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miley cyrus legal

[Nov 23,2010 5:42pm - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 23,2010 5:43pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
fap fap fap fab
[Nov 23,2010 5:45pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
whats the over/under on her first drug overdose and/or rehab appearence?


fap fap
[Nov 23,2010 5:49pm - Goatrider ""]
yeah, big fucking deal, fap fappity fap fap fap.

Come on, people. She's clearly not legal, and will remain a child until fappable nude pics show up on our dear internet. Whatever happened to the days of "pics or it didn't happen?"
[Nov 23,2010 5:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 23,2010 6:13pm - troll ""]
Oh, she wasn't before?

NH law= 16 with parental consent. 17 individual's consent
[Nov 23,2010 6:16pm - troll ""]
[Nov 23,2010 6:21pm - Archaeon ""]
[Nov 23,2010 6:25pm - troll ""]
[Nov 23,2010 7:04pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
titties too small....no care ever
[Nov 23,2010 8:16pm - the_reverend ""]

[Nov 23,2010 9:00pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

[Nov 23,2010 9:33pm - immortal13 ""]

RustyPS%20should%20be%20working said:titties too small....no care ever

I can work with it.
[Nov 23,2010 11:15pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
cum on her face
[Nov 24,2010 1:10am - TheRidersofDoom ""]

troll said:Oh, she wasn't before?

NH law= 16 with parental consent. 17 individual's consent

Wrong, 18 in NH

you are thinking of MA
[Nov 24,2010 3:37pm - immortal13 ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:
troll said:Oh, she wasn't before?

NH law= 16 with parental consent. 17 individual's consent

Wrong, 18 in NH

you are thinking of MA

Wrong. 16 in NH and MA.
[Nov 24,2010 5:41pm - RustyPS in school  ""]
ITT: funny people fighting over statch rape laws is funny
[Nov 24,2010 6:12pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Wrong. 12 in my basement.
[Nov 24,2010 6:54pm - the_reverend ""]
carina had her show on for hours today. fucking terrible. never seen it before.
[Nov 24,2010 9:40pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
This thread lacks PHOTOS
[Nov 25,2010 1:10pm - immortal13 ""]

RustyPS%20in%20school said:ITT: funny people fighting over statch rape laws is funny

Too high of an age for statutory rape laws is too high.
[Nov 25,2010 11:25pm - Archaeon ""]
What type of parent consents their child to have sex? A great one, that's who.
[Nov 26,2010 12:40am - W3 nli  ""]

the_taste_of_cigarettes said:This thread lacks PHOTOS

:point: this right here.
[Nov 26,2010 9:38am - the_reverend ""]
Needs more salsa
[Nov 26,2010 3:02pm - c.dEAD  ""]





[Nov 27,2010 1:48pm - immortal13 ""]
Any nudes yet? I figured they'd be everywhere at this point after her 18th birthday.

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