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[Nov 1,2010 2:07am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
so, I just learned that John Milius (director/writer for Conan the barbarian, red dawn, and apocalypse now) is working on writing the story for this video game that is pretty much a documentary sent back from the future about a unite Korean invasion of America (game sounds like it is literally red dawn)

you play a guerrilla soldier fighting for the resistance in Korean occupied America, first person shooter but with futuristic weapons and vehicles and 32 player online game play

I guess the company is so sure of the game that they are already making a sequel even though this game will not be out til march


fictional yet eerily plausible time line if Korea were to unite under the North.

* 2011: North Korea's weapons program grows significantly, leading to sanctions by the UN
* 2012: Kim Jong-il dies. He is succeeded by his son Kim Jong-un
* 2013: Kim Jong-un reunites North Korea and South Korea
* 2015: Gas prices rise to $20 a gallon in the United States, destabilizing the country
* 2017: The US Dollar collapses and the US Military begins to downgrade its foreign presence
* 2018: Japan volunteers to join the Greater Korean Republic
* 2022: The United States's economic system collapses totally
* 2024: Koreans annex many nations in East Asia
* 2025: GKR attacks the US
o An EMP hidden in a communications satellite is used to completely disable US infrastructure
o GKR forces seize Hawaii
o Cyber attack takes down hardened sites
o Korean troops control San Francisco
o US military is scattered

This game is pretty much red dawn but only without whiny kids and poorly executed melodrama.
[Nov 1,2010 3:24am - arilliusbm ""]
Only subtle anti-Korean propaganda through the guise of video game is real.
[Nov 1,2010 2:49pm - Doomkid nli  ""]
Sounds like a similar premise to Frontlines: Fuel of War

That was a rather bad game, but it was based on the idea of post-collapse resource wars. Included lots of fun military robots that are currently being field-tested or in the prototype stage.
[Nov 1,2010 3:29pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I thought this thread was about Homeworld, not some faggot "modern military FPS" that's going to blow just like Medal of Duty: Modern Combat.

This thread is now about RTS in a SF setting.
[Nov 1,2010 3:31pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I thought this thread was about the old Halo mod for Battlefield.
[Nov 1,2010 3:53pm - hang ten  ""]
have fun not getting laid while you fap over a video game.
[Nov 1,2010 8:37pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
I love Koreans, I want to mate with their women, maybe become the beloved leader of North Korea.

and are you surprised Aril, the game is being written by the guy who directed Red Dawn. That movie came out at the time when people were still crapping their pants worrying about Soviet nuke strikes.

my generation sucks, all we have to worry about is shitty ass home-made bombs not blowing up and grounding our flights.
[Nov 1,2010 8:43pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Since I didn't get called into work tomorrow I'm reinstalling Sins of a Solar Empire and playing the fuck out of that.
[Nov 2,2010 9:40am - sever ""]
yeah this game looks pretty badass.
[Nov 2,2010 9:41am - sever ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:I thought this thread was about Homeworld, not some faggot "modern military FPS" that's going to blow just like Medal of Duty: Modern Combat.

This thread is now about RTS in a SF setting.

Have you played the multiplayer? Single Player MOH is retarded but the online gameplay totally makes up for it.
[Nov 2,2010 9:59am - arilliusbm ""]
I love homeworld.
Never played homeworld 2, is it good?
[Feb 10,2011 2:49pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]

arilliusbm said:Only subtle anti-Korean propaganda through the guise of video game is real.

propaganda ain't just for the commies and nazis
[Feb 10,2011 2:51pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
oh yeah, oops
[Feb 10,2011 3:01pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
it's all good, the only reason i noticed is because I'm a huge Milius fan and made this thread.

I kinda want to pick up the novel which is already out.
[Feb 10,2011 3:07pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
the game's probably gonna be really good. i love apocalypse now but never really cared to see red dawn.
[Feb 10,2011 3:09pm - arilliusbm ""]
looks like it's going to be good.
[Mar 14,2011 8:56am - timma ""]
Comes out tomorrow...thinking about picking it up. Trade in Bulletstorm, seeing as how that was an awful investment.

The multiplayer looks pretty badass. Its like a combination of MW2 and BC2
[Mar 14,2011 10:15am - Mutis ""]
I'd be more interested if this game was about being part of an armed proletariat uprising.
[Mar 19,2011 1:05pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
So far so good, I'm at the part where you have a fight with Korean forces on the Golden gate bridge protecting an armored column of a remnant of the US army.

my main problem is there is not nearly enough story or character development at all, probably in the already announced sequel. The only reason I care is because I like story and it was announced that this game would have downtime and focus on character development...which it hasn't yet

also, reallllly creepy. You gather news articles as a side quest and so far I have found

1. Japanese nuclear accident drives US army to retreat from bases.
2. Pan-Arab war engulfs American forces
3. American troops leave Iraq and it falls into chaos being divided along religious lines with Iran taking the North and Saudi Arabia taking the south

The 3rd one is something I never thought of, wonder if something like that would happen when we withdraw

but the first two are scary because the game was finished before the first Arab revolution and well before the Japanese quake/Nuclear shit
[Mar 19,2011 1:34pm - Pires ""]
I heard this game sucks. Single player story was only 5-7 hrs long. I guess the meat and potatoes is the multiplayer. But Im still stuck playing CoD and now MLB the show.
[Mar 19,2011 2:14pm - arktouros ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:
1. Japanese nuclear accident drives US army to retreat from bases.
2. Pan-Arab war engulfs American forces
3. American troops leave Iraq and it falls into chaos being divided along religious lines with Iran taking the North and Saudi Arabia taking the south

haha, wow
[Mar 19,2011 4:11pm - Dankill  ""]

arktouros said:
TheRidersofDoom said:
1. Japanese nuclear accident drives US army to retreat from bases.
2. Pan-Arab war engulfs American forces
3. American troops leave Iraq and it falls into chaos being divided along religious lines with Iran taking the North and Saudi Arabia taking the south

haha, wow

3 is very possible if Iran is ballsy enough to gamble on using the Iraqi Shia to push a proxy rule. Only problem is Iraqis are Arabs and don't trust the Persian Iranians. Odds are if that happened, Iran would lose against a US funded Saudi Arabia. Plus, that might drag us in the fight as well.
[Mar 19,2011 5:29pm - timma ""]
Not wild about this game. Kind of cool, but graphics are super dated, and the plot is kind of thin. MP is cool, but not enough to hold my attention.

Might trade this in for Crysis 2.
[Mar 19,2011 5:32pm - severnli  ""]
game looks like yet another COD fapper. no care ever
[Mar 20,2011 6:15pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
beat it, too short, had a lot of promise but fell on it's face. Haven't played the multiplayer but it's probably nothing special.

Maybe in the future I'll check out the sequel, but I feel like this was a waste of 60 bucks
[Mar 20,2011 10:21pm - timma ""]
FYI--Best Buy is giving $37 for a trade-in of this game. Will be doing so.

[Mar 20,2011 10:28pm - arktouros ""]
eh, not interested, nope.
[Mar 21,2011 11:11am - C.dEAd  ""]
I think this game is pretty awesome. The single player is really good but retardedly short. I can't stop playing the multiplayer though, which is what this game is worth buying for. So much fun.

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