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Help a brotha out!

[Nov 16,2010 11:43am - jebus_crispex_nli  ""]
Hey guys if you've got one of those facebooks and want to help Pathogenic get on a great show with Hivesmasher and others please go to this link and click "like" next to our name. We're second in line behind some other band so the more support the better. Thanks!

[Nov 16,2010 11:44am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 16,2010 12:10pm - Alexecutioner ""]
How does one Facebook?
[Nov 16,2010 12:25pm - W3 nli  ""]
why would you ask people to help you get on that fest, if the fest is all those bands on that page pretty fucking terrible.
[Nov 16,2010 12:27pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Hey guys, dare me to lick this white dogshit?
[Nov 16,2010 12:34pm - *THE TRUTH*  ""]
if anything, i would be doing you a favor to vote for some other band so you guys dont have to play this fucking worthless piece of shit "fest" that i wouldnt pay to get in to even if i had to shit my pants and i was determined to throw my fecal matter at those faggot metalcore bands
[Nov 16,2010 12:46pm - kilgore ""]
In that case, vote for STR
[Nov 16,2010 12:47pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Laughing out What?
Laughing out Who?
[Nov 16,2010 12:47pm - Ralphy  ""]

goatcatalyst said:Hey guys, dare me to lick this white dogshit?

[Nov 16,2010 12:48pm - sacreligion ""]
Only popularity contests are real.
[Nov 16,2010 1:24pm - aaron_michael ""]

*THE%20TRUTH* said: faggot metalcore bands

[Nov 18,2010 3:10am - jebus_crispex ""]
We just want to play another show with Hivesmasher.
[Nov 18,2010 4:49am - W3 nli  ""]
lol who

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