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Update 5/11/04/ : DEHUMANIZED

[May 11,2004 12:56pm - Enemyofdastate ""]
Hey All

George here from DEHUMANIZED. As of late we have been busy planning and we have just obtained a monthly rehearsal space to speed up the progress of the band.

The line-up is as follows:

George Torres - Drums
Rich Nagasawa - Guitars
Paul Tavora - Guitars
Mike Hussey - Bass
John Collett - Vocals

Mike is the newest addition to DEHUMANIZED, we were very very impressed with his first rehearsal after just having the tabs to the songs for 3 days, he came down and rocked out. This is one dedicated dude and we are stoked to have him on board. John Collett is our current vocalist as of yet. Hopefully , with this new rehearsal space we will be able to get him up to speed with the rest of the band.

Coming soon, probably within the next few days We will be launching
so all of you interested may check on it in days to come. From this site you can check for updates on shows, line-up changes, lyrics to songs, merch, pics, vids and much much more. Well thanks for your time, and be on the look out for DEHUMANIZED.


[May 11,2004 1:06pm - succubus ""]
mike is Kalopsia on this board...congrats to him on getting in the band!
[May 11,2004 1:56pm - XmikeX ""]
sonsofbitches, i read the title and thought Dehumanized was playing tonight May 11th. in the time it took me to read the actual text of the message i had already decided to just fail my film theory final tomorrow and goto the show.

[May 11,2004 1:57pm - succubus ""]
at least now you will pass that exam mike!
[May 11,2004 3:28pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

I am glad to hear things are going well.

Keep up the brutal work!


[May 11,2004 4:37pm - Dread_104 ""]
now we just need repudilation to get back together, and i can die a happy man!
[May 11,2004 4:54pm - BornSoVile ""]
Fucking A.
[May 11,2004 5:01pm - Dread_104 ""]
fuckin' A that i die, or fuckin' A that repudilation gets back together
[May 11,2004 7:44pm - Kalopsia ""]
[May 11,2004 8:26pm - BornSoVile ""]
how bout a one week tour of New England? Beer and pizza is covered : p
[May 11,2004 9:44pm - the_reverend ""]
so, dehumanized is going to play a bostons' dead?
[May 11,2004 10:23pm - Enemyofdastate ""]
yes as soon as we are ready we are going to book a w/e mini tour maybe starting in NYC then Upstate NY and onto to MA or RI, wherever we can get a decent show.
also Mike (Kalopsia) is a great addition to the lineup, very dedicated and professional. Cant wait to tear it up on stage with his sound added to the mix

[May 11,2004 10:24pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
no o'briens shows unless my band is playing them... 21+ is very very gay
[May 11,2004 10:25pm - Enemyofdastate ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:no o'briens shows unless my band is playing them... 21+ is very very gay

Agreed, we will try to get ALL AGES shows 21 + just doesnt cut it.
[May 11,2004 10:27pm - Enemyofdastate ""]
Also when we do start booking shows I will be trying to book a package deal - DEHUMANIZED & IRATE , that should make our comeback that much more fun having those guys on our shows.
[May 11,2004 10:46pm - the_reverend ""]
I've wanted to see irate for a long time...
though I don't like their lyrics.
[May 11,2004 10:59pm - Kalopsia ""]
i never understood the purpose of 21+ shows. the club is only losing money that way because now ppl who are under 21 can't pay to get in, buy non-alcoholic drinks (yes people still drink non-alcoholic drinks in this day and age) or buy merchandise which the venue usually gets a percentage of. if it strictly has to do with the liquor issue, fuckin put a fence in the drinking area (the Cricket Club did that at last years Metal Fest) or have a seperate room where alcohol is served, or people that are 21+ that are going to drink are given wrist bands. i don't understand what the problem is
[May 11,2004 11:02pm - Kalopsia ""]
but anyways, yea i'm the new Dehumanized bass player. so far i have learned Prophecies Foretold (i'm expecting AT LEAST 30 dead Spaldino, I will not accept less), Kingdom of Cruelty, and Fade Into Obscurity. next up on my list is Inifinte Despair. lookin forward to working with these guys who have experience in the scene and i'm definately looking forward to playing massachusettes. \m/
[May 12,2004 1:27am - XmikeX ""]
Enemyofdastate said:Also when we do start booking shows I will be trying to book a package deal - DEHUMANIZED & IRATE , that should make our comeback that much more fun having those guys on our shows.

Shattered Realm
Eternal Suffering
Back of tha Neck
In Dire Need

someone book this show
[May 12,2004 1:37am - Josh_hates_you ""]
irate is good stuff
take back of tha neck off that lineup
[May 12,2004 7:31am - Kalopsia ""]
shit, i dunno about everyone else but a Dying Fetus/Suffocation/Dehumanized show sounds retardedly sick.
[May 12,2004 8:09am - baneofexistence ""]
i am awaiting confermation on a show for b.o.e. and irate in r.i. with possibly Wormdrive, Overfiend

[May 18,2004 10:56pm - Enemyofdastate ""]
Yo people Visit the DEHUMANIZED FORUMS @

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