a band

[Nov 23,2010 7:14pm - Goatrider ""]
My name is Jay, I live in Newton, and I do harsh vocals.

I mostly specialize in what could be described as "old-school brutal death metal", which means primarily lower growls with some deeper guttural belches. Nothing ridiculously fancy in range, but I make up for this in power and delivery.

Examples of influential vocalists on my style are Frank Mullen, Lord Worm, Ross Dolan, Dallas Toler-Wade, David Vincent, Glen Benton, John Tardy, Bill Robinson, early Chris Barnes, and Travis Ryan.

At this point, I'm looking for just about any band that would give this style a chance - I consider myself a friendly and agreeable musician, and avoid the dreaded "lead singer" ego at all costs! I'm more than happy to spend extra time rehearsing, and can contribute lyrics and some vocal pattern ideas.

I'm going to be honest - my work schedule is currently not 100% flexible, so late afternoon or evenings are the best hours for me to be available. That would pretty much be the main concern to take into account.

Thanks for reading,

(I have demo material, but it can't be too public just yet... I'm willing to show some of my work over email, though.)
[Nov 23,2010 7:17pm - nekronautnli  ""]
[Nov 23,2010 7:17pm - nekronautnli  ""]
..but cool and good luck!
[Jan 10,2011 10:13pm - P.J. ""]
you live in CT?? im in a band we are looing for a singer
[Jan 10,2011 11:31pm - nekronaut ""]
PJ! Long time no see my man how are you doing? How's Becky and the kids? What is Schon now 12? Justin something like 8? Damn how time flies!
[Jan 11,2011 9:44am - ouchdrummer ""]
Newton is pretty close to south boston.... Which is where BOARCORPSE plays. I know we'd be interested in having you come down to practice to listen. Check it out and see if it peeks your interest. www.myspace.com/boarcorpse
email here:
ouchdrummer @ gmail . com

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