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Metal Vocalist, Looking for band.

[Sep 25,2010 1:32pm - LazyGoatrider  ""]
I figured it was time to give this a try.

I've been an extreme metal vocalist for about three years now. Never been in an active band, but I do practice my voice and breathing on a regular basis. My strongest styles are low-register growls, and I usually practice to death metal bands such as: Suffocation, Obituary, Nunslaughter, Deicide, Immolation, and Gorguts. Other influences are Cattle Decapitation, Doom, Carcass, Gaza, and Sarcofago.

Since I'm not experienced in putting together groups, I'd rather join a band with a somewhat solid lineup - But honestly, any group of musicians will probably do. I live in the Brookline/Newton area, and mostly use public transportation. Contact me with a private message if you have questions.

-Jay H.
[Sep 25,2010 1:33pm - LazyGoatrider  ""]
Shit, forgot to add that my username here is "Goatrider"

Yeah. PM that.
[Sep 25,2010 1:41pm - blue ""]
Parasitic Extirpation is currently looking for a vocalist. If you're into brutal tech death/grind check out our stuff: http://www.myspace.com/parasiticextirpation

Read the blog we have regarding what we're looking for, if you're into it, hit us up.
[Sep 26,2010 10:02pm - analnymous  ""]
Hey man,

We are an upcoming band in the realm of melodic death metal. We are an unnamed band as of yet consisting of ex-members of Withered Sun and The Arkham White. We're located in Canton, MA and have been working on some solid new material. If you're interested in hearing some scratch tracks, we'd love to hear what you can do. Please email Brandon at bgreen3387@yahoo.com.
[Sep 27,2010 8:01am - donald_fagen  ""]
I do most of my singing in the mirror, (shirt off) while i take myspace pics, photoshop them and transfer them to facebook. Never been in a band but I been a vocalist for a few years. Solo mall core album, I do some Linkin Park shit with mega inhales n shit. You guys like Cannibal Corpse?
[Jan 10,2011 10:19pm - P.J. ""]
is hartford CT too far for u im a bassist in a band and we need a singer you cantact me at 860 202 6610 my name is PJ

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