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bands with myspace AND Facebook pages

[Nov 23,2010 5:17pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
is there a way to link them so when I post something on Facebook it'll automatically post it on Myspace?
[Nov 23,2010 5:31pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
dont think so ..but that would be nifty.
[Nov 23,2010 5:31pm - nekronaut ""]
Lazy fuck.
[Nov 23,2010 5:35pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
pretty much
[Nov 23,2010 5:36pm - the_reverend ""]
what about www.hootsuite.com?
[Nov 23,2010 5:36pm - goatcatalyst ""]
F that. Fans with ESP or GTFO
[Nov 23,2010 5:42pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
aaron, I cant believe you didnt suggest WUPHF.com
[Nov 23,2010 6:21pm - Archaeon ""]
You can do that with twitter and facebook. No one gives a shit about myspace.
[Nov 23,2010 6:29pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
[Nov 23,2010 6:31pm - nekronaut ""]
MySpace is still really good for contacting other bands/distros/labels but that's about it.
[Nov 23,2010 6:48pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
so to add a music player to a facebook band page I have to provide them my photo ID? thats ridiculous...

[Nov 23,2010 6:51pm - RichHorror ""]
[Nov 23,2010 6:56pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
thats what I just read? didnt seem right to me...I made an actual band page for PB but I couldnt find the music player thing...?
[Nov 23,2010 6:56pm - nekronautnli  ""]
You're a photo ID.
[Nov 23,2010 7:00pm - nekronautnli  ""]
I think they want to test it for it's cocaine levels. If it's too high I don't think you can post anything.
[Nov 23,2010 7:01pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
i try not to use my ID for that...
[Nov 23,2010 7:01pm - RichHorror ""]
That's like a beautiful dream come true.
[Nov 23,2010 7:07pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

nekronaut said:MySpace is still really good for contacting other bands/distros/labels but that's about it.

[Nov 23,2010 9:37pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
I used my health care card for cutting the lines. But I used my Blockbuster card for crushing the shit, renamed the ROCKBUSTER. YEAH
[Nov 23,2010 10:47pm - dertoxia ""]
sign up to reverbnation and then you can add the reverb nation app to your facebook band page. it's fuckin stupid but it seems like the easiest way.
[Nov 24,2010 6:43am - sixstringcarnage ""]

dertoxia said:sign up to reverbnation and then you can add the reverb nation app to your facebook band page. it's fuckin stupid but it seems like the easiest way.

Double deckah pussy.
[Nov 24,2010 8:24am - blue ""]
Myspace 3.0 = so retarded people don't even touch that shit
[Nov 24,2010 9:17am - the_reverend ""]
Yeah, the new myspace is pretty lame.
[Nov 24,2010 9:35am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
At one point myspace became useless for personal shit, but still functional for band stuff. It's so fucking retarded to use even for band shit now. I'd even prefer the old soundclick type sites compared to it now.
[Nov 24,2010 10:10am - AndrewBastard  ""]
Yar, I hate Myspace as well which is really why I initially asked...I know people go there to listen to the band because we get substantial song plays every day but I want those people that still rely on it to see our updates and shows etc which I only ever post to the Facebook page...

Greg Lous GAyness
[Nov 24,2010 11:00am - sixstringcarnage ""]
Lolz @ sir gregory ...

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