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NILE @ Rocko's Thursday November 4th-

Rocko's (Manchester, NH) - [ex_deo][keep_of_kalessin][nemecide][nile][onslaught_of_decay][pathology][psycroptic][randomshots]
[show listing]  __________________________________
[Oct 26,2010 7:47pm - Sanders  ""]
with specials guests
Keep Of Kalessin
Thursday November 4th
At Rocko's Manchester, Nh
All Ages, Doors at 5pm $20

You can buy tickets at www.enterthevault.com or at the door.
[Oct 26,2010 9:04pm - Elihhcb  ""]
I can't wait to annoint my phallus.
[Oct 26,2010 9:15pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 26,2010 11:08pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Shit just got real
[Nov 2,2010 12:30pm - odecay  ""]
Onsalight of Decay + Nemicide are also playing this show.
[Nov 3,2010 8:14pm - sanders  ""]
[Nov 3,2010 8:28pm - the_reverend ""]
I believe I'm shooting.
[Nov 3,2010 11:32pm - Elihhcb  ""]
Nile tastic gear pictures pls?
[Nov 4,2010 8:24am - soilworker ""]
this IS happening at rockos now? thought it was not happening

[Nov 4,2010 9:20am - W3 nli  ""]
Assclown said:Doors at 5pm

[Nov 4,2010 9:41am - sanders  ""]
Its never been changed. Nile is playing Tonight. Overkill on Nov. 19th
[Nov 4,2010 4:22pm - the_reverend ""]
Onslaught Of Decay IS ALSO PLAYING.
[Nov 4,2010 5:22pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
I'm here. Pumped for this show.
[Nov 4,2010 7:15pm - the_reverend ""]
Onslaught of decay had a bunch of people here for them, but as happens a lot, they scattered after the set.

Nemicide took forever cause their singer and second guitarist were here. They played a song or 2 with random kids from the crowd screaming on the mics. But only got to play lik 3 songs once the singer/lead guitarist got there.
[Nov 4,2010 8:45pm - the_reverend ""]
Pathogy had a differen singer from the one tha filled in (origin). Idk it this was the real singer or not.

Keep of kalissen souned good, but I think the singer is trying too much to sound like nergal (behemoth)
[Nov 4,2010 8:52pm - blue ""]
Currently there is no 'real' singer for Pathology, Matti Way recently stepped down and the band is in between singers.
[Nov 4,2010 9:30pm - the_reverend ""]
Psycoptic was good, but the singer didn't take his hat off for us to see the glorious rat tail.
[Nov 4,2010 9:47pm - the_reverend ""]
Is that the same singer?
[Nov 4,2010 10:10pm - blue ""]
As I told aaron via sexytext, zdenek (godless truth) is filling in for Psycroptic on vocals.
[Nov 4,2010 10:15pm - reimroc ""]
don't ask why im here in shitty ass lynn and not at this show right now
[Nov 4,2010 10:45pm - the_reverend ""]
Is the answer drugs
[Nov 4,2010 10:46pm - reimroc ""]
i could've stayed in fitchburg and then somerville for that shit. naw i got a good deal on a good apt for me and my brother.
[Nov 4,2010 10:48pm - the_reverend ""]
Ex-deo was really good one again. I thought they had more samples last time. Still, this gimick works for them and I like it.
[Nov 5,2010 12:20am - titd nli  ""]
why arent they coming to MA...wtf
[Nov 5,2010 1:37am - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 5,2010 11:27am - ouchdrummer ""]

the_reverend said:Is the answer drugs

[Nov 5,2010 11:38am - MillenialKingdom ""]
This was an amazing show. Nile was amazing but I was surprised they played a lot of "slower" songs. Ex-Deo was the biggest surprise for me. They really put on a show.
[Nov 5,2010 11:58am - Rockos ""]

W3%20nli said:Assclown said:Doors at 5pm


Got a problem punk? I'm fining you 15 tickets for this infraction.
[Nov 6,2010 4:57am - chrihsahn ""]
I have stitches after this show. So good.
[Nov 7,2010 6:01pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Yea, you got messed up man.

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