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Iraqi Abuse Pictures?

[May 6,2004 10:03am - the_reverend ""]

that's the only link I've found so far...
I've been busy and ain't seen these photo's that everyone is talking about.
[May 6,2004 10:47am - RustedAngel ""]
so what? we beat them up a bit, are we suppose to treat them like royalty? who knows how many people they have killed over something so gay.

they'd probably cut off our heads if we were taken prisoner, or in some other barbaric manner..
[May 6,2004 11:01am - MyDeadDoll ""]
well, it's war. what do you expect? war is brutal and unrelenting. you expect us to treat them with respect after the shit that's gone down?
[May 6,2004 11:37am - the_reverend ""]
I want the pictures dickhole
[May 6,2004 12:08pm - cdan ""]

get em while theyre hot. this site updates frequently, so they may not be up long.
[May 6,2004 12:29pm - morkul ""]
They got what they deserved, humiliation, degradation, maybe they will learn not to treat women like that anymore. These people, what is the big deal about all of this, fuck um. This is war and this shit happens, Liberals, Conservative's all should SHUT THE FUCK UP about it and move on. Has anyone seen the 9/11 photos of the people jumping for their lives?
[May 6,2004 2:01pm - Abbath ""]
RustedAngel said:so what? we beat them up a bit, are we suppose to treat them like royalty? who knows how many people they have killed over something so gay.

they'd probably cut off our heads if we were taken prisoner, or in some other barbaric manner..

i was telling my mom this same exact thing last night, more horrible things have happened in other wars that makes this seem like a treat
[May 6,2004 2:07pm - George ""]
i give this thread two thumbs down
[May 6,2004 2:30pm - succubus ""]
-- President Bush says he is sorry for the humiliation suffered by Iraqi prisoners at the hands of U.S. troops. Watch CNN or log on to http://CNN.com for the latest news.
[May 6,2004 2:30pm - cdan ""]
i just think their methods are kinda weak, piling them up naked and whatnot. i mean, if youre gonna torture POWs why not do it right and deepfry their ballbags or something. no?
[May 6,2004 2:32pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I think it was hilarious and those soldiers should be promoted
[May 6,2004 3:25pm - baneofexistence ""]
i say pull our troops and then give the world a first hand demonstration on what wepons of mass destruction can do by leveling iraq and afganastan

[May 6,2004 4:27pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[May 7,2004 4:38pm - the_reverend ""]

thank you rotten for some pictures
[May 8,2004 4:35pm - intricateprocess ""]
im humiliated that bush is our president

and you know those iraqi assholes are doing the same shit to our troops. fuck it torture them.
my friend was over there last year. he said the civilians would wave when they walked by, and once they past would start throwing rocks at the troops.
nuke em, before they attack us again
and for everyone that keeps saying peace,
peace,in this day and age, can only be achieved through war

so get back in your subaru outback, eat a granola bar, and climb a mountain
[May 8,2004 6:08pm - retzam ""]
Peace cannot be achieved, and it is because of people who think like you. "nuke em, before they attack us again"

They think the same thing. All of these nations have nukes to protect themselves from other nations with nukes. Every country with nuclear capabilities has a loaded gun pointed at the others. Eventually, someone will drop one and it will trigger a chain reaction that will wipe humans off this planet. I truely believe this is how humans will become extinct, and I also think that this will happen within the next 50 years. After the nuclear fallout is over, the few organisms alive will embrace the extinction of humans and flourish, and maybe the next time a superior species evolves, they won't develop a sense of revenge. We failed a test, no matter what your state of mind. If you are a religious person, then "We failed God's test." If you are not religious, then "We failed Earth's test." Humans as a species are unworthy of this planet.
[May 9,2004 1:19am - Abbath ""]
kill them all, let whatever god you believe in figure it out
[May 9,2004 11:34am - intricateprocess ""]
retzam said:

They think the same thing. All of these nations have nukes to protect . I truely believe this is how humans will become extinct, and I also think that this will happen within the next 50 years.

i contradict myself when it comes to war

and i totally agree with you, we have under 50 years. the human race will become extinct,and the earth will be destroyed beyond use, and will just be a useless planet like mars....
[May 10,2004 9:06pm - retzam ""]
Finally someone who agrees with me.
[May 10,2004 9:35pm - krystal  ""]
just flatten it, we can start over..
[May 10,2004 9:37pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I would hate for peace to be achieved, but the human race won't go extinct and I am voting for Bush.
[May 10,2004 9:39pm - powerkok ""]
ya, nice sci-fi plot. however there is very little truth in that cute lil ramble. fact is, our nukes have the ability to blow up their nukes b4 they are even past the cloud ceiling. we have sattelites that are armed with anti-nuclear warheads ready to pwn with extreme fucking carnage. their own nukes will fall onto their homeland and infect everyone in a 50 mile radius with yummy radiation. and, if that defense fails, and lets stretch here, and say it does, and their missles actually hit...ok so nyc, la, maybe dc are leveled..add in 50-100 mile radius' theres still a WHOLE FUCKIN SHITLOAD of americans left breathing. You may not be one of them, but the human race cant be wiped out unless this earth cracks in 2 and flies off into the black fuckin hole. why, u ask? cuz even if there are 2 people left, and the world smells like dead fleash and theres no hope....people still love to fuck.
[May 10,2004 9:48pm - JellyFish ""]
i agree totally with retzam. Were doomed, and its becuase were shmuks(however spelled)
[May 10,2004 10:11pm - krystal  ""]
haha yah we do
[May 12,2004 1:21am - anonymous  ""]
You people make me sick. I mean it.
[May 12,2004 1:32am - Terence ""]
Ever seen Fist of the Northstar? Thats whats gonna happen. I get to be The Fist though. :p
[May 12,2004 4:23pm - retzam ""]
Powerkok, did you even read the whole post?? Have you ever heard of a thing called allies?? If we nuke one nation, a shitload of other nations will nuke us. Not to mention nearly every nation in this world hates Americans and are having wet dreams about brutally murdering each of us one by one. They are just waiting for an excuse to destroy us (some like Osama don't wait for one individual excuse, they just decide to attack). Listen to Agalloch? The lyrics in the songs don't mean this (to my knowledge anyway), but the titles of the song "A Celebration For The Death Of Man" and the song "...And The Great Cold Death Of The Earth" really sum everything up for me. Put those together and that is basically my mindset on how things will go down. Think about it. Why must you discount nuclear devestation as sci-fi?? It is all too real.
[May 19,2004 7:00pm - anonymous  ""]
i say the chinese should step in and nuke US, UK, parts of europe and especially anyone who has posted on this board.
[May 19,2004 7:27pm - josiah_the_black ""]
post with a name and say that
[May 19,2004 9:33pm - Abbath ""]
tell em steve-dave
[May 20,2004 2:29am - BornSoVile ""]
anonymous said:i say the chinese should step in and nuke US, UK, parts of europe and especially anyone who has posted on this board.

are you John Tiltor?
[May 20,2004 4:35pm - neoclassical ""]
The USA and Israel are the source of all misery in the world. Support Anti-Semitism

[May 20,2004 4:58pm - JellyFish ""]
[May 20,2004 5:02pm - intricateprocess ""]
BornSoVile said:are you John Tiltor?

[May 20,2004 10:28pm - thornnvine ""]

didn't read this thread long enough to see if this link was already posted

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