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Student dies tangled in bowflex

[Sep 23,2010 3:09pm - zyklon ""]
[Sep 23,2010 3:10pm - hauptpflucker ""]
[Sep 23,2010 3:13pm - Lamp nli  ""]
That's awesome. What a retard.
[Sep 23,2010 3:13pm - DreadKill ""]
he should've used the chuck norris total gym
[Sep 23,2010 3:14pm - zyklon ""]
Was he trying to pull a David Carradine stunt?
[Sep 23,2010 3:15pm - porphyria  ""]
I don't think I could figure out a way to die on this thing if I tried...

[Sep 23,2010 3:17pm - Yeti ""]
Final Destination 3 did it.
[Sep 23,2010 3:18pm - Yeti ""]
[Sep 23,2010 3:19pm - DreadKill ""]
99 ways to die
[Sep 23,2010 3:23pm - slar you morbid?  ""]
[Sep 23,2010 3:25pm - zyklon ""]
Goofy looking motherfucker
[Sep 23,2010 4:07pm - Spaldino  ""]

slar%20you%20morbid? said:[img]

[Sep 23,2010 4:12pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
what did he get his chin caught in the machine?
[Sep 23,2010 4:20pm - Your father  ""]
Jesus fucking Christ, Justin! I buy you this fucking bowflex so you quit lifting free weights with those spics in your school's parking lot and you can't even work the fucking thing without mangling yourself? I should have made your mother get an abortion when she told me I'd knocked her up.
[Sep 23,2010 4:25pm - sigh  ""]
Article headline:
"Student Athlete Dies Tangled In Exercise Machine"

Police investigation:
"Investigators do not believe the exercise equipment was responsible for the teen's death."

:wiggam: That's some fine police work there Lou.
[Sep 23,2010 4:27pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

sigh said:Article headline:
"Student Athlete Dies Tangled In Exercise Machine"

Police investigation:
"Investigators do not believe the exercise equipment was responsible for the teen's death."

:wiggam: That's some fine police work there Lou.

bake em away toys...
[Sep 23,2010 4:40pm - the_reverend ""]

porphyria said:I don't think I could figure out a way to die on this thing if I tried...


I don't think I could figure out how not to die by that thing... that's why you are suppose to use them as a coat/cloths rack like everyone else.
[Sep 23,2010 4:41pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
Darwin Award nominee?
[Sep 23,2010 5:33pm - mattvc ""]
inb4 "Broflex"
[Sep 23,2010 6:03pm - ShadowSD ""]
Since the dawn of time, man has sought to kill himself in new and unnecessary ways.
[Sep 23,2010 7:21pm - mattkings ""]
why you did deece
[Sep 23,2010 7:37pm - Pires ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
sigh said:Article headline:
"Student Athlete Dies Tangled In Exercise Machine"

Police investigation:
"Investigators do not believe the exercise equipment was responsible for the teen's death."

:wiggam: That's some fine police work there Lou.

bake em away toys...

what'd you say chief?
[Sep 23,2010 8:13pm - Snli  ""]
No Benoit jokes yet, I am surprised.
[Sep 23,2010 9:03pm - reimroc ""]

Spaldino said:
slar%20you%20morbid? said:[img]


lol seriously

this article is one of the funniest things i've read in a while
[Sep 23,2010 9:07pm - demondave ""]


[Sep 23,2010 11:44pm - SteveSummoned ""]

Yeti said:Chris Beniot did it.

[Sep 24,2010 2:01am - goatcatabisk  ""]
I hope his family took it extra hard.
[Sep 24,2010 2:55am - Archaeon ""]
What type of athlete uses a bowflex to workout? pussy.
[Sep 24,2010 12:50pm - matt_sways_in_the_wind_nli  ""]
i wonder if he played bass in a rock band.
[Sep 25,2010 4:14pm - Alexecutioner ""]

demondave said:


[Sep 26,2010 7:40am - demondave ""]

Alexecutioner said:
demondave said:


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