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Snare Drums: Wood Vs. Metal, plus vents?

[Sep 26,2010 1:11pm - Alexecutioner ""]
i came across this the other day, nothing new im sure but i hadnt really heard of them.

putting massive vents in your snare to increase the volume, while im no stranger to hitting the snare drum as hard as i can, i hear these things can sound fucking insane.

i was wondering what might cause a louder crack tho, Steel or 40-ply wood snare?

thoughts, opinions, etc.

while there are a couple companies that make them, ive been checking out this company

anyone have anything good or bad to say about Spaun?

[Sep 26,2010 1:35pm - reimroc ""]
i prefer metal with small vents or no vents at all. if i were to go with anything other than metal it would be pork pie's acrylic line.
[Sep 26,2010 1:55pm - Alexecutioner ""]
I have a trick aluminum 14x7 snare that I love, sounds great. But I would like to use something that cuts even more
[Sep 26,2010 2:00pm - josh_hates_you ""]
spaun makes some sick drums. just like ocdp though they now outsource their low end gear (the stuff you can buy at guitar center) to china. Spaun snares at GC are about $250 - $300. a real one (custom oredered handmade to order) will set you back more like $800 or more im guessing.

Usually metal snares are louder but when you are talking 40 ply vented then wood will be louder. It has been said that the lars ulrich brass bell snare is one of the loudest out there. it's also like $1500.

Im loving that sjc custom 20 ply vented 14"x 7" maple snare. My blastbeats get heard. hell for loud and crisp you might wanna check out a 13"x 8" deeper shells = more volume. less overtones.
[Sep 26,2010 2:56pm - barbelo  ""]
I play a Mapex Black Panther Sledgehammer.


Hammered brass (mine's black), two vents.

Hitting this guy can make a puppy's skull implode from 50 yards. It's actually also got a very meaty low end, so it rocks as well as blasts well. Everyone I know who's played it fell in love with it instantly. I paid $450 with the case, but I imagine you could probably find one cheaper on ebay or something. For that kind of money it's unbeatable.

If you can track one down, Acrylic is also extremely loud with a very rich sound. Paul Ledney tried to buy my Fibes off me last year. (No way!)

I'd love to try a 40-play maple snare when I win the lotto or write my bestseller.
[Sep 26,2010 3:36pm - zenerik nli  ""]
Massive vents increase the volume but actually decrease projection. They also reduce rebound.
[Sep 26,2010 4:44pm - Alexecutioner ""]
hmm, so it doesnt necessarily sound like getting one of these massive vented snare's will necessarily sound better, just allow me to hit softer to get the same amount of volume. wondering if there is something louder than my current snare without sacrificing the rest
[Sep 27,2010 8:23am - boxxy ""]
i wouldn't go with "massive" vents, the regular evans vented heads sound ballsy. Very nice crack with slightly reduced ring.
[Sep 27,2010 8:38am - xgodzillax ""]
You're talking about the evans dry heads. If you hit hard, like your snare tight with no extra ring, go with the HD dry. Its a 2 ply head and is durable as fuck. I use marching sticks and I haven't broken the head yet, and I usually go through snare heads in a little over 2 weeks
[Sep 27,2010 8:55am - boxxy ""]
yup, Evans Genera dry vented snare head.
[Sep 27,2010 9:29am - TIMMA ""]
All of this talk is irrelevant.

This is the only snare that matters:

[Sep 27,2010 9:34am - josh_hates_you ""]
that thing must suck to tune.
[Sep 27,2010 9:51am - DX Drummer  ""]
obviously you guys don't know shit. Lambskin snareheads with tin bodies are the best sounding drums by far
[Sep 27,2010 9:59am - Alexecutioner ""]

boxxy said:i wouldn't go with "massive" vents, the regular evans vented heads sound ballsy. Very nice crack with slightly reduced ring.

was talking more about the "porthole" vents on the snare itself instead of the batter head.
[Sep 27,2010 10:08am - Alexecutioner ""]
my snare head is on its way out so im probably going to try out one of the vented evans heads

do diecast hoops really make a big difference?
[Sep 27,2010 10:27am - boxxy ""]
not that i've noticed. The things that make the most difference are head pairings, and tuning. If you're thinking about re-heading your stuff, check out the
"Drum tuning bible": http://home.earthlink.net/~prof.sound/site...rcontent/sitebuilderfiles/DTBv3.pdf

it contains advice on how to pair top and bottom heads to get the sounds you want out of your drums specifically. It's good times. It helped me a lot.
[Sep 27,2010 10:30am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

TIMMA said:All of this talk is irrelevant.

This is the only snare that matters:


HAHAHA thats awesome
[Sep 27,2010 10:33am - boxxy ""]

josh_hates_you said:that thing must suck to tune.

I was thinking the same thing. Wow.
[Sep 27,2010 10:34am - josh_hates_you ""]

boxxy said:http://home.earthlink.net/~prof.sound/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/DTBv3.pdf

way too much to read. put on top head. tighten till it screams. removed one lug. put on bottom head. tighten till it almost screams. snap those fucking snare wires on tight. blast away.
[Sep 27,2010 10:34am - boxxy ""]
and alex, just because the thread title is what it is, i figured i should throw this in too: Metal Drums are generally louder than wood drums (with the exception of some of the one ply drums like the craviatto) but wood drums have more of a warm crack and quick decay, and less ring to them.
[Sep 27,2010 10:39am - boxxy ""]

josh_hates_you said:
boxxy said:http://home.earthlink.net/~prof.sound/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/DTBv3.pdf

way too much to read. put on top head. tighten till it screams. removed one lug. put on bottom head. tighten till it almost screams. snap those fucking snare wires on tight. blast away.

I know how you feel, and trust me, before i bought my current drumset, that's all i did too. Now i follow the instructions in that "bible" and it turns out great. It does take FOREVER to tune drums that way though. They have you tuning everything fine-tuned perfect with the top and bottom reads being relevantly in tune, then leave them over night to set. (what this does is make a starting crease in the drumhead, doing it while the drum is perfectly in tune makes the crease totally even, and this helps the drums stay in tune longer. (big difference i might add, now my drums stay in tune for a couple days of practice... which is pretty good.) and then the next day you take off the heads and do it all over again. It takes over an hour for each drum, each day. It's a lot of work, but it's good for your ears as a drummer to do it this way a couple times, it helps you to tune them quickly when need be at a show.
[Sep 27,2010 11:23am - Alexecutioner ""]
awesome awesome info, i will have to give that a good read. what are you using as your resonant head on your snare? thats the one thing ive never really experimented with
[Sep 27,2010 5:04pm - xgodzillax ""]
The best heads to use as a resonant, if you want a high cracking sound are the remo emporor clear or the evans ec2 which is the equivalent to the emporor. 2 plys, nice sound too
[Sep 27,2010 5:07pm - blue ""]

[Sep 27,2010 7:43pm - zenerik nli  ""]
Also note that thinner heads provide more projection. Thicker heads are going to to make the drum harder to hear and sound muted from a distance. Fine if you're miked but not ideal otherwise.
[Sep 27,2010 7:55pm - hauptpflucker ""]
hit harder!

also a buddy i used to jam with had a floating pear snare. none of the hardware was directly attached to the shell. he was loud as hell and the snare had awesome tone
[Sep 27,2010 8:10pm - Alexecutioner ""]
Yea, I definitely don't have a problem hitting hard, just looking for something to make it even louder, the kind of volume that makes you blink uncontrollabley haha
[Sep 29,2010 10:19am - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 29,2010 10:21am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
haha i thought those were boobs before i scrolled up.
[Sep 29,2010 10:32am - the_reverend ""]
that is your answer to everything.
[Sep 29,2010 10:36am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Sep 29,2010 10:37am - the_reverend ""]
good thing you have your own set with you at all times.
[Sep 29,2010 10:42am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i sense i hint of jealousy.
[Sep 29,2010 1:01pm - timma ""]
[Sep 29,2010 1:12pm - handinjury ""]
Wood is the way to go, for me. They just have better sustain and warmth. Slap on a coated batter head and your good to go.

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