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post your solo projects!

[Sep 28,2010 1:00am - TheMan nli  ""]
lets see if any rttp have talent!
[Sep 28,2010 1:08am - Alx_Casket ""]
in before bedroom black metal
[Sep 28,2010 1:14am - slar you a wizard  ""]

[URL='www.myspace.com/vein666']vein; total von ripoff
[Sep 28,2010 1:16am - slar you a wizard  ""]

[URL='www.myspace.com/vein666']vein; total von worship
[Sep 28,2010 1:17am - slar you a wizard  ""]
[Sep 28,2010 1:18am - slar you a wizard  ""]
[Sep 28,2010 1:19am - ttid nli  ""]
instrumental acoustic stuff, would love some feedback. wear headphones!


http://www.last.fm/music/Jared+Kamrowski (more songs here, downloadable)
[Sep 28,2010 1:57am - redfiend nli  ""]
some decent stuff so far
[Sep 28,2010 7:28am - ancient master  ""]
[Sep 28,2010 8:40am - sever ""]
[Sep 28,2010 8:43am - arilliusbm ""]
bah, I had a bunch but here's some that are linked up:
http://www.myspace.com/8bitofdeath - brief collection of video game / chiptune / chiptune death metal music
http://www.myspace.com/bahamutscurse - blackthrash project started 5-6 year ago with intentions of making it live but didn't do anything with it
http://www.myspace.com/rigelmetal - started recording for an EP and was going to have a sekret drummer but halted it to focus on other bands. Hopefully will have it done in 2011
http://www.myspace.com/khandambient - ambient/keyboard project.. trying to finish up recordings for a split
http://www.myspace.com/infernecronbm - horrible atmospheric BM side project. Did everything except lead vocals

[Sep 28,2010 8:47am - ouchdrummer ""]
sekret drummer?
[Sep 28,2010 9:44am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
only Tom Bombadil and the Unnatural Disasters is real
[Sep 28,2010 10:00am - arilliusbm ""]
do you have any easy ways to record bass, Tom?
[Sep 28,2010 10:09am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
not from my home no. i'd like to eventually though.
[Sep 28,2010 10:10am - sever ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:not from my home no. i'd like to eventually though.

get podfarm. shit's cheap and works wonders.
[Sep 28,2010 10:10am - sinistas ""]
[Sep 28,2010 10:15am - arilliusbm ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:not from my home no. i'd like to eventually though.

Alright. Yea man get a podfarm or cheap toneport. Although I don't even know wha you wanna do for TBandtheUN. Vocals,bass?
[Sep 28,2010 10:31am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
well i dont feel i'm utilizing my metal guitar abilities to my fullest so that would be cool. but shit i'll do whatever besides drums (cuz no haz drum skillz)
[Sep 28,2010 2:32pm - TheMan nli  ""]
enjoying these...keep em coming!

[Sep 28,2010 3:28pm - AndrewBastard  ""]

i forgot the login and password over a year ago so this may not even work anymore...
[Sep 28,2010 3:29pm - arilliusbm ""]
I still have those mp3s you sent me years ago. good stuff
[Sep 28,2010 3:53pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
I have a Black 13 soundclick page, but oddly there's only one black 13 tune on there, and it's just a snippet. Everything else is just ideas or tunes I came up with, but are not necessarily a project. I have a real problem with finishing things I start.


And here's a youtube of another unfinished idea. I suck at teh filming, so it'll be a while before I make any worthwhile video contributions.


The outro on that is another piece I never finished, so I stuck it at the end of the video.

Also in this video, I did the same thing with another song I have that I never finished. I stuck it at the end during the credits.


I have a whole folder full of half finished shit like that. Some tunes are even 3 or more minutes long, I'm just too lazy to re-learn how to play them so I can finish recording it.

[Sep 28,2010 3:54pm - RichHorror ""]
[Sep 28,2010 4:39pm - ancient master  ""]
this was basically a solo project of mine, though my friend likes to take credit for the songs, I composed and recorded them alone

also www.myspace.com/hunterstwilight
a solo black metal project that I have neglected to finish
[Sep 28,2010 4:40pm - ancient master  ""]
[Sep 28,2010 5:32pm - mutis  ""]
[Sep 28,2010 5:51pm - sir coughsalot  ""]

RichHorror said:http://myspace.com/richhorrorxmas

[Sep 28,2010 8:37pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

I really need to update this page, I'm particularly proud of Country Fried Fuck, so check that out
[Sep 28,2010 8:51pm - Slag NLI  ""]
only arilslag is real.
[Sep 28,2010 11:57pm - secthammer  ""]
Quantum Heresy


stuff up there is kinda old, i'm working on a newer mix with more layers, WAY better mix/tone, and bass added.

By the time i finish this, the next two albums should be finished, so i can try to maybe release them all at once. 2nd two albums will (most likely) have vocals.

[Sep 29,2010 12:28am - secthammer  ""]
Quantum Heresy

Heres a couple of more, not nearly as on-going projects

Techdeath - Internet Hate Machine

Symphonic Metal The Aria Overture

The Aria Overture is probably the oldest solo material that i'd be willing to show to anyone haha. Only 1 song on the myspace, the fade in is quiet, and it's a long song, but i'm still pretty proud on how it came out, considering this is the only export i have of it, and half of the synths didn't export
[Sep 29,2010 1:51am - Death_Metal_Jim ""]
strange thing i did in 2003 -

[Oct 18,2010 10:41pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:ELDERBERRY

I really need to update this page, I'm particularly proud of Country Fried Fuck, so check that out

Finally updated some tunes. Dappa Doo, Gurkey, Lawrence and Tech Yo Diggity. All different styles, all crappy:middlefinger:
[Oct 19,2010 4:58am - arilliusbm ""]
Good stuff guy
[Oct 19,2010 7:50am - WATER  ""]
[Oct 19,2010 10:20am - thesac ""]
Lesion Grave - bedroom fag shit
[Oct 19,2010 10:40am - Seanblitzkrieg ""]
www.myspace.com/3deathgroove4 not in use anymore, all recorded in garage band with UX2 line 6 Pod Farm...3 blind mice anyone?http://www.myspace.com/3deathgroove4
[Oct 19,2010 10:40am - DreadKill ""]
my solo/side project only has a couple songs, one of which is partially recorded. i'lll get around to finishing it eventually.

it's very much in the vein of discouraged ones era katatonia, with a lot of sentenced, rapture, and fall of the leafe mixed in.

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