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some music i've been working on...

[Sep 21,2010 3:29pm - sever ""]


as always, any suggestions or comments are more than welcome.
[Sep 21,2010 3:35pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this is enjoyable. love this kind of spacey type stuff.
[Sep 21,2010 5:45pm - arktouros ""]
yep glad i pressed play
[Sep 21,2010 5:49pm - Spaldino  ""]
its very good. yes, it is.
[Sep 21,2010 5:52pm - ValkyrieScreams ""]
[Sep 21,2010 6:21pm - arilliusbm ""]
Great stuff man! What are your plans with this?
[Sep 21,2010 7:00pm - burnsy ""]
Mike Burns likes this.
[Sep 21,2010 7:04pm - Slag NLI  ""]
Do you have the raw wave files or stems for this? I'd really like the opportunity to mix this.
[Sep 21,2010 7:05pm - Slag NLI  ""]
or remix this, I should say.
[Sep 21,2010 8:44pm - sever ""]
I'm not sure but if not I can easily get them.
[Sep 21,2010 8:47pm - arilliusbm ""]
listened to it again man. like the style, like everything about it. nice melodies and composition
[Sep 21,2010 8:48pm - sever ""]

arilliusbm said:Great stuff man! What are your plans with this?

I've been wanting to turn this stuff into a legitimate band for a while. I had plans to start jamming some of this stuff out with an ex drummer of kayo dot and one of his buddies but it never really progressed past plans. As far as I know the interest is still there so hopefully it can take off one day...
[Sep 21,2010 11:05pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
[Sep 21,2010 11:33pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Digging it, I feel like it's definitely asking to be longer and developed more. Keep it going man.
[Sep 22,2010 12:35am - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
Very good shit, I love it. How did you go about recording this stuff?
[Sep 22,2010 1:59am - Fuck Logging In  ""]
Do you have an album of this? i would totally download a bootleg copy from mediafire. Its that good.
[Sep 22,2010 2:09am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
fucking excellent. Hawkwindy at times with modern influence. MOAR PLEEZE
[Sep 22,2010 5:16am - sever ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:Very good shit, I love it. How did you go about recording this stuff?

Line 6 Gearbox, Superior Drummer 2 and Reaper

Fuck%20Logging%20In said:Do you have an album of this? i would totally download a bootleg copy from mediafire. Its that good.

I have a collection of similar material I've been experimenting with for the last year or so but no sort of official album or anything of the like.
[Sep 22,2010 9:44am - largefreakatzero ""]
Very good indeed. I wish I had the patience to play some stuff like this here and there, but I guess I'm just too angry :(

Great stuff, make a band you should.
[Sep 22,2010 9:50am - arilliusbm ""]
You had good tones with the gearbox. Still love that thing
[Sep 22,2010 9:59am - sever ""]
ATTN: Slag


shoot me a emizzle yo and we can discuss how to go about getting the files to you. I would love the opportunity to learn how to better mix this stuff.
[Sep 22,2010 12:37pm - canteen boy  ""]
puke, this sucks
[Sep 22,2010 1:51pm - C.DeAd  ""]
This is very good. Sounds like something Hydra Head would release. Pelican-ish.
[Sep 22,2010 1:54pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

canteen%20boy said:smile :D, this rules
[Sep 22,2010 3:00pm - Slag NLI  ""]

sever said:ATTN: Slag


shoot me a emizzle yo and we can discuss how to go about getting the files to you. I would love the opportunity to learn how to better mix this stuff.

done and done.
[Sep 23,2010 2:33am - dertoxia ""]
I feel like this is an amazing intro to an even more amazing song and I really want to hear what comes next.

Of course i'm not knocking it or anything by saying 'it sounds like an intro' but it's just a lot of buildup....and then it stops. And i just want it to keep going.
[Sep 23,2010 12:03pm - Johno  ""]
I dig it, nice job!

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