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What do you do in Leominster MA?

[Sep 30,2010 4:57pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
I'll be working there all week next sunday, is it a boring town or is there actually shit to do?
[Sep 30,2010 5:00pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
You leave Leominster as soon as you can.
[Sep 30,2010 5:01pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
A: Ask for directions for how to get away from Leominster.
[Sep 30,2010 5:05pm - arilliusbm ""]
A: Go a few towns over, look for a pizza shop, and ask if Codso is working.

Also, what happened to FlightlessBird? That nigga was supposed to talk to Codso for us then disappeared, RTTP etched knuckles and all.
[Sep 30,2010 6:03pm - Spaldino  ""]
[Sep 30,2010 6:06pm - Slag NLI  ""]
Only good things about Leominster are:

1. Expresso's Pizza in Fitchburg. IMHO best pizza in Universe.

2. Tennessee's BBQ at the Whitney Mall.

3. You can leave fairly quickly.
[Sep 30,2010 6:06pm - bobnomaamrooney nli  ""]
Jamaal Watermelonseed
[Sep 30,2010 6:07pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
WAAF's smelly purple vagina Mistress Carrie is from leominster. you could go get her autograph with a side of herpes.
[Sep 30,2010 6:09pm - Spaldino  ""]

bobnomaamrooney%20nli said:Jamaal Watermelonseed

the seeds have been genetically altered out of existence, just like black people shouldAMIRITE?!
[Sep 30,2010 6:16pm - bobnomaamrooney nli  ""]
YuQi Riceseed
[Sep 30,2010 6:23pm - ark  ""]
yep, get an expresso's pizza to go and leave fast.
[Sep 30,2010 7:28pm - Pires ""]

Slag%20NLI said:Only good things about Leominster are:

2. Tennessee's BBQ at the Whitney Mall.

that place kicks ass. cheap ass food and a shit ton of it. well worth it.
[Sep 30,2010 7:29pm - hauptpflucker ""]
Tip Cattle?
[Sep 30,2010 7:45pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
Is it really that ghetto, I am from Lynn, Mass by the way so rate it's shittyness based on that fact haha. To me Lowell seems like a nice city.
[Sep 30,2010 8:04pm - i_am_not_me ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:Is it really that ghetto, I am from Lynn, Mass by the way so rate it's shittyness based on that fact haha. To me Lowell seems like a nice city.

You'd just find it a snoozefest then.

Oh, and Codso's friends with one of my friends apparently. If I remember right, he commented on one of said friends' FB statuses and I turned it into a request to start a band with Bova.
[Sep 30,2010 8:17pm - Slag nli  ""]
Its not ghetto at all really. Just not much to do. I grew up there.
[Sep 30,2010 8:48pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:WAAF's smelly purple vagina Mistress Carrie is from leominster. you could go get her autograph with a side of herpes.
[Oct 1,2010 6:13am - SkinSandwich ""]
Sit in your car and go over the stats of the high suicide rates in Leominster and then leave town.
[Oct 1,2010 9:43am - sever ""]
I've lived in the Fitchburg/Leominster area all my life.

1. Go to Fitchburg and get Espresso Pizza. Do not question this. Just accept instruction and eat their fucking pizza.

2. Go to the Mall at Whitney Field in Leominster and buy native american shit from the native american store. Then leave the mall immediately cause everything else in it is retarded.

3. Tenessee BBQ is delicious. Also check out Texas Roadhouse on RT 117. Holy shit.

4. Get drunk and go bowling at Mason's and play some old as fuck arcade games.

5. If you're into nature walking this area is a goldmine of paths that lead in the middle of nowhere in the woods. "Cowdry" in Lunenburg is awesome. Ashby is full of crazy mountainous trails. Also check out MT Wataitic, it's peak season for that shit.

6. Don't go to the Cleghorn area of Fitchburg... unless you like getting robbed.

7. Especially Columbus St or Blossom St.


9. I work at the local Petsmart. We're up to our necks in homeless cats... go give them some attention. They spend 24/7 locked up in a 3x2 cage while people oogle at them.
[Oct 1,2010 9:46am - sever ""]
I forgot something as well...

look for a coffee chain called either "Gormet Donuts" or "Boston Donuts." They're the same establishments but for some reason have different names in different locations... regardless their coffee is some of the most delicious stuff I have ever had in my life. It's cheaper and tastier than dunkin's. There's one on RT 13 near the Mall at a place called the Turnout. There's also one in Fitchburg in a plaza near Airport RD and one near the Ashby end at a gas station.
[Oct 1,2010 9:48am - sever ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:Is it really that ghetto, I am from Lynn, Mass by the way so rate it's shittyness based on that fact haha. To me Lowell seems like a nice city.

There are some ghetto parts in Leominster but on the whole it's not that scummy of a city. Fitchburg on the other hand....

Another thing! There's a headshop called the Dragon's Leyer in Leominster. They have some locally blown pieces and cool finds... if pot smoking is your thing.
[Oct 1,2010 10:01am - Slag NLI  ""]

sever said:

4. Get drunk and go bowling at Mason's and play some old as fuck arcade games.

I have not been to Mason's in many years. Candlepin bowling is a dying game.
[Oct 1,2010 10:04am - DreadKill ""]
scott who posts on here as sinistas recently saw a comment from codso on one of his facebook friends' page.
[Oct 1,2010 10:06am - DreadKill ""]

sever said:

my friends and i call it Turd Cutter Lando's
[Oct 1,2010 10:08am - sever ""]

Slag%20NLI said:
sever said:

4. Get drunk and go bowling at Mason's and play some old as fuck arcade games.

I have not been to Mason's in many years. Candlepin bowling is a dying game.

Mason's seems to be doing better than ever. I figured a place like that would be hurting especially during a recession... but I guess people still like to throw heavy balls at shit.
[Oct 1,2010 3:25pm - Spaldino  ""]

DreadKill said:
sever said:

my friends and i call it Turd Cutter Lando's

dude... TC Lando's/Carl's cub shops are the fucking best. huge ass, gourmet cheesesteaks. Carl's in Waltham only uses high quality steak and cheese... i would assume its the same for multiple TC Lando's and whatnot as it's all run by the same family. better cheesesteaks than all of Philly combined.
[Oct 1,2010 3:30pm - Yeti ""]

Slag%20NLI said:
sever said:

4. Get drunk and go bowling at Mason's and play some old as fuck arcade games.

I have not been to Mason's in many years. Candlepin bowling is a dying game.

seriously, i love candlepin bowling way better than regular bowling.
[Oct 1,2010 3:44pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
no way candlepin bowling is for limp wrists.
[Oct 1,2010 3:58pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:no way candlepin bowling is for limp wrists.
not when you throw it overhand
[Oct 1,2010 3:58pm - DreadKill ""]

Spaldino said:
DreadKill said:
sever said:

my friends and i call it Turd Cutter Lando's

dude... TC Lando's/Carl's cub shops are the fucking best. huge ass, gourmet cheesesteaks. Carl's in Waltham only uses high quality steak and cheese... i would assume its the same for multiple TC Lando's and whatnot as it's all run by the same family. better cheesesteaks than all of Philly combined.

i had a sub called the budster at turd cutter's in acton once and it was incredible. it was chicken fingers, cheese, and other stuff i can't remember, but it tasted great.
[Oct 1,2010 4:04pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

RustyPS%20should%20be%20working said:
FuckIsMySignature said:no way candlepin bowling is for limp wrists.
not when you throw it overhand

now we're talkin.
[Oct 1,2010 4:04pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

DreadKill said:
Spaldino said:
DreadKill said:
sever said:

my friends and i call it Turd Cutter Lando's

dude... TC Lando's/Carl's cub shops are the fucking best. huge ass, gourmet cheesesteaks. Carl's in Waltham only uses high quality steak and cheese... i would assume its the same for multiple TC Lando's and whatnot as it's all run by the same family. better cheesesteaks than all of Philly combined.

i had a sub called the budster at turd cutter's in acton once and it was incredible. it was chicken fingers, cheese, and other stuff i can't remember, but it tasted great.

i go to the TC's in hudson. massive subs are massive.
[Oct 1,2010 4:13pm - Spaldino  ""]
budsters are awesome. the kama-kazi is like... bacon, steak, sausage, ham, pepperoni, cheese, and bbq sauce. absolutely godly.

the subs are biblical in scale. 9 bucks will get a large cheesesteak with extra cheese. it's a sub so large, that even a huge dude like myself can be satisfied with eating only half. they make me cum flaccid.
[Oct 1,2010 4:40pm - DreadKill ""]

Spaldino said: they make me cum flaccid.
quote of the day
[Oct 1,2010 7:46pm - flightlessbird ""]

arilliusbm said:A: Go a few towns over, look for a pizza shop, and ask if Codso is working.

Also, what happened to FlightlessBird? That nigga was supposed to talk to Codso for us then disappeared, RTTP etched knuckles and all.

Didja miss me?

I spoke to him about it a ways back. He sort of laughed it off.
Probably should have directed him to the numerous threads about him.
He doesn't work at Gabby's anymore.
[Oct 1,2010 8:09pm - nli  ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:I'll be working there all week next sunday, is it a boring town or is there actually shit to do?

buy heroin
[Oct 1,2010 8:11pm - nli  ""]

ark said:yep, get an expresso's pizza to go and leave fast.

lol leominster isn't bad. its actually a decent city in most parts. now fitchburg on the other hand, that place is stingy and dingy and dirty as fuck.

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